back to article Beware the ghost of operating systems past: In which our hero is visited by an old friend

With the Twelfth Night approaching, we finish our 12 Borks of Christmas* (12BoC) series by waxing a little Dickensian as the ghost of operating systems past pays a visit. Spotted by Register reader Don Harwood at the platform of Radley (near the UK city of Oxford) a while ago, the Help Point seems to be in need of help. Our …

  1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    Sure, it wasn't the most stable of systems, it was pretty much like Windows 10 although it booted up about ten times faster. I wonder if they will try to fix the problem by plugging in 1 gigabyte of RAM?

    1. Anonymous Coward
    2. shade82000

      It may boot 10 times faster on modern hardware, but the hardware back in 2001 was about 30 times slower so it's all relative.

  2. chivo243 Silver badge

    First stop

    Back when I deployed PCs with XP, the page file was the second thing I adjusted... right after adjust for best performance and use classic mode.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: First stop

      Pick a size, any size, but for the love of defrag, don't pick a range of pagefile sizes.

      Never understood how MS thought a process that pretty much guaranteed a severely fragmented pagefile (not to mention the boot disk in 90% of installs) was a good idea.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    User Name: Administrator


    1. Captain Scarlet

      Re: User Name: Administrator

      Its just lazy

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: User Name: Administrator

        Or incredibly clever.

        Someone I used to work with used to make sure the user called Administrator had the most restrictive access on the computer. The real admin account was called something completely different.

        1. chivo243 Silver badge

          Re: User Name: Administrator


          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: User Name: Administrator

            If I remember correctly, I think he used to call it "guest". Because everyone knows the guest account is useless.

        2. Stoneshop

          Re: User Name: Administrator

          The real admin account was called something completely different.

          Nqzvavfgengbe ?

        3. Captain Scarlet
          Paris Hilton

          Re: User Name: Administrator

          Ah yes silly of me to jump to conclusions, thats actually a very good idea.

  4. Steve Foster

    Ah, BG Info

    I still have that on some of my servers...

    1. Sandtitz Silver badge

      Re: Ah, BG Info

      Judging from the BGInfo image this XP has been trucking for over 2 years without a reboot...

      Is it XP and one of its components, or is it the Help Point software(?) that has been (slowly) leaking all the memory?

  5. Gene Cash Silver badge

    Thanks, El Reg

    Thanks for this series... it did bring much-needed smiles this Christmas. Cheers!

  6. earl grey

    And a happy new year to all

    I'm sure there will be no more borks in 2021.

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