back to article Google adopts ‘value-neutral’ language to make selfies less about ‘beauty’

Google has revealed it has adopted “value-neutral” language in the interests of improving both selfies and mental health. File this one under “unintended but all-too-predictable consequences of technology,” because Google’s doing this after discovering that so-called “beauty filters” offered in smartphone operating systems and …

  1. jake Silver badge

    Suggested ad copy:

    Try go ogle's new SelfieSystem! Now with 15% less built-in narcissism!

  2. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Oh, they're really concerned

    More of Google rearranging the deckchairs while society sinks.

    1. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

      Re: Oh, they're really concerned

      Heaven forbid they do anything that might negatively affect revenue.

      Just change the labels for the snowflakes flothers.

  3. Alister

    After conducting multiple studies across four countries and speaking with child and mental health experts from around the world, we learned that the potential for harm is real

    ...So we decided not to do anything useful like remove the filters, but just piss about changing the language.

    1. Robert Grant

      That sounds too much like journalism.

    2. Teiwaz

      It's what they do

      When it's discovered a large proportion of the public have adopted an unhealthy lifestyle or relationship with a product which continues to be profitable.

      Much the same was done about the increase in the grossly overweight, the labels were changed so those affected could feel better about their problem and continue to spend.

    3. DS999 Silver badge

      Google can't remove the filters

      People are using the filters in apps like Snapchat, they aren't built into Google's default camera app, all Google can do is change the rules for app approval.

  4. Psmo

    Kids are... horrible.

    Shocked I tell you.

    I speak as a parent who's had to reassure his offspring when him having (not even wearing) his mask was a recent cause for playground teasing.

  5. heyrick Silver badge


    I swear, not a one of them would have survived the average school playground of the eighties.

    [it pretty much makes one bomb proof against the stupidity of others; go on, insult me if you disagree, I can assure you I've heard worse...]

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Snowflakes?

      Now imagine that you were stuck in that playground 24/7. With the pervasiveness of social media, that's pretty much the experience of kids today.

      1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

        Re: Snowflakes?

        So junk the social media. You won't miss it. It's clearly full of objectionable twats. Put the phone down and get a life.

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: Snowflakes?

          @Ken Hagan

          "So junk the social media. You won't miss it. It's clearly full of objectionable twats. Put the phone down and get a life."

          This seems to be a lesson missing from people today. Kids are mean as a general rule, they push boundaries and try to work out how to be top dog and what they can get away with socially. It is now easier to take pictures and share them with the world, but kids are still kids.

          Interestingly there is a similar issue with adults and young adults who also have more of a mean streak when writing over the internet. So maybe its not just a kids issue but a maturity one in general. But a kids resilience to bullying (or people in general) is still being developed.

      2. Robert Grant

        Re: Snowflakes?

        Now imagine that you were stuck in that playground 24/7. With the pervasiveness of social media, that's pretty much the experience of kids today.

        They can not participate, unlike real playgrounds. They can stop anyone talking to them whenever you like, unlike real playgrounds. They can't be physically hurt, unlike real playgrounds.

        There are problems with social media, of course. Characterising them as strictly worse than what people used to have is not helpful.

  6. IGotOut Silver badge

    It's even worse..

    ...when you see middle aged women (and men) using these.

    They end up looking like deformed 13 yr old kids.

    1. Andy the ex-Brit

      Re: It's even worse..

      When I got my new phone I didn't notice I had moved the slider over and thought something looked odd about a couple of selfies I took. It took me a while to figure out that the little wrinkles around my eyes and mouth were gone. I'm a young looking 49, but looked 25 in the photos.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's even worse..

      "They end up looking like deformed 13 yr old kids."

      They are deformed 13 yr old kids.

  7. Matthew Taylor

    Their neutral words won't remain neutral for long. Words' meanings evolve and settle through use, and by how they describe reality - not through diktat.

  8. druck Silver badge

    New Filter Names

    How about; "zit remover", "don't look like I've stayed up all night playing games", and "a bit less like the back end of a bus".

    1. Psmo

      Re: New Filter Names

      Some of us dream of looking like the back end of a bus.

      Some people, grumble...

      1. Intractable Potsherd

        Re: New Filter Names

        I'm quite proud to look like the south end of a north-going warthog!*

        * I read that description and adopted it a long time ago, but can't remember where so I can't give credit where it is due.

  9. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    I find "value neutral" an odd term. Perhaps "valueless" would be better and well on the way to "worthless"/

  10. MOH

    I found a lot of this recent nonsense was perfectly illustrated as such by Kanye West's recent twitter rant about his issues with record companies. Here you had a black man on a very angry tirade in which he frequently referred to his "masters," but there was zero confusion and everyone knew he was talking about the master recordings the companies held. Nobody felt the need to clarify that this was in no way related to slavery. Yet half the tech world is falling over itself to whitewash perfectly good tech terms on the off chance somebody to stupid to understand the concept of context might choose to take offence. Sounds about right for 2020.

  11. lowwall

    Wait what?

    More than 70 percent of photos taken on Androids use the front-facing camera.

    Can this possibly be true? The level of societal narcissism this implies is... Oh, right. Carry on.

    1. Dinanziame Silver badge

      Re: Wait what?

      We used to wonder how powerful empires can fall into decadence. Now we know.

      1. Alister

        Re: Wait what?

        It's a good job the Romans didn't have social media then...

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: Wait what?

          But the Romans did have social media. It wasn't digital, though, it was analog. One variation were called "praecones", and were somewhat similar to latter-day town criers. They also had sailors going from port to port, traveling sales folks, and farmers bringing their wares to market. To say nothing of gossip at the watering hole, the public baths, and etc.

          1. Trigonoceps occipitalis

            Re: Wait what?

            So the Romans are responsible for social media. I can't think of anything else they've done for us?

            1. jake Silver badge

              Re: Wait what?

              "So the Romans are responsible for social media."

              Nah. They stole it from the Greeks. Like pretty much everything else most people give them credit for. And of course the Greeks were building on the work of others, ad infinitum.

      2. General Purpose

        Re: Wait what?

        Oddly enough, there were Romans complaing about decadence long before they had a great empire. For them, merely conquering part of Sicily had thoroughly corrupted Rome and robbed it of its virtue, its manliness. Centuries later, the empire was far more immense, thriving, adapting and still being slated as decadent.

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge
      Big Brother

      Re: Wait what?

      I do like the way how Google is constantly uploading this data about you and how you use your device.

      1. Alumoi Silver badge

        Re: Wait what?


        Don't worry, it's anonymous. Just a random ID (tied to the Google account on the phone and every freaking site that has some connection to Google) which, pinky swear, contains no identifiable personal information.

        Third parties can see and use said ID and won't be able to track it back to you. Google, on the other hand....

        But that's Google, they are the good guys. They keep the internet flowing. They know what you want to search/read/see/listen to, even before you know it.


  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Pot, Kettle

    I have just read, with a bit of mirth, all the opinionated, dyspeptic diatribes against social media, in a comment stream that IS social media.

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