back to article Apple joins campaign for real breasts

In a marvellous display of double standards, Apple has approved "Wobble" for sale in the iTunes store, allowing users to animate photographs of real breasts, while still rejecting the cartoon breasts of "iBoobs" as objectionable content. To be fair, Wobble doesn't provide photographs of suitable Bulgarian airbags to bounce, …


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  1. Jamie Kitson

    Famous Misreadings

    Titties in this category may also contain frequent and intense offensive language.

    Guess I know where my mind is on a Friday afternoon.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Based on the schizophrenia Apple apparently displays with approvals and rejections, could the department doing approvals have been outsourced someplace?

  3. Lionel Baden
    Jobs Horns

    ah god another

    reason to really hate apple !!!

  4. E


    ...flag this as NSFW?

  5. Peter Simpson
    Paris Hilton

    The power of technology!

    Bringing virtual experiences to those who will never have them in real life...

    //Paris, of course, because she has had *lots* of experiences

  6. Cameron Colley

    As already said...

    Yet another reason to stay away from the kingdom of the rotten fruit.

    Mine's the one with the reader full of Project Gutenberg novels in the pocket.

  7. Anonymous John

    You can get knitted ones you know.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    Hey! Wait a minute...

    I thought they said Mac users get the Real Thing!

  9. raving angry loony


    The difference being that iBoobs provides its own mammaries, whereas the other applications make you provide your own. So Apple can't be held responsible for distributing porn, only with providing tools that were obviously meant to let kids play with jello, and not what some pervs ended up doing with it.

  10. Glenn Alexander

    Is is just me?

    Or did that second vid just start getting tedious by about 1/3 in?

    I love female bodies - and they can do a lot more than jiggle bits unrealistically. Even better when a brain is attached (and switched on*)!

    *To be fair, if all women had brains attached and switched on, there would be a huge shortage of men with the same. Hmmm. I can dream can't I?

  11. Jeremy

    That second youtube.

    The Triple-breasted Whore of Eroticon Six?!

  12. J


    Yeah, you know... You grap the iPhone and shake it, and the pictures changes accordingly. Until it, er, you know... vibrates with glee, let's put it that way.

    Money waiting to be made. If Apple will only allow.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    For the teenager

    who uses the term funbags but has never had actually any fun with them - presumably.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @E - 'Maybe'

    >...flag this as NSFW?

    If this is NSFW for you, you need to change your W.

  15. Andy Bright

    You do realise don't you..

    That you just placed yourself front and center in the firing line of frothing-at-the-mouth fanboyz for daring to criticize their beloved Apple?

    Go ahead, pour some more petrol on the fire while you're about it... ahh.. okay, I see that you did..

    "Apple is, of course, under no obligation to list or reject any application, nor explain its reasoning - but censoring books and filtering applications without explanation or any apparent consistency does leave a nasty taste in the mouth."

    Brilliant. I applaud you sir and your asbestos suit.

  16. Alan Esworthy

    "heart" warming?

    Rather than with puppies and kitties, I'd rather go for heart-warming cuteness in opossies and hyenies.

    ...but not kiddies, no no no not at all.

    /mines the one with the pepperoni in the pocket

  17. b


    sorry that's all i could think of! ;)

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Re: Maybe flag this as nsfw

    You share the IQ of a dog turd if you can't establish it's NSFW from the title....

    Paris, cos.. even she'd get it. (No pun intended)

  19. Adam T
    Thumb Up


    This looks like a great masturbation aid.

    Every schoolkid should be given an iPhone; maybe it'll help stem the number of teenage pregnancies.

    And what's wrong with all you nay-sayers? Did you never get a whoopi cushion as a kid? Or look at porn? Typical geeks.

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