back to article VirtuaVerse: Cyberpunk point-and-click throwback with ace chiptune soundtrack put out by... a metal record label?

Greetings, traveller, and welcome back to The Register Plays Games, our monthly gaming column. 2020 (or is it 2077?) is the year of Cyberpunk on the Desktop, with CD Projekt Red due to release its hugely anticipated project in September. That's still some way away, so we are once again forgoing the enhanced capabilities of our …

  1. jelabarre59


    Ah yes, I love MASTER BOOT RECORD's music (yet another of those genres with an odd classification: "synthwave metal"). Grented, my favourite release of theirs is INTERNET PROTOCOL[1], but this one should be good too.

    The artwork in the game looks like what you'd see in a lot of vaporwave music videos.

    [1] with track titles like this:








    1. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Re: MBR

      I know the genre as "djentstep". In a similar vein, here's The Algorithm. I saw them live once and their set broke the venue's electrical system.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    I'm old

    This makes me feel even older than the last article

  3. AdamWill


    "To some of you, however, all this probably sounds delightfully familiar and you're rubbing your hands in glee at the thought of donning your nostalgia goggles once more."


    1. Blackjack Silver badge

      Re: here!


      But is this or finally playing one of those 90s point and click games I haven't finished yet for some reason, so not buying this game for a while.

  4. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Thinking of ITs Future Phorm ....... Virtual Pathology

    You can enter a room, exhaust dialogue options, mess with everything in there, leave, and be none the wiser.

    Leave and Enter Wiser Inhabited Rooms Solves that with the Introduction of SMARTR Players following AI Leading VirtuaVerse Media Pictures with Myriad Options for Onward Progression with the Release of Future Source into Present Conditions.

    Such a a very nice and highly generative closed circuit loop for Able Sources and Enabled Forces.

    Then the fun begins ....... when the games renderings be provocatively pictured live simulations with choice options to record and populate .... for Further and Deeper Captivating AI Markets to Capture and Enjoy/Embrace and Employ.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Thinking of ITs Future Phorm ....... Virtual Pathology

      And the problem intelligence deficit highlighted there ..... You can enter a room, exhaust dialogue options, mess with everything in there, leave, and be none the wiser. .... and the novel solution offered for it to assist in a video game's progress ..... is surely pretty much identical to that which greets Parliamentary Cabinet Offices and other types of Politically Inept Private and Pirate Party Administrations everywhere every day with a very limited and limiting source of actions to try deal with all manner of attractive and destructive 0day instructions.

      Would you like to disagree and defend the bleeding obvious, pathetic and ridiculous and so prove the reality both physically and virtually true?

      Don't forget to remember ..... Words Create, Command and Control, and Destroy Worlds .... so beware of Twittering Idiots allowed to wield such as is a Naked Raw Power on a Global Stage.

    2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Re: Thinking of ITs Future Phorm ....... Virtual Pathology

      You can enter a room, exhaust dialogue options, mess with everything in there, leave, and be none the wiser.

      amanfromMars in a nutshell

  5. heyrick Silver badge

    In fact, I found it straight-up annoying to read

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the excessive purple prose annoying.

    1. Chronos

      Re: In fact, I found it straight-up annoying to read

      The quote is from the part following Case' neural regen treatment as the author points out. Gibson's Sprawl trilogy takes a while to absorb and that quote sets the scene for the later Peter and the holo-Molly lightshow on Freeside that so enrages Molly and catalyses the encounter with the Turing Police as Case tries to locate her. Gibson's "purple prose" paints a picture in the mind's eye, not that there's anything wrong with disliking it. It's a Marmite thing.

  6. Danny 2


    No comment, just don't know any punks who could code. And both terms are wee bit 1970s.

  7. JonSaul

    Liked Neuromancer

    I guess I'm in the minority for liking Neuromancer's writing style. I can live with that. De gustibus and all that...

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