back to article India says 'Zoom is a not a safe platform' and bans government users

India has effectively banned videoconferencing service Zoom for government users and repeated warnings that consumers need to be careful when using the tool. The nation's Cyber Coordination Centre has issued advice (PDF) titled "Advisory on Secure use of Zoom meeting platform by private individuals (not for use by government …

  1. ukgnome

    I hear a lot about how Zoom isn't safe and wonder what other governments use this service?

    How long before a serious breach?

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      It's reasonable to assume that more than one has already happened.

    2. A random security guy

      Zoom is the breach. Sometime Keys were served out of China, 80% of their workers are in China, their end-to-end encryption is a lie, they run analytics (and probably transcription), and they have very close relationships with hacking schools in China.

    3. steviebuk Silver badge

      The Queen uses it so it's *100% safe.

      *It's not. But upper management like stuff that's easy and tend not to listen. Until there is a breach, and will then point a finger at you and make you take the fall.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    >I hear a lot about how Zoom isn't safe and wonder what other governments use this service?

    The British government for cabinet meetings and for the virtual Parliament sessions once it restarts. Parliament is broadcast anyway, but the cabinet meeting(s) are potentially a breach of the Official Secrets Act.

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Apparently it's only a breach if someone attending leaks some details that the PM or his chief warlock doesn't like. But it's fine if third parties have access to the video stream, I mean, what has the Cabinet to hide? Cue Ali Bongo jokes… ;-)

      1. Anonymous Coward


        Apparently it's only a breach if someone attending leaks some details that the PM or his chief warlock doesn't like. But it's fine if third parties have access to the video stream, I mean, what has the Cabinet to hide? Cue Ali Bongo jokes… ;-)

        Or Yes Minister jokes - "That's one of those irregular verbs, isn't it? I give confidential security briefings. You leak. He has been charged under section 2a of the Official Secrets Act."

        1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

          Re: Leaks

          Ah, Yes Minister.

          Should-be-mandatory-viewing for all students of politics. It says volumes in a very short span of time.

          1. Kane
            Thumb Up

            Re: Leaks

            "Should-be-mandatory-viewing for all students of politics everyone. It says volumes in a very short span of time."

            There, fixed that for you!

    2. mmonroe

      I wouldn't be surprised if Bozo Johnsons next zoom meeting gets zoombombed.

      I guess his IT lessons from a pole dancer are showing their true worth.

  3. MachDiamond Silver badge

    Total Wittle

    Any company that puts out a statement with a contrived word like "re-architect" deserves all the scorn that can be piled on.

    1. Danny 14

      Re: Total Wittle

      Perfectly cromulent word.

  4. simonb_london


    Open source and you can run your own server. Would that help? Just a thought would be interested to hear other opinions on this.

  5. aqk

    To paraphrase Dr. Johnson...

    To paraphrase Dr. Johnson- "No, Madam. With Zoom, YOU leak. I Skype."

  6. JCitizen

    Well.. It's safer than COVID-19

    That is the reason most people use it - I doubt the gubbamint has enough smarts to set up a "secure" service like that.

    1. hoola Silver badge

      Re: Well.. It's safer than COVID-19

      And many of the competing platforms are built on the same engine. There were also specific scenarios that enabled data to be accessed. I believe that it required access to Zoom servers to be able to do anything and then the organiser of the meeting had to have recorded stuff on the Zoom servers.

      Zoom may not be perfect but it works a hell of a lot better than many other platforms with a consistent experience across different operating systems. As for setting your own up using the likes of Jitsi, there are so many pitfalls with that, not least that most of the people using Zoom will not have the foggiest idea where to start.

      It just happens to be the focus of attention because it has ramped up the user base so quickly.

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