back to article Geek gets Blackberry Storm tattoo

We love our tech here at Register Hardware, but we’d never get the vulture tattooed onto our forearms. However, one phone fanatic was so desperate to bag himself a free BlackBerry Storm that he had the handset etched onto his body. Storm_tattoo_03 The man won a free Storm for his efforts A man dubbed 'T.J', from Ohio, …


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  1. jake Silver badge


    'nuff said.

  2. Phil Gault

    A Complete...


  3. Amanda

    That's one expensive mobile...

    How much would a tattoo covering that much skin area cost?

    Better question: how much would a tattoo coving that much skin area cost to remove?

    (at least he did it all in black ink - I hear that's easier to remove)

  4. sheridan
    Thumb Down


    Imagine somebody today with a Motorola StarTAC tattoo. Fool.

  5. Rich

    @sheridan name.

    Secondly, at least with a StarTAC there's a chance of it having "retro charm", as perhaps a pacman would?....maybe. There is however NO chance of a blackberry Storm having any lasting charm.

    What a looser.

    I fancy a new Aston Martin.... off to the Tat studio.

  6. Chris Pinto


    TwatTatt anyone?

    i'll get my coat

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