back to article New measurement alerts! Badgers, great white sharks and the Lindisfarne Gospel

Our thanks today are due to Michelle O'Sullivan, late of this parish, who snapped a wonderful poster boasting to residents of the LINQ Hotel in Las Vegas of its recycling prowess. Image courtesy of Michelle O'Sullivan Guests are informed that" "Every year, The LINQ Hotel recycles the equivalent weight of 600 great white …

  1. Your alien overlord - fear me

    what about 128 calves (clv) = 1 Lindisfarme Gospel (LFG) ?

    1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

      what about 128 calves (clv) = 1 Lindisfarme Gospel (LFG) ?

      The problem I see with that is that 128 clv doesn't take into account weight added by ink, binding,

      128 CLV + AMB = 1 LFG

      (AMB = Added Monky Business)

      1. Dabooka

        I see what you did there!

        Very good, have 568ml of mead on me

        1. m0rt

          Re: I see what you did there!

          I think that we should, henceforth, know 568ml, or 1 pint, as the equivilent of 1 Reg unit.

          So we can say, with some certainty, 5 Reg units = 1 reg Friday Lunchtime, or a RFL for short.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "what about 128 calves (clv) = 1 Lindisfarme Gospel (LFG) ?"

      Not really a useful unit conversion. However if we could get the area of a calf or a Lindisfarne Gospel and then link that up with say the square yard, we get a really decent set of area conversions. For example the LFG to a nanowales will simply fall straight out.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "However if we could get the area of a calf or a Lindisfarne Gospel and then link that up with say the square yard, we get a really decent set of area conversions"

        Similar to an "acre" - the amount of land a yoke of oxen could plough in a day.

        1. Anonymous Custard

          Why do I foresee spherical calves in a vacuum coming up in the near future, to possibly displace or update the cows?

          1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

            Why do I foresee spherical calves in a vacuum coming up in the near future, to possibly displace or update the cows?

            Will the calves be laden or unladen? Jersey or Friesan?

            1. Mark 85

              Will the calves be laden or unladen? Jersey or Friesan?

              Age would also need to be taken into account as the older they get, the heavier they are. OTOH.... veal on the hoof!!!!

          2. Eddy Ito

            Oh, for a moment there I thought 64 people had lost the skin from back of their lower legs. Of course that would create confusion in the standardized units as we'd need to know how many calf skins made up a calf skin.

  2. Fraggle850

    Recycling forces

    > We can't even grok how absolutely revolutionary this is

    Not very, I suspect. Surely all forces are recycled? First law of thermodynamics, conservation of energy and all that

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Recycling forces

      But force isn't conserved.

      We need a force conservation movement

      1. Tom 7

        Re: Recycling forces

        We need a force conservation movement? Just a moment...

        1. cantankerous swineherd

          Re: Recycling forces

          first or second?

        2. Roger Kynaston

          Re: Recycling forces

          Given that the force was strong in Luke. Would a measure of force recycling be one skywalker?

          Has anyone seen a coat with a light sabre in it?

  3. Florida1920

    Those sharks

    With or without frickin lasers?

    1. Trainee grumpy old ****

      Re: Those sharks

      With or without frickin lasers?

      They are great whites - are they even allowed to exist without the frickin lasers?

      1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        Re: Those sharks

        Dunno about great whites, but apparently it works with lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) :

        Finally, a Shark With a Laser

  4. dl1

    You should stop using the jub unit. It's offensive.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      If we stopped something around here every time it got offensive, nothing would ever happen.

    2. Alister

      You should stop using the jub unit. It's offensive.

      Please explain your reasoning?

    3. Huw D


      Offensive to whom?

      1. Mark 85

        @Huw D

        Offensive to whom?

        Careful... a comment like that can unleash a blizzard of snowflakes and hordes of SJW''s upon us.

      2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        >Offensive to whom?

        In the case of the total jub that just became POTUS - just about everyone

  5. sitta_europea Silver badge

    Did any of that mean anything?

    1. Frederic Bloggs

      Er... you've not been here very long, have you?

    2. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge


      And that is the whole point

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        But it's advanced mathematics, so don't worry too much about it.

        1. Will Godfrey Silver badge


          It depends entirely on your viewpoint.... which is not necessarily the same as your point of view.

          1. Anonymous Custard

            Re: Maybe

            Or to quote the great Tom Lehrer (in reference to Gilbert and Sullivan, but who cares) -

            "It's full of words and symbols, and signifies.... nothing!"

            1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

              Re: Maybe

              Something for the weekend: Tom Lehrer - Full Copenhagen Performance

  6. Natalie Gritpants

    I really must remember that the next time I go to pick up a badger

    but maybe the priority should go to remembering to put on chainmail.

  7. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

    and it's not even Friday yet

    Thank you for this. Although I must now clean my monitor, desk, and a co-worker who walked by at just the wrong moment...

  8. Stevie


    A most timely update that is a model of clarity and brevity.

    So-called "scientists"! Take note!

  9. AndyS

    There's something fishy about that standards page.

    The definitive guide to the speed of a sheep in a vacuum concludes that:

    > The Vulture Central standard velocity for a sheep in a vacuum is, therefore, c/(50+0), or 5,995 km/sec

    However, the units converter pegs it at 2998 km/sec.

    Additionally, the volume of the known universe is missing entirely.

    Reg, has your standards bureau been infiltrated?

    1. Apprentice of Tokenism

      Re: There's something fishy about that standards page.

      > The Vulture Central standard velocity for a sheep in a vacuum is, therefore, c/(50+0), or 5,995 km/sec

      However, the units converter pegs it at 2998 km/sec.

      This is better known as an Alternative Fact.

      Mine is the one with the alternative universe in the pocket.

      1. MrT

        Re: There's something fishy about that standards page.

        'Mine is the one with the alternative universe in the pocket."

        Only one?

        1. Steve Aubrey

          Re: There's something fishy about that standards page.

          "Only one?"

          Ya - it's early. Nobody has made a decision yet. Multiverse is pending a decision.

    2. Stoneshop

      Re: There's something fishy about that standards page.

      > The Vulture Central standard velocity for a sheep in a vacuum is, therefore, c/(50+0), or 5,995 km/sec

      However, the units converter pegs it at 2998 km/sec.

      Yours appears to be broken:

      $ units

      Currency exchange rates from on 2014-04-02

      2891 units, 109 prefixes, 79 nonlinear units

      You have: c/50

      You want: km/s

      * 5995.8492

      / 0.00016678205

      You have: 5995.8492 km/s

      You want: sheepinvacuum

      * 1

      / 1

      You have:

  10. earl grey

    Carry on

    And have a few of these to help.

  11. Stoneshop

    Missing units

    As you're now upgrading the very helpful Reg Units Converter, I'd like to draw your attention to one physical quantity still sorely lacking: explosive force. We need to be able to properly convert SpaceX landing mishaps into an e-cigarette's Spontaneous Rapid Disassembly. To that end I propose the Mythbusters Cement Mixer, or MCM, (0.34 ton TNT) and the Pepcon (2700 ton TNT).

  12. Trainee grumpy old ****

    Trigger warnings?

    All very well and all hail the new Reg units, but what do you take us commentards for? We don't need no frikkin trigger warnings!

  13. Anonymous Coward

    I've been waiting patiently but...

    Nobody has posted the obligatory...

    So I had to.


  14. Toolman83

    Why are people bringing so many sharks to the hotel in the first place?

    that's the real question!

    1. Public Citizen

      Re: Why are people bringing so many sharks to the hotel in the first place?

      Great White Card Sharks?

    2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: Why are people bringing so many sharks to the hotel in the first place?

      Don't ask.

      What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  15. Mark Scorah

    bah robbed

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