back to article Snakes on the phone!

Yes, we're basing this whole story on a Tweet. So go and put your complaints about the demise of modern media in the comments. But before you do that, ask yourself what can be added to this Tweet. A field engineer took this, 125ft up on a tower. Now make this a movie title. So far we got "Snakes on an Array" …

  1. Neoc

    "Snakes on a back-plane"

  2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I hereby wish to register a complaint about the demise of modern media.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      One telecom engineer couldn't believe what he saw! First you'll be surprised then you'll be amazed... at the word count.

  3. Olivier2553

    Snakes on electric lines

    In Thailand, many electric poles are fitted with a cone shaped net to prevent snakes climbing up to the cables: hanging from one electric cable to the one below, they would create a short circuit that would disrupt the distribution of electricity.

    1. Alister

      Re: Snakes on electric lines

      ...create a short circuit that would disrupt the distribution of electricity.

      Not to mention disrupting the life of the snake.

      Must be annoying, having to scrape fried snake off your electricity feed.

      1. Rafael 1

        Re: Must be annoying

        On the other hand... fried snake!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Customer Service,

    I'm having trouble with hissing on the line.

  5. Oengus

    Hello Customer Service,

    I live right next to a cell tower and still can't get a good connection. Can you help?


  6. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

    Celltower basestation runs Python

  7. the spectacularly refined chap

    I'm just surprised they have field engineers at all. I did a few months as a general and then tech care representative and any fault reports seemed to result in diddly squat.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      >>any fault reports seemed to result in diddly squat.

      If you were tier 1, there's no reason that you should ever have to elevate to engineering, thats a decision for tier 2 if they can't sort the shit out.

      Engineering everywhere I've ever worked doesn't usually pay attention to cases until tier 2 (or ATS depending on who you work for and what they call it) starts complaining or puts in like 4 cases that are the same thing, like say if everyone on a particular tower loses their voicemail or can't receive calls and there's nothing preventing it from working in the billing system and nothing weird in the network's monitor, (i.e. the HLR and VLR will appear to look fine and match up with the SGSN information, the correct APN for the handset is provisioned [some providers have more than one, one for pre-LTE and another for LTE], etc etc, but there's obviously a problem because the damned thing won't work).

      In that case its engineering's problem. And they'd better fix it because I will keep putting cases in until there's a resolution and each one will be notated with just how many times I've submitted the same thing from the same tower. If they know you're paying attention, they tend to move faster.

  8. stucs201

    Snake on a phone?

    Yes, I had had that on my Nokia 3310.

    1. Jim Mitchell

      Re: Snake on a phone?

      Yeah, I thought this was going to be about the game, which my pre-smart-phone-era phone had. I feel misled.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Snakes on a High Gain"

    Not technically accurate, but I'd like a little leeway for poetic license.

    Maybe a line in the next GI Joe movie? "Sir--COBRA is taking over all communications!!"

    Or maybe a lawyer joke? "Legal Department teambuilding retreat--2016"

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    T-Mobile's new capacity management approach

    It's T-Mobile's new capacity management approach: at first, users were rate-limited, then they were usage-capped, now they are boa constricted.

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