back to article Don't laugh: Ofcom's a model for post-Brexit Europe

With a stunned Europe absorbing the departure of the second biggest member of the EU, our much-criticised Ofcom could provide a guiding light for new ways of co-operating. Ofcom receives plenty of stick here at The Register: most recently for its handling of OpenReach and its insistence on a four-network mobile market, which …

  1. Mage Silver badge


    The only WORSE regulator is Comreg.

    Totally in thrall to big corporates like Mobile, BT and Sky.

    Only interested in raising money for Treasury.

    Useless at managing spectrum and protecting it.

    Stealth campaign to kill FM Radio (why? Because DAB benefits big national operators, the spectrum is no use for anything else)

    Stealth campaign to kill DTT / Terrestrial TV because mobile licences are "worth" more.

    What mandate have they for ANY of their policies and failure to ban interference producing devices.

    Are they going to PROPERLY test CE mark devices now?

  2. pewpie

    If you mean post-brexit europe is fucked - then yes.

    1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      Re: pewpie

      "If you mean post-Brexit Europe is fucked - then yes." I'd say that, without massive and complex (and politically nigh-on-impossible manoeuvring), the EU is destined for failure. But there is still a considerable love on the Continent for the socialist dream of a "United Europe", so the mess will stagger on, maybe even for decades yet. Unfortunately, it is that love of the socialist dream that will hinder the very changes that need to be made - an Union built on anything other than a base of cold, economic calculation (as the old Common Market was) will fall apart. Dreams need good foundations built on realism to prosper.

      1. Lotaresco

        Re: pewpie

        A united Europe wasn't "a socialist dream" and the governments of Europe are diverse although tending in the main towards moderate (Democrat). The first politician to call for "A United States of Europe" was that well known socialist Winston Churchill. The other politicians who came to support Churchill were Adenauer (Democrat), Bech (Party of the Right), Beyen (Independent), De Gasperi (Democrat), Hallstein (Democrat), Mansholt (Labour), Monnet (Independent), Schuman (Republican), Spaak (Socialist), Spinelli (Left).

        So that's three "Socialists" and eight centre to right wing politicians. The Independents were both industrialists and bankers. Hardly "socialist".

        If I were you, I'd aim to stick to facts, not dreams.

  3. Steve Medway


    "Praising Ofcom may seem incongruous. Wasn’t the UK one of Europe’s 4G laggards because of regulatory dithering?"

    Well you could easily argue that the delay to UK 4G was an improvement over the race to 3G.

    When 3G networks were first introduced to the UK it was 1st Gen equipment with no upgrade path apart from rip and replace. Compare that to the UK's 4G networks which were 2nd/3rd Gen and easily upgraded via firmware updates to LTE-Adanced.

    That's the reason 3G was always pants in this country regardless of what network you were using compared to the 3G 'laggard' countries of the world which were almost as fast as bog standard LTE.

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