back to article Saturn spacecraft immune to mysterious Planet 9's charms

NASA has been obliged to clarify that if the hypothetical Planet 9 exists, it is not responsible for "unexplained deviations" in the orbit of the Cassini spacecraft around Saturn. Back in January, CalTech boffins Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown claimed to have found evidence for a mysterious body, around 10 times the mass of …

  1. Mage Silver badge

    Cassini is unaffected by Planet 9's gravitational charms

    Well, it's close to Saturn and it's very big. Even an uncharted moon of Saturn will have more effect.

    1. TimeMaster T

      Re: Cassini is unaffected by Planet 9's gravitational charms

      The article mentions that "Planet 9" would not be able to directly affect Cassini but could affect Saturn's orbit which WOULD affect Cassini's position relative to the Earth since Cassini is within Saturn's gravity well.

      But they didn't find anything that showed an effect on Saturn during Cassini's time there. This lack of detection could mean;

      The current positions of Saturn and Planet 9 are so far apart that any deviance in Saturn's orbit is so small it is below the detection threshold of the instruments. This could be the case if "9" is currently near the outer end of it's orbit. So effort must continue using other methods.


      There is no "Planet 9" and the evidence so far is just random orbital noise that looks like a pattern

      I'm hoping its the former, it would be really cool if a new, big, planet was found during my lifetime. Sadly there would not be a mission to it within whats left of my lifetime. A planet so far out would likely be so cold, and has stayed that way, as to have preserved information about the dust/gas cloud that formed the solar system.

      Side note; Pluto comes in close enough to the sun that it gets enough heat at times to maintain a gaseous atmosphere for a time, so some of the Hydrogen and other lite gasses would have had a chance to boil off a little since Pluto formed. Planet 9 might be far enough out and big enough to have held onto more of its original gasses.

      1. DiViDeD

        @ TimeMaster TRe: Cassini is unaffected by Planet 9's gravitational charms

        "Sadly there would not be a mission to it within whats left of my lifetime"

        Speak for yourself. I intend to live forever.

        Or at least die trying.

        1. Danny 14

          Re: @ TimeMaster TCassini is unaffected by Planet 9's gravitational charms

          My god. Its full its stars!

    2. Chemical Bob

      Re: Cassini is unaffected by Planet 9's gravitational charms

      "Even an uncharted moon of Saturn..."

      That's no moon...

  2. hplasm

    Planet 9???

    It's still bloody Planet 10.

    Proof? DwarfPlanet still has the word 'planet' in it.

    danm Pluto haters... I'm triggered!!!1111 eleventy

    1. David Nash Silver badge

      Re: Planet 9???

      In that case then it's planet 14.


      "The first five recognized dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea" has a nice way to remember:

      My Very Easy Method Can Just Speed Up Naming Planets However Many Exist.

    2. David Nash Silver badge

      Re: Planet 9???

      And another thing...why Pluto "haters"?

      Look up the history of the solar system. The number of "planets" has gone up and down for centuries. Originally it included the moon and sun.

      1. Sir Sham Cad

        Re: why Pluto "haters"?

        Aside from the OP having tongue firmly in cheek with that comment, it references some of the popular outpouring of scornful disbelief at the time that Scientists could demot^W reclassify the Solar System object that had been known as the Planet Pluto all their lives to something less than a "full" planetary status for any other reasons than Pluto must have once kicked someone's cat.

        As if that particular lump of space rock and ice actually cares what a bunch of overeducated apes at least 2.7 billlion miles away call it.

        1. Stevie

          Re:As if [Pluto] cares ... (4 Sir Sham Cad)

          The salient point is that if as much energy had been spent actually doing proper space science as blithering about the proper way to call things too far off to see, we might actually have been able to go out and have a look for ourselves instead of getting all our info third hand from the Anti-Pluto League and their exclusive access to mega-telescopes.

          There's another bunch who are bleating about Lake Huron not being a real lake at all, just a bulge and that means it shouldn't be called a lake and that is important because ... well, it seems to be the only way to get your name on a paper if you are a lackluster waste of space who can't think up any real lake-science to publish.

          When you let lab-shy chemists loose in the halls of academia you end up with the mind-numbing dross that is the end of the periodic table. The pioneers found stuff and named it later - even stuff that needed a nuclear accelerator and a very fast stopwatch to find. The current useless bunch name stuff and argue about naming stuff and are so busy doing so they haven't got time to actually fire up the Relativistic Collidotron and find any of it.

          Scientists! Do science first, argue about what to call it after!

    3. Stevie

      Re: Pluto haters 4 hplasm

      Yes, isn't itbriveting how much popular science blither has been written about dwarf planets?

      Oh, that's right, there hasn't been any to speak of because everyone knows Pluto==planet and the Degrasse Tyson claque == nitwits and the so-called astronomers were so busy arguing about renaming Pluto they didn't notice there was no real reason to do so.

      This is what happens when all the good science has been used up by Victorians.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      If Pluto is a planet, then we have to call the new one Planet X

      And hope that any three headed lightning breathing dragons living on it aren't able to fly through space all the way to Earth!

  3. Alistair

    Personally I'm triggered.

    We have Planets, and Dwarf Planets.

    Where the sam hell are my @#$% gnome planets?

    I want gnomeregan!

    <all my alliance are gnomes>

    1. Swarthy

      Re: Personally I'm triggered.

      Gnomebody cares.

    2. Michael Habel

      Re: Personally I'm triggered.

      I think the all reside somewhere inside the KDE Galaxy.

    3. Christoph

      Re: Personally I'm triggered.

      "Where the sam hell are my @#$% gnome planets?"

      Sod the gnome planets - where are the Clanger planets?

    4. MrDamage Silver badge

      Re: Personally I'm triggered.

      @#$% your gnome planets ya scunner.

      We want pictsie planets.

  4. I Am Spartacus

    Its Physics - simples

    Just because Cassini is not affected does not mean the planet does not exist.

    If the planet is in conjunction to Saturn it would have minimal affect on Cassini.

    1. NotBob

      Re: Its Physics - simples

      But the real question remains: how will this affect my astrology predictions? Will the newspaper no longer tell me how to live my life?

  5. Richard Simpson

    It's Saturn's orbit which is at question

    I may not have understood correctly, but when I read the paper about Planet 9 and Cassini it seemed to say:

    1) That perturbations in the orbits of the planets limited the possible locations where Planet 9 could be in its orbit (even assuming that it exists).

    2) That the orbital models being used relied on the motion of all the planets and numerous asteroids going back several decades.

    3) That slight changes in the orbit of Saturn were a particularly relevant part of the data set and that Cassini was simply a handy way (via radio ranging) of finding out exactly where Saturn was.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    Meanwhile, on Planet 9...

    "Curses!! The Earth Probe is resisting our gravity beam! Lieutenant, turn up the waveatron to SETTING K!!"

    "But, Sir!!"

    "But nothing! We must stop these Earthlings before they discover our plans for the Quadmonium bomb!"

    "Y-y-yes sir..."

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Meanwhile, on Planet 9...

      "Hurry Flash! We only have 14 minutes to save the Earth"

      1. taxythingy

        Re: Meanwhile, on Planet 9...

        "Hurry and kill Flash! We only have 14 minutes to save the Earth"


  7. Hoe

    Dwarf Planet...

    If a DwarfPlanet is not a planet, are they also suggesting that a DwarfHuman is not a Human?!

    You would think they could rise above that easily enough!

    I'd sue them if I could be bothered to be offended but life's too short!

    1. Chris G

      Re: Dwarf Planet...

      Is this where Dwarfs come from? A bloody long way to come and how do they do it?

      Is it where my local supermarket gets their Dwarf bread on a Sunday?

      I once stunned an angry Rottweiler with a baguette from that supermarket.

      1. Hoe

        Re: Dwarf Planet...

        I don't know I searched the internet trying to find out but the answer seems just out of reach! :/

        I don't know where they get it from but I know they get a really short delivery service!

        "Nothing too small." is their motto I believe!

        *I'll get my coat.

  8. arctic_haze

    Plan 9 from outer space

    Detecting the influence of Planet 9 should be called Plan 9, shouldn't it?

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Plan 9 from outer space

      Only if the master control panel of your equipment for detecting this consists of old oscilloscopes, waveform generators and some flashing lights and all of it sits on a rickety kitchen table.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Plan 9 from outer space

        "and all of it sits on a rickety kitchen table."

        Budget cuts should help out with that :-)

  9. Sandtitz Silver badge

    "An undiscovered planet outside the orbit of Neptune, 10 times the mass of Earth"

    That sentence somehow reminds me of the film Melancholia.

  10. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


    I have heard Internet rumors that well-known supermassive tinfoil planet Nibiru will "arrive" this month (disappointingly not having arrived in any preceding month or even year, thus giving a full-fat two-finger salute to the ever-hopeful predictions that are well explained in hardcover books which can be picked up at the next Internet tat store for a fee), causing "unprecedented mass extinctions" (that would then be "massively massive mass extinctions" of heretofore unheard-of massivity. Professor Quatermass sure will have something to say).

    I totally need some clarifications on where Nibiru has been before this month, where it will arrive from and by what means this is supposed to happen. Otherwise I'm going to log off!

  11. Richard Wharram

    Easy question

    Can't somebody just fire up a copy of Elite II and settle this?

  12. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    I have posted this before and I post it again: if someone is kind enough to arrange transport, I'm happy to go out there and have a shufti.

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