back to article Bubble? LMAO - YOLO! Wall St gets new instant messaging service

A rival to the ubiquitous but expensive Bloomberg terminals will launch this week on Wall Street. Symphony was set up a year ago by Goldman Sachs and 14 of the world's biggest banks after it was revealed in 2013 that some reporters from Bloomberg's news division spied on the use of the company's business terminals held by …

  1. G Mac

    Wait, ironic?

    "One ironic side-effect, if people do move away from the Bloomberg terminals, is that the company would not be able to hire as many reporters and in turn would reduce the speed and quality of financial news and information provided to traders."

    And one ironic side-effect of that ironic side-effect would be less monolithic reporting with possibly more diversity in opinions, instead of the chance of the echo chamber effect.

    Or, lets put this another way. The Register should amalgamate with other tech news reporting sites because the resulting company will be able to hire more reporters and in turn would increase the speed and quality of IT information provided...

  2. Gunda

    No Reuters?

    In an article about Symphony, Bloomberg and their competitive landscape, not one word on Thomson Reuters and their product Eikon, competes with Bloomberg terminals, which competed with Reuters' own product 3000Xtra until Eikon arrived?

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