back to article FCC swamped by 2,000+ net neutrality complaints against ISPs

The FCC has reportedly received over 2,000 complaints related to alleged violations of its Open Internet rules. A report from the National Journal cites FCC records it obtained in reporting that thousands of complaints allege throttling of internet service by local carriers. The National Journal was able, via a Freedom of …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's not clear to me what any of these complaints have to do with Net Neutrality.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Don't hold your breath

    The FCC and FTC refuse to even enforce existing laws, let alone new net neutrality laws. There are hundreds of complaints against Comcast Cable for violations of law that are documented yet the FCC and FTC do absolutely nothing. It shows that virtually all in DC can be bought with PAC money.

    Throttling is nothing compared to Comcast's illegal mass blockage of all e-mail from legitimate international ISP servers that are industry "white listed" and checked daily for SPAM. Few U.S. Comcast Cable subscribers are even aware that Comcast is illegally blocking international e-mail and has been for close to two years. That means U.S. Comcast customers can not communicate via e-mail with friends, family business colleagues or hotels, etc. outside the U.S. if Comcast is illegally blocking all e-mail sent from whatever ISP these people or businesses use. It's completely outrageous and illegal yet the FCC and FTC does nothing.

    1. Scott 1

      Re: Don't hold your breath

      There's a simple solution to this problem: Use Gmail / Hotmail / Yahoo Mail / etc. (literally, there are hundreds of alternatives). Additionally, you have the benefit of not having your e-mail address change when you switch to a different ISP.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This is a hot topic

    With two comments it's clear people just don't care about Net neutrality or the FCC. That is why they get screwed over.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: This is a hot topic

      Or.. the FCC does what it wants to and doesn't give a crap about some commentards. They're not elected, they're appointed. They don't have to answer to the public.

  4. Big Ed

    US Libs Love Regs

    US Libs (historically the lawyers) love regulations and will use them to sue someone's butt into submission when it suits their cause. And liberal administrations selectively enforce the laws when they suit their politcal agenda.

    Net Neutrality regs give the Obama administration a new kind of leverage; as long as they do not enforce the regs, Comcast/Verizon/AT&T and the rest have increased incentives to keep their political donations up.

    There's a reason why the yanks rate lawyers as the lowest scum on earth.

    1. fishbone

      Re: US Libs Love Regs

      Hate to say bullcrap but it's apparent you have forgotten the role Dubya's controlled Federal Energy Regulatory Commission played in the ENRON period of fleecing California's ratepayers, I'm confident many of those officials and behind-the-scene players were lawyers. And I doubt if there were many liberals included in that crowd.

      1. Scott 1

        Re: US Libs Love Regs

        "Dubya" is a liberal. This is why Mr. Obama didn't really change a whole lot when he took office. If anything, he doubled down on "Dubya's" worst policies.

  5. cortland


    "Business-friendly" Congressmen don't LIKE regulators, even if some those regulated want someone to keep rogues in line.

    The FCC recently proposed closing most of its regional Field Offices across the country and was only grudgingly persuaded by licensed radio services to keep a few more open. See

    We have seen the Commission, let us say, "swayed" by people with dollar signs in their eyes who occasionally have been able to slip something by the Commission, but it sometimes looks rather as if Commissioners have been willing to be fooled. BPL (PLC) and the LightSquared fiasco come to mind.

    Some "business friendly" Congressmen and not a few would-be Congresscritters are talking about abolishing the agencies that enforce occupational health, clean air and pure water regulations.

    "And was Jerusalem builded here

    Among these dark Satanic mills? "

    Yes, for sufficient profit.

  6. Jim Oase

    Taxation without representation... again

    Started with free enterprise. Buyers and sellers decide what is good for them.

    For your own good we can have a government agency protect you, decide what is good for you. We will call it net neutrality. Then we can have that government agency decide what software updates you can have by issuing certificates, for your own good.

    Any of these regulations add to your freedom?

    Do these regulations directly or indirectly tax your disposible income? You know by adding costs, government controlled step, to some part of the creation and delivery of products chain.

    Did you vote for any of the people who are creating regulations and penalties to infringe on your freedom and take money from your pocket?

    Do any of those people represent you?


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