back to article HDS embiggens its object array by feeding it more spinning rust

HDS has bulked up its HCP object storage offering with an erasure coding capacity tier, remote office and mobile access to objects, filer data stores and OpenStack support. Why? Preparations for the coming Internet of Things, we think. Hitachi's Content Platform (HCP) is the central object storage facility in a 3-part offering …

  1. Bucky O' Hare


    Where in the world has this word appeared from lately? Is it now a regular piece of El Reg?

    It makes me feel funny reading it. I'm not sure I like it but I'm not sure I dislike it either. I don't feel right though writing this. Does it have special powers?

    1. Shugyosha
      Thumb Up

      Re: "Embiggens"

      I agree, it is a wonderfully cromulent word.

  2. Mark Hahn

    I cannot understand who gives a damn about this stuff unless it achieves a reasonable price. The basic hardware costs $1-200/TB, so how about this stuff? Or is it just another phallic substitute to enhappify the costs-a-lot-so-must-be-good crowd?

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Short answer: yes.

  3. ecofeco Silver badge

    When you embiggen something...

    ... you should not misunderestimate it!

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