Comparing my Note 3 to Yester-year computing

This topic was created by POSitality .

  1. POSitality

    Comparing my Note 3 to Yester-year computing

    Hi guys,

    Was at a job the other day and the client commented on my watch: it has a slight cyberpunk-vibe about it but the thing is...

    "See this? Note 3, one of the most powerful pieces of personal technology in all human history. And this? No quartz crystal, no battery, self winding... I like the irony of the contrasting designs."

    Setting aside the fact that there are phones out now that are a touch more powerful with slightly better screens and cameras (but no pen, sometimes no IR blaster even) the Note 3 is, for this argument, some tasty tech.

    Driving back to the office I thought "yeah, probably more powerful than all the world computing power combined at some point..."

    So here's the question: if one were to add up all the mega-flops, RAM and what have you from say 1957 would the Note 3 be more powerful? What year would the Note 3 *equal* total world computing power?

    Could be a nice branding exercise for Intel, AMD or ARM:

    "Yes, sir, this is the new Intel World '67 processor. That's right, sir, this baby is as powerful as *all* the computers from 1967! Does sir have a 1150 socket 'board?"



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