back to article Google Fit will slurp YOUR heartbeat, weight, blood pressure from gizmos

If you have a disease that you don't want anyone to know about, maybe you shouldn't have it in the first place. Google's exec chairman Eric Schmidt hasn't come out with anything quite so astonishingly insensitive yet – but it can only be a matter of time, since the web giant now wants to become the world's aggregator of health …


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  1. cracked

    Collect First Worrying about selling later

    "There's no word on how Google will market Google Fit"

    Google doesn't need the cash to worry about having to market the resulting datasets. That isn't how Google works.

    Google collects the data, sorts it into a warehouse, releases a bunch of APIs and lets other people figure out where the value is, before making sure those offering value chuck any ad (or heck, if they really want, direct) revenue Google's way.

    Own all the data. Own all the users. In the end, everyone has to pay you for something.

    And with the EU courts currently considering whether obesity is a disability, you shouldn't start worrying that the use of such gadgets (and the collection of data) will be made mandatory ... You shouldn't worry at all ...

    .. Oh, and happy nearly-weekend, fellow 'Tards ;-)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Collect First Worrying about selling later

      Guess you haven't read Google's privacy policy then. (which is the easiest to read of all the big companies), quite clearly it states they can't sell your data to anyone else, the most they can do with it, is use it on other Google services, or use it to work out what adverts to send you.

      If it means I get more cool stuff, I'm more than happy with that deal. If I must see adverts, they may as well be relevant.

      1. BillG

        Re: Collect First Worrying about selling later

        Guess you haven't read Google's privacy policy then

        And if Google violates their own privacy policy - assuming they get caught - they will be fined the equivalent of one morning's profits.

  2. dan1980

    I wonder what happens if we lose it or fail to follow commands . .

    If Google are so determined to fit us with devices recording everything about us and everything we do, can they at least give us light cycles in return?

  3. Diogenes

    Over my cold dead body

    - oh wait

  4. nevstah

    wrong trousers?

    wearable devices that not only receive data from your body, but transmit to it also!!

    so if you are decided to be unfit, we'll make you walk an extra 100 steps! prevent your mouth from accepting more food!!

    resistance is futile

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As usual

    you read a story like this and know half the population of the developed world will be all for it. Those of us who find it abhorrent will expect it to happen anyway, irrespective of dire predictions. Business wants it and that's all our Governments care about and it will happen because that half the population is terminally vain. And vanity is what said Business and Govt. has been encouraging for many years now. Since about when 'reality tv' took off? That is the business model of the developed world, now, isn't it. With no real separation between Business and State any more. Once they wanted us to be afraid of Communism, that they might keep us in a non-analytical state and easily manipulated. Now they want us to be vain, to the same end.

    Data mining. Indeed, for I was that lump of coal.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The 'I'm sorry Dave I can't allow that' scenario comes ever closer

    Instead of HAL being the master it is Google.

    Thanks but no thanks Google. You can keep your mits off my data.

  7. Nanners

    Know we know when you

    get aroused. Resistance is futile.

  8. Amorous Cowherder

    Anyone listened to the radio show Bigipedia? The Bigi-Medic? Life imitates art once again.

    "Press button if you are have not pressed the button. Bigi-Medic assumes you are now well. Have a nice day!"

  9. RyokuMas
    Big Brother

    Coming soon...

    Step 1: Create Google Fit

    Step 2: Sell gathered data to health insurance companies

    Step 3: Wait for premiums to rise

    Step 4: Create Google Heath Insurance

    Step 5: Profit (and gather still further data)

    1. Sander van der Wal
      Thumb Down

      Re: Coming soon...

      What data? The data they are making up themselves for everybody with a Google+ account?

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh, the irony ...

    insurance is all about spreading risk. If you have no risk to spread (because you already have the information you need to determine risk) then you have no insurance industry.

    I bet the last people who realise this are insurance executives. The first would be the actuaries. But who listens to them ?

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