back to article Yahoo! tries! to! tempt! TV! crowd! with! tiny! dick!

Yahoo! is taking a leaf out of Netflix and Amazon's books and beefing up its media offerings with six original TV shows, including one about a bite-sized private detective. It has also partnered up with pro-wrestling outfit WWE in a bid to lure in internet TV watchers. Just a week after bagging the exclusive rights to stream …


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  1. Geoff Campbell Silver badge

    A four-inch tall private eye?

    They should have made it a musical show. Could have had a singer with a four inch pianist.


  2. Isendel Steel

    FOUR inches ?

    Must be a remake of "Inch High, Private Eye"

  3. M7S

    six original TV shows, including one about a bite-sized private detective

    nothing like "Inch High Private Eye" that I recall from my youth then?

    Or is the original bit just because they didn't even bother with a cursory check of search engines?

  4. Fihart

    Yahoo trying to force users to upgrade, again.

    Forget adding features, Yahoo users aren't interested -- e.g. the site's sad attempt to create a social hub. Cue tumbleweeds !

    Yahoo should stick to its email and news core and leave its customers in peace.

    A few years back Yahoo launches an allegedly new and improved email service and was greeted by silence by existing customers who stayed resolutely with Yahoo "classic" -- so much so that Yahoo seemingly shelved plans to force users onto the new service.

    Now they're at it again -- I recently received a message that Yahoo users would have to move to a new Yahoo service in June.

    I have no such plans, so we we'll see who blinks first.

  5. Elmer Phud

    Wii there be . . .

    . . . an assistant called 'Penfold'

  6. Suricou Raven


    I came here to make a reference to an obscure cartoon I was sure only myself and a handful of people worldwide can remember, thus proving my hipster-geek cred via my knowledge of obscure trivia. Only to then discover three other people already did it!

  7. This post has been deleted by its author

  8. Serge 2

    The sinking ship...

    Wonder if Marisa will stay with the ship till the end or will she cowardly jump on to the next gravy train for incompetent leaders. Twitter or Facebook preferably.

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