back to article Apple's Jobs urges Gore to run for President

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been trying to push former Vice President Al Gore to take another crack at the presidential race. Jobs revealed his fruitless desires for his fellow Apple board member to don the cap of Commander in Chief within an expose of Gore in Time Magazine. However, one Academy Award and one Nobel Prize …


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  1. amanfromMars

    Your Country needs You

    "Or it could be the pay cut. In addition to sitting on the board of directors at Apple, Gore is currently a senior adviser at Google. He's the co-founder of cable network Current TV and chairman of Generation Investment Management, an investment fund with assents near $1bn"

    If that comes into the equation, he aint no world leader and he is better frolicking in the retirement paddock, playing at the Game rather than using any SMARTer Al Gore Rhythms to change the Great Game.

    Not just as smart as he thinks he is? Or as smart as the rest of us need him to be?

    With Google, Television and Money and IT boffins and gurus Virtualising the Landscape and claiming CyberSpace, how would he fail?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh swell.

    We need another Democrat President like we need another Republican President. Lots of people talk about change but the two party cartel still runs the show.

  3. Chris Pasiuk

    split candidacy is a bad thing, a 3rd doesn't make it better.

    I think it'll be a cold day in hell if Gore decides to run for office again. He knows he is doing far more good out of the political spotlight than if he would be if he was in the oval office. Besides, it's not like I'm a supporter of his as I think that most americans will remember the last attempt and not gain him any ground in the first place. As of now, we've got the one guy (and too tired to look his name up) that's being backed by Oprah and there's also good old Hilary Clinton in the Democratic race for the big chair. One of them HAS to back down unless we want another 4 more years of corporate-favored Republican politics. Gore as the 3rd contender would only make matters worse for the Demo and he knows this.

  4. Jay_rm


    ...the First Emperor of the Moon and the Inventor of the Environment, Al Gore !"

  5. Eduard Coli

    Could be history

    It could also be that Mr. Gore wants to avoid the legacy the last two or three presidents will have. I think that history will show that the last sitting presidencies were at least as corrupt as Grants.

  6. Webster Phreaky

    One Phony promoting another Phony

    Both are full of Green House Gasses.

  7. pondscum

    He's going to run anyway.

    On the strength of that work of fiction "the convenient lie" he is going to run anyway. Whoever wins between the other two male candidates (Obama and Clinton) will be offered the VP job.

    You don't seriously think he was concerned about the environment do you. It was purely to get his profile up, and con the world in the meantime.

  8. Steve J. Rapaport

    Apple's Gore urges Jobs to run for President

    Apple director Al Gore has been trying to push former Apple and Pixar wunderkind Steve Jobs to take a crack at the presidential race.

    Gore revealed his fruitless desires for his fellow Apple board member to don the cap of Commander in Chief in response to yesterday's similar announcement from Jobs that Gore should throw his hat in the ring.

    "America is ready for a visionary like Steve Jobs, one who can generate his own reality-distortion field", said Gore enthusiastically. "I will reluctantly pick up Steve's role at Apple instead, as Steve goes on to spend his personal fortune running against rigged Diebold voting machines and incumbent-initiated illegal disenfranchisement schemes. I wish him the best of luck!"

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Of course...

    "In addition to sitting on the board of directors at Apple, Gore is currently a senior adviser at Google. "

    After all, he did invent the internet, didn't he?!!!


  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Nomad, I think you'll find that Errol Flynn invented the internet.

    As an outside neutral observer (i.e a Brit) I feel it is beholden on me to point out that Al Gore didn't actually lose the last time around - he won the greatest share of the popular vote, it was the Florida fiasco that caused the planet the past 8 years of hurt. But I do think it would be sensible of him to continue with the elder statesman role in which he has done so much good.

    My opinion, for what it's worth, is that history will look on the last Clinton as one of your better presidents (for all his imperfections) surpassed (hopefully) by a later Clinton presidency!!!

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Come on people... wake up!!

    Re: Title

    What good has ever come from Al Gore and the Clitons? The worlds greatest and largest liars/hypocrites... (i'm sure there's a few to compare too if not many but still... in reacent times..they are right up there).

    I would love to see Steve Jobs either

    A: Shut up

    B: Pack up and leave.


    Never ceases to amaze me to see people base their likes/politics/opinions on popularity and a failure to grasp how the government truely works... when will people understand that the US Government dosen't orbit around the office of the president... one of 3 seperate branches....

    For cryin out loud! WAKE UP!

    Heck... when you get right down to it.. the most powerful of all 3 branches is the Judical branch....

    IF you still don't get it... then at least bother to take note that 1 man doesn't control the entire country... for any one man or woman to whine and complain about how things are going and then blame the president without taking the time to figure out how things work... is completely ignored and marked as someone who lacks a brain in my book.

    That 1 man (IE: President) is a convient target due to the high profile... that dosen't make him the "king" of the country... democrat or republicain... it dosen't change the facts.

  12. Michael Corkery

    Chris Pasiuk

    If you're an American (by which I mean USA), and you can't remember Obama's name, I seriously don't think we can take you word on politics.


    Can you not see that refuting global warming is becoming more and more a case of pissing against the wind? One recent example:

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: Come on people... wake up!!

    "What good has ever come from ..... the Clinton's?"

    Ask the good people of Northern Ireland!!

  14. Andy Bright

    Gore won't run

    He knows he won't win, so what's the point?

    The real pity about the US is that we continue to vote for people backed by those ridiculous attack ads on TV. The ads that are complete fabricated BS, not put out by the candidate or the party themselves (they couldn't get away with outright lying) but these mysterious groups that spring up just before every election.

    The other real shame is that the media in this country is too spineless to call out politicians when they lie. The subserviently sit there and even if they do question something, don't have the guts to stand up for themselves when challenged.

    Personally I don't care if someone votes for one party or another - it makes no difference, because the two cartels seem to have got each other's back in private. The secret handshakes, the nice little backhanders, the juicy contracts for cronies, it goes on no matter who's in charge.

    My point is look at Teflon Tony and Bush. They supposedly represent left and right respectively - yet show me the difference in the bills they've pushed through over the last 5 or 6 years. The ones that matter that is.

    No until the US people start voting for someone without money for sleazy campaigns this garbage will never go away.

  15. Fred Fnord


    To the author of "Come on people... wake up!!"

    It's very refreshing to see someone without the slightest hint of a knowledge of politics telling Steve Jobs that he should shut up because he doesn't know anything about politics.

    I will not bother addressing your 'points' about the Clintons and Gore, but your assertion that one man doesn't run the government displays all the knowledge of recent government actions that I would expect from a slightly stoned golden retriever puppy. Bush has, over the last six years, made it clear that he does not believe that Congress has any right to pass laws which constrain 'presidential powers'. In the last couple weeks it's become clear that he asked for authorization from his own Department of Justice to illegally wiretap a bunch of people, and then, when it was denied, continued doing it anyway. And of course even if the DoJ had said yes, it still would have been clearly illegal. And so far he seems to have gotten away with it just fine.

    So no, Virginia, the Judicial branch isn't the most powerful of the three branches. Because at least of this moment, the President can do whatever he wants to, whenever he wants to, and no one will do anything about it.


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