back to article Megan Fox fingers fondleslab in sexy store promo

Sharper Image, the US gadget shop – a sort of Maplins but with a more regular bathing schedule – is promoting its wares with pictures of curvy starlet Megan Fox in her pants. Noted fondleslab fan Fox can be seen after a hard day's acting, relaxing in her boudoir, trousers off, preparing to tuck herself in for the night. Un- …


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  1. mark 63 Silver badge

    dont approve? sure - I look to the right and there is a pic that could be the same woman heading up your "10 bedroom gadgets" article :)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I note the subject of the bedroom gadgets image is ambiguously gendered, and is not dressed quite so provocatively. Apples and oranges there, chief.

    2. LarsG

      Must be censored.. Must be censored.. Must be censored... Must be censored.. Must be censored.... Must be censored....

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Maplins but with a more regular bathing schedule.

    Ha ha!

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Er, once a fortnight is still 'regular'.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        As Professor Donald Trefusis once observed "I have a bath every 6 months whether I need one or not, to do otherwise would be unhygenic"

      2. Richard 120
        Thumb Up

        Another of my many pet peeves is that transposition of "frequent" and "regular" for that you get an upvote Stike.

      3. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Ah, I was wondering what had happened to La Fox

    glad to see she's getting the kind of work her talents demand

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ah, I was wondering what had happened to La Fox

      Still, a little surprised she can work a slab with her wee little thumbs.

      1. The First Dave

        Re: Ah, I was wondering what had happened to La Fox

        Who says that she can? The picture does not show the front of the device, leading me to assume that it isn't even turned on, (fnarr fnarrr)

    2. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Ah, I was wondering what had happened to La Fox

      So you hadn't seen the trailer for Sacha Baron Cohen's 'The Dictator'?

      "Ahh Megan, you were worth every penny!"

  4. Crisp

    I for one

    Would like to know when the "Where's the Megan Fox angle?" icon will arrive.

  5. Spoonsinger

    Butterfly marks are going to play hell with those silk sheets.


    1. Gordon 10

      Re: Butterfly marks are going to play hell with those silk sheets.

      Ok I give up - not even urban dictionary knows what butterfly marks are.

      1. Steve Foster

        Re: Butterfly marks are going to play hell with those silk sheets.

        I suspect from the context that they're what are referred to on CSI as "biologicals".

        1. Spoonsinger

          Re: Butterfly marks are going to play hell with those silk sheets.

          Indeed. Basically the bedtime version of snow-angels, (in lubricated form). However it's an interesting point that Gordon10 brought up. Was a commonly know expression, but no actual reference on the internet, (well google anyways). Fountain of all knowledge my foot.

  6. Erroneous Howard

    There's tech in this picture?

    Sorry......didn't notice

  7. Sordid Details


    You should see what's happening in my underpants right now. Talk about 'Transformers'...!

  8. This post has been deleted by its author

  9. Dom 1


    If Sharper Image get Megan Fox for their adverts, I wonder who Maplins would get?

    Edwina Curry perhaps? (shudder)

    1. Sordid Details


      You'd hear no complaints from me...

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. gaz 7
    Thumb Up

    Filth like this will be banned

    Once the dogooders and godsquads get their way!

    all joking aside it's a bit sexist and seventies though having a pretty woman with barely any kit on promoting products like this. I reckon the fingers are as they are cos they've airbrushed out the ciggie!

  11. Pet Peeve


    What's going on with her leg in the left corner of the frame? Something is just disturbing about this photo and I can't put my finger on it.

    1. Goobertee

      Re: Shopped!

      Somewhere I read that in a glamor pic the model should be pointing her toes--that is, making her ankle joint as straight as possible. I think she's doing that and it turns out that looking at it from the toe end in an opaque stocking isn't as appealing as in profile and bare.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "And I j*** in my pants",...

  13. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

    Is it a coincidence..

    .. that this article was penned by "Hard" Reg?

    Tsk tsk tsk :)

  14. IR

    Sharper Image is more of a gadget store, they don't sell resistors and parts like Maplins, just weirdly expensive cameras and beeping keychains.

    I thought they had gone out of business, all the shops near me closed down a few years ago. Glad they are still around since I got to see that pic.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    The "Oh, Orgasmic" rating is appropriate...

  16. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

    You're probably wondering where to find the other pics...

  17. Steven Roper
    Thumb Up

    ...youngsters even now drooling over the pic...

    Phew (or should that be Phwoar), I'm still a youngster then, even at 45! Thanks for the compliment guys.

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