back to article Kepler spots Earth-sized exoplanet ideal for barbecues

The Kepler mission has turned up yet another catch for the exoplanet zoo: a planet with an orbit a little over one-tenth that of our Mercury, that zips around its star in 2.8 Earth days. With that proximity, Kepler-21b isn’t much of a candidate for “habitable zone” nominations: outdoor cooking would be the order of the day. …


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  1. No, I will not fix your computer

    Sounds like the perfect place for a triple-max security prison.......

  2. Ru

    "all the good names were taken"

    ...hasn't been an excuse since Elite (or was it Elite 2?) gave us procedurally generated star names.

    1. Graham Marsden


      ... would you call it Lave?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. Chris Miller

    Fahrenheit (note sp)

    Who's used that since 1960? Oh, the US of course.

  4. Liam Johnson


    3 day year your say? Xmas, boxing day and new year on after the other. turkey might get a bit overcooked though.

  5. Adrian Jones

    3,000 degrees Farenheit?

    What's that in the 21st century?

    1. rcomm
  6. Wupspups

    But it is already named,

    Crematoria I believe

  7. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Hang on

    1.3 solar masses in twice the diameter ? Isn't that eight times the volume ? That has to mean (off the top of my head) 1/5th the density of our Sun, doesn't it ?

    And it's a young star - so probably burning hot, which might explain the exaggerated diameter.

    Boffin icon, for obvious reasons.

  8. Martin Budden Silver badge

    You can't have it both ways.

    "the brightest star in the Kepler star field"

    "Invisible to the naked eye"

    Well, which is it?

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