back to article Visual Studio infected with HTML5 by 'rogue faction'

There's nothing to stop you working with HTML5 in Visual Studio. Except for the fact that you can't use many of the features that polish the .NET-editing experience. That wasn't a problem for Microsoft until it decided HTML5 was the future of coding on PCs, devices, and the web, unveiling a very Web- and HTML-centric next …


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  1. Notas Badoff

    passionate vs. passive

    It is _usually_ the case that 'the work of "passionate people done in their spare time"' is what makes a company valuable to other passionate people. Not the well-planned and misplaced grand ideas some manager has blessed. Most successes within a company are 'accidental'. At least, no one higher up gave their permission for any such success.

    Short version: Any innovation at Microsoft is *without* the company's knowledge.

    Sure hope those passionate souls have their names noticed somewhere else besides Microsoft.

  2. XMAN
    Thumb Up


    Good job MS! :)

  3. Tom 7

    The internet looked so promising

    until 1995 and IE1.0....

  4. Dan 55 Silver badge

    "Passionate people in their spare time?"

    Nonsense, Microsoft are betting on HTML5, it's all going in the next official version. This is a beta test.

  5. Paul Shirley

    the MSFT upgrade treadmill

    Still traumatised by the 1st .NETified Studio release, swiftly replaced by an 'upgrade' to an earlier, slimmer, faster, usable release. So bad it made Eclipse look good!

    Looks like we're in the "we've got the Frankensteined beast working well again, let's break it" part of the cycle again. Better beef up your machines...

  6. Annakan
    Thumb Down

    Will somebody tell them That HTML is not a langage

    That HTML is not a langage (not turing complete) and that it is not even standardized yet

    Will somebody tell tham that Javascript is a crappy langage unfit for serious development ?

    Will somebody tell them that nobody in its right mind truly think that "their" HTML+Jvascript will be any useful without proprietary extension, because at some point, you have to address the operating system to do specific stuff, and that there is no point in having the immaturity and crapiness of Javascript coupled with the proprietary ?

    They had a wonderful solution to the web pains with silverlight IF only they were ready to truly open source it and let the technology go for later build on it new tools and better solutions.

    What we needed was a well thought out in browser virtual machine for dynamic languages that would have helped us out of javascript and back into serious languages and the tools we build the last 30 years (namespaces, packages, rich types, serious debugger, serious ide and such ...)

  7. Alan Bourke


    "Will somebody tell tham that Javascript is a crappy langage unfit for serious development ?"

    The growing amount of it out there would seem to indicate otherwise.

  8. Tom 79


    .NET isn't going anywhere, we're talking about a sliver of application development: "rich" web experience inside a browser. Win32 will be around forever because frankly, HTML+Backend apps suck to do anything other than buy and browse on.

    .NET will be used for Win32

    .NET will be used for backend (windows services)

    .NET will be used for web back end (web services)

    .NET will be used for web glue (ASP.NET, MVCx, etc)

    HTML5+CSS3 will be used for what SL is used for. To create (or attempt) a rich in-browser experience.

    The "make everything web" was a hasty move hoisted onto CIOs by marketing people. Some stuff is good for web, many things aren't. HTML5+CSS3 might level the playing field with the usability of Win32 vs browser, but probably not.

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