UFO crazies BTFOed!
A previously undisclosed group of FBI agents who investigate UFOs, or "unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs)," as the government calls them, are worried they may not survive an impending Trump-led political purge. This according to Politico, which spoke to various sources. One of those folks is Ryan Graves, a former Navy …
It looks like crazies all the way down for the next 4 years.
Yep, with so many now unemployed and probably unemployable, it looks like they'll have the next 4 years blocked out to protest. Like the 'USAID' mob. Amusingly, Bill Gates has been on the news complaining that USAID won't be giving him as much money any more. Poor guy. Less amusingly is the news that USAID also shuffled money across to the 'EcoHealth Alliance' of Wuhan and Covid fame. Looks like they really were an Umbrella Corporation.
..building cases against Trump supporters who attempted to violently overturn the results
Phrasing? the supporters were attempting to be violent? But if the witch hunt has been ended, and the political protestors pardoned, then.. unless they can be reassigned to other work, like, I dunno, investigating theft, fraud or embezzlement by the Bidens, USAID staff or recipients, then there's no work for them and redundancy usually follows.
"investigating theft, fraud or embezzlement by the Bidens"
Already happened, and by a Republican committee in case you feel inclined to play the partisan card. Complete and utter waste of time as nothing was found against Joe Biden. As for Hunter, who the f@ck cares, except for the partisan hacks of course.
>As for Hunter, who the f@ck cares, except for the partisan hacks of course.
Oh please. Biden pardons his own son and nobody is supposed to care. You really think Burimsa were paying Hunter for this "expertise"?
Imagine Trump pardons his own son on something, the lefites would be multiple posting hundreds of times an hour for months on end telling us all how terrible it all is.
"pardons a bunch of lawfully convicted violent criminals"
You should look at the pardon history of Biden, Obama and Clinton.
Bill Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg who was involved in the Brink's robbery (3 dead), the 1983 bombing of the capitol building and was caught with some 750lbs of explosive in her car.
Biden commuted the sentence for a guy who murdered 2 FBI agents and a drug dealer who murdered a mother and her 8 year old son.
A drug dealer who had his life sentence commuted by Obama went on to shoot someone, who thankfully survived, after release.
There is also an issue as to the lawfulness of some jan 6th convictions where the enron clause has been used.
Also, maybe Biden was out of line, but Trump 1.0 was pretty above the norms for nepotism, was it not?
Trump hired some family & friends that helped run his business empire. Burisma hired a crackhead that just happened to be a Biden. Nothing to see there, moving swiftly on.. And of course Biden lied about letting justice take its course and handed out a get out of jail free card. Along with the rest of the Biden crime family and cronies.
One of the UK news sites had a picture of him walking over to the 747 to head over to Mar-a-lago. That's one heck of an expense every time he does that. Of course it's also a nice little earner for him as he charges the Secret Service for accommodation.
He can play Golf somewhere in Washington DC instead. May be someone should point it out to the DOGE crew as a wasteful activity and they will put an end to it
I think the FBI does strange manpower management things like assigning investigators to successive investigations as they come up, rather than sticking each investigator into a stasis chamber until the only case they are allowed to work on is reopened. No doubt that chappie with the interest in Government Efficiency will have something to say about this bizarre state of affairs.
Also concerning is that they had all these people working on both of these things and yet they couldn't tell what the flying objects over new jersey were, have still not found the Jan 6th pipe bomber and have relied on an online group called sedition hunters to find the jan 6th protesters for them.
Now if anyone posts pictures of antifa protesters everyone loses their minds and screams about how doxxing is bad.
I imagine most unidentified flying objects these days are drones.
Something fishy is going on in the US with these drones people see. Imho it's US big Corp in league with govt trying to catch up China on drone tech by setting up a certification program that oh look only Américan companies have completed. Because they didn't tell DJI is was about to happen.
US is not the economic powerhouse it was: they have to cheat to stay competitive.
I imagine most unidentified flying objects these days are drones.
From the recent flap in the US, it seems that most of them are stars, passenger aircraft, and street lights. Some of them may have been drones flown by people trying to video other drones.
Back in the day, it was very plausible that someone who saw a UFO (or a ghost, or bigfoot) wouldn't have a camera, so the relative lack of pictures made sense. These days pretty much everyone has a video camera in their pocket all the time, and yet the number of pictures of UFOs, (and ghosts etc.) hasn't increased at all.
The purge is identical to 1934's "Night of the Long Knives", extrajudicial political removals, to consolidate power, and suppress potential opposition to increasingly forceful brownshirt activities.
With Bessent giving them the keys to the loot at the Treasury's Bullion Depository, I fully expect its imminent pilfering, plunder, and pillage ... and subsequent replacement with worthless plastic toy Dogecoins.
It's no wonder the association of convicted criminals in the oval orifice wants to shut down any and all outfits investigating such Unusual Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs)! (imho)
"Crucially, FBI agents and officials have been asked to fill out a Department of Justice survey detailing their involvement in the investigation into the January 6 attack. The concern is that the Trump administration will use this information to fire anyone deemed disloyal to the President."
Is that a bad thing? Near a decade of the FBI inserting themselves into the presidential elections by attacking Trump even to the point of breaking the law up to raiding his home and leaking photos of an active investigation! And at the same time protecting Biden!
Anyone assigned to the job because they are investigators probably didnt have a choice, but those who actively participated should be worried for their jobs. They are the corruption that needs to be removed.
"This has already happened at the DOJ, where employees involved with criminal prosecutions of the President have been fired, along with those building cases against Trump supporters who attempted to violently overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election."
And this is why the lawfare stepped up to 11, Trump would not just ignore it this time. These people started the conflict by going after private citizens in a show to stop Trump becoming president. Now they fear retaliation. Retaliation for what? Near a decade of attacks.
Just imagine you were the target not Trump. The state designates you an enemy just because.
It is this line in your statment that I think promped the question.
"Anyone assigned to the job because they are investigators probably didnt have a choice, but those who actively participated should be worried for their jobs. They are the corruption that needs to be removed."
It seems to imply that invesitgators assigned to the job should be considered corrupt if they then 'activley participated' which I take to mean they actually did their job to the best of their ability.
which in turn makes "So, investigating potential criminal activity is wrong???" a legitimate question because the only other option an assigned investigator has in this scenario is to not investigate and be sacked for not doing their job...
This may not have been you intended meaning but I have thus far failed to parse the sentence and come up with any other.
"It seems to imply that invesitgators assigned to the job should be considered corrupt if they then 'activley participated' which I take to mean they actually did their job to the best of their ability."
By actively participated I mean those who joined the mission against Trump, not assigned to investigate a potential crime. We have seen time and time again the corruption against Trump and the FBI really should have learned after the Russia hoax they actively participated in even when they knew it was a lie. They took it so far that they broke the law just to try and get the guy!
"This may not have been you intended meaning but I have thus far failed to parse the sentence and come up with any other."
Hopefully that expresses my meaning better.
Too many people in the government follow the old dictum "Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime", that kind of behavior is even more odious in the United States than it was in Russia.
And the people responsible should be held criminally liable. Doesn't matter if they work for the FBI, if they are a DA, a county sheriff, or whatever.
What Trump should have done was pre-emptively pardoned everyone involved with Jan 6th before he left office. But if we recall correctly the likes of Biden, Schiff, Schumer and Raskin were bleating on TV about how the president must not make a 'gross abuse' of the pardon powers and that pre-emptive pardons are just an admission of guilt.