Re: They still don't get it.
Yes, it's somewhere between a slap in the face and a kick in the balls, isn't it?
Given what the PO put these people through, this so-called "compensation" is less than three years salary. How is this not an insult?
Let's start with this:
* Double postmaster salary for every year since then and now.
* For everybody convicted whether by "evidence" or their forced "confession", double it again.
* For everybody who had to sell important assets (such as their home) to pay money they didn't steal, double it again.
* For everybody who spent time behind bars, if only a single day in a police cell, double it again.
* For those who chose to take their lives, double it again for their families.
Yes, we're now talking millions per person. And why not? This was straight up malicious incompetence and those companies concerned need to suffer harsh consequences, not a minor amount that is "the cost of doing business". Let them argue amongst themselves who pays what.
Oh, and one final thing, once a far more appropriate compensation is determined, and not this shitty 75K, specify clearly that it will double for every calendar year that it is not paid out. Make it far too expensive to drag this on and on until the people involved cark it, otherwise they'll do exactly that.
Icon, because this is what it needs and this should only be the beginning, these companies cannot be trusted and must be audited to hell and back.