back to article Trump scrubs all mention of DEI, gender, climate change from federal websites

Vast numbers of webpages have disappeared from federal sites in an effort to meet the deadline to implement the Trump administration's executive orders targeting diversity initiatives and gender. Two of the 71 executive orders as of writing – "Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing" and "Defending …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This brings back memories

    When Trump started his first term in 2017 I remember a mad scramble to save gigantic sets of climate data by copying it outside US territory because the new administration wanted to destroy evidence of climate change.

    That Trump 2 has been so much quicker off the mark when it comes to removing data suggest that they have learned from that first attempt. One would hope that the people who maintain this and other important data have also learned from that previous attempt and have safeguarded the information before he took office. This time it appears the regime is not just after data, though, but also after the people that work in a whole range of science and research. The level of attacks on entire institutions is more severe than I had anticipated.

    Over at TechDirt they are calling Musk's grab (copying instead of deleting) of government data a Cyberattack. I hadn't thought of it that way but they have a point.

    1. TheMeerkat Silver badge

      Re: This brings back memories

      DEI is not “data”

      It is propaganda of racism.

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: This brings back memories

        Why does DEI have anything to do with the post you're replying to?

        Concerning the OP, this half-hour video is doing the rounds. It was posted two months ago and sounded like a conspiracy theory, then it was spot on about the past two weeks, and now it looks like a roadmap for the future of the US.

        1. jilocasin

          Re: This brings back memories

          DEI, along with CRT and gender-ideology are major portions of what's been banned in government documents and organizations.

      2. JoeCool Silver badge

        Prove it

        Show me what they deleted.

        Then, show me one instance where that created an act of racism against a particular person.

        1. Ian Johnston Silver badge

          Re: Prove it

          There is no record of Julius Streicher personally killing a single Jew.

        2. Tilda Rice

          Re: Prove it

          DEI policy, racist against white people. Law will determine whether the FAA are guilty shortly.

          1. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

            Re: Prove it

            Ah, there's the problem. You believe sources who willingly lie to your face.

      3. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: This brings back memories

        And "Climate Change" is NATURAL, NOT caused by CO2, and ESPECIALLY NOT caused by HUMAN ACTIVITY.

        Expect Congress to make a law that CODIFIES these things, such that an executive order can NOT reverse it!

        The USA is sick of WEF and IPCC telling us what to do. Your net zero insanity will DESTROY economies and DEI will DESTROY society!

        [yes we on he west side of the pond voted FOR this.]

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: This brings back memories


          Oh, Canada called. They told you to eat a dick if you expect them to loan their fire equipment next time you're up in flames due to [NOT CO2 OR HUMAN ACTIVITY].

          And don't be silly, Trump is perfectly willing to destroy your economy and society for you.

          To be honest there wasn't much on Netflix so watching you all cry about how much you wanted to be eating rats out of the garbage is my new evening entertainment.

          You ain't seen nothin' yet.

      4. Mitoo Bobsworth

        Re: This brings back memories

        Hi, Donald - Wow, you're sure branching out. I thought this kind of media would be way over your head - you know, like most everything else.

    2. steviebuk Silver badge

      Re: This brings back memories

      The datahoarders on reddit have been on it archiving all the stuff before the orange idiot and south African nazi deletes it all. They've also setup VMs that you can download and host that will do this for them then upload to their backup location.

  2. Jamie Jones Silver badge

    It's all very 1984 isn't it?

    Now, come on, Trumpists, you'd be screaming fascism, socialism, communism (you guys love showing off your fundamental ignorances) if anyone in the left did just one of these things.

    Oh, and now Twitter (Musk prefers deadnaming) accounts that mention Elons raids are being terminated.

    Trumps party is the party of anti-free speech, censorship, bans, cancel culture, war-mongering, and downright fascism

    Still, it's what you sycophant cult sheep wanted.

    1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Dont forget getting the names of every agent at the FBI who worked on the Jan 6th insurrection cases, investigating everyone from trumpty downwards for their actions, with a view to terminating their employment.

      The party of law and order.... yeah right.

      And for those who still support the orange shit gibbon, go watch some programs on the rise of nazism 1929-1934 of how nazis scapegoated and blamed one group for 'disloyalty', then expelled anyone who worked against hilter from the civil service and installing their own goons to run things.

      makes interesting viewing. never thought I'd see it in real life.

      1. PCScreenOnly

        Jumped the gun

        Musk just jumped the gun with his salute. Should have waited a little while longer

      2. low_resolution_foxxes

        This remains a rather specific Democrat party delusion.

        It's a fundamental question: why was the punishment given to the Jan 6 non-violent protestors, so absurdly harsher to actual violent antifa-type protestors?

        If you adhere to a viewpoint that justice must be impartial, balanced and fair - why are Republican protestors treated far worse by the Democratic state, than the Democrat voters taking part in far worse behaviours?

        Ignore the violent Jan 6th ones. They created their own mess and deserve their jailtime.

        1. jake Silver badge

          "It's a fundamental question: why was the punishment given to the Jan 6 non-violent protestors, so absurdly harsher to actual violent antifa-type protestors?"

          Simple: There were no antifa-type protesters. That is a lie propagated by the right.

          "If you adhere to a viewpoint that justice must be impartial, balanced and fair - why are Republican protestors treated far worse by the Democratic state, than the Democrat voters taking part in far worse behaviours?"

          What happened to the criminally convicted Dem. Senator Menendez? What happened to the criminally convicted Donald Trump? (And how many other cases did the slimy orange shit weasle trump manage to slither out of by getting a get out of jail free card with the election? And how in the FUCK did the DOJ manage to not get a conviction on the Documents case well over a year ago? I know, I'm asking the wrong people, I should be asking that useless fuck Merrick Garland.)

      3. Rich 2 Silver badge

        Upvote for “orange shit gibbon”

        1. BenDwire Silver badge

          I had to wipe my keyboard for that one too. Beer for you and Boris the OP

    2. Wang Cores

      The sheep will surrender their arms once they realize daddy's home.

      1. MachDiamond Silver badge

        "The sheep will surrender their arms once they realize daddy's home."

        The evidence is pointing the other way. Gun stores are still doing a brisk trade. Ammo can be hard to come by for the most popular calibers. The AR-15 platform is popular due to the ability to configure it to use multiple caliber ammo. (not at the same time)

        When the politics go radical, the proletariat gets nervous.

    3. TheMeerkat Silver badge

      DEI is racist.

      If one supports DEI one is a racist who prefers people to be judged by the colour of their skin instead of being judged by their character.

      1. Casca Silver badge

        You really have no clue what DEI is. Except what the orange one has told you apparently...

    4. low_resolution_foxxes

      With due respect to both sides of the fence, the left has spent 10 years now changing history, traditions, censoring any non-leftist viewpoints as hatespeech, and throwing government propaganda to suits its whims. It is no surprise that El Trumpo has done the same.

      You can argue it both ways with DEI. The proponents of DEI claim they are anti-racism, yet the vast majority of public discourse that is hateful has been targeted at white Christian men for a long time now. the double-standard is tiresome and it does need to be trimmed back to sensible dialogues that bring people, not pit us against each other, as has often been the case with far-left activists.

      I have met lovely kind people who are involved in DEI. But we have tolerated some extremely hateful people, who decided that it was actually a good and righteous thing to spout anti-white male nonsense. They are basically a modern incarnation of a pseudo-academic bigoted KKK aimed at a different target group.

      1. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

        What a load of crap.

      2. UnknownUnknown

        Anti-discrimination/for inclusion and equity for all - not anti-racism or anti-white people.

        You have swallowed their bullshit.

      3. Felonmarmer

        "...the left has spent 10 years now..."

        You know that Trump's last term falls into that 10 year window right? And in the UK it's been the Tories for 14 years until last July? Where exactly have "the left" been in power to do this?

        Oh of course, the "secret deep state government" that really controls the world. Grow up or stick to YouTube.

    5. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

      It's all very 1984 isn't it?

      And also looking very much like Berlin in 1933 to me.

      When Trump promised his faithful this was the last ever election they would have to vote in I thought he was just bullshitting as usual. I should have treated those Discovery Channel documentaries as more of a warning than I did.

      1. Laura Kerr

        "And also looking very much like Berlin in 1933 to me."

        Looks more like March 1938 to me, given the noises he's been making about Greenland. I hope Mette Frederiksen is a bit more clued-up than Chamberlain was.

        1. JoeCool Silver badge

          How about Russia 1936 ?

          Or maybe earlier, 1928 when Stalin swept into power.

    6. Libertarian Voice

      Fight fire with fire.

  3. cornetman Silver badge

    I suspect the purge is going to be a bit of a mixed bag. I would probably agree with some of it, disagree on others.

    > Science is still a male-dominated field, but Rubin Observatory is working to increase participation from women and other people who have historically been excluded from science. Rubin Observatory welcomes everyone who wants to contribute to science, and takes steps to lower or eliminate barriers that exclude those with less privilege.

    This is an interesting comment because it presents two different agendas. One suggests that there would be more women if men would just stop preventing them. Yes they have been excluded in the distant past, but that's not been true for decades now. The other suggests that all are welcome and we will work to remove unreasonable barriers that would prevent competent people having a chance.

    The second is admirable, the first is making a lot of assumptions that have been largely proved to be wrong in the modern day.

    All the DEI bullshit should be nuked from orbit. It is a sexist, racist, vanity money pit based on insanity. However, I am massively in favour of the Internet Archive recording everything. Future generations need to know how bad it got before things got better.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      The IA is on borrowed time, I don't see the current administration and hangers on wanting to preserve history when they're all about rewriting it.

    2. LybsterRoy Silver badge

      The problem with DEI is that it encourages incompetent people to have a chance.

      1. jake Silver badge

        "The problem with DEI is that it encourages incompetent people to have a chance."

        Well, sure. But it doesn't force an employer to hire incompetent people to do a job they are incompetent at.

        1. SundogUK Silver badge

          It does if you want government contracts under the Democrats.

          1. collinsl Silver badge

            ...go on?

            Please provide some fact-checked data which shows how this has happened in the past.

          2. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

            [citation needed]

        2. MachDiamond Silver badge

          "But it doesn't force an employer to hire incompetent people to do a job they are incompetent at."

          Private employers, no. They have inflicted it upon themselves for PR reasons.

          Government hiring is a different kettle of Sturgeon. In those cases, they are being forced to fill vacancies with people that will fill quotas or give people that fit into certain classes more points towards getting hired based on things that have no bearing on job.

      2. JoeCool Silver badge

        I'm confused now

        So how to explain Trump ? clearly DEI and incompetence are not directly related.

    3. jake Silver badge

      "All the DEI bullshit should be nuked from orbit. It is a sexist, racist, vanity money pit based on insanity."

      You are deluded, or brainwashed by the trump cult.

      1. SundogUK Silver badge

        You don't actually understand what 'equity' means, do you?

        1. Casca Silver badge

          Its you who have no clue. As usual

  4. beast666 Silver badge

    Levels of winning previously considered unimaginable.

    1. Gary Stewart Silver badge

      Only to those with no imagination or morals.

    2. JoeCool Silver badge


      You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Yes, the word Gleichschaltung comes to mind. This is quite a good piece on how quickly some things can go: How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 Days. In Poland the new government is currently struggling to restore the backsliding from democracy that happened under the previous government as they discover it's much easer to destroy than to rebuild.

    Trump is probably in a hurry because the popular vote victory was quite small and by the Mid Terms he'll want to have most of the fundamental work complete as he'll likely lose support in Congress.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Gleichschaltung

      I hope Trump is not Hitler and I hope he is saving and shoring up the Federal Democracy system but only time will tell. But I can tell you one thing, the Dems and Deep State are not working for the benefit of the people even foreign people. They had become a throroughly rotten system that created a Matrix through media control.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Gleichschaltung

        I hope Trump is not Hitler

        He's not. Hitler was driven by hate, Trump is driven my love of money and power. Good people suffer in both cases, so there the differences end.

        1. Felonmarmer

          Re: Gleichschaltung

          Two sides of the same coin. Hitler needed the money and power to propagate his hate. Trump hates those that prevent his accumulation of money and power.

          Which one is uppermost in their minds at any one time is just the coin spinning in the air as they toss it. Beware how the coin lands. Heads they win, tails you lose.

        2. jake Silver badge

          Re: Gleichschaltung

          trump's main goal at the moment seems to be revenge.

          How very, very christian of him.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Gleichschaltung

            Granted, revenge is a core tenet of christianity. That's why christian mythology blames all living humans for an ancestor eating a forbidden fruit. That's why christians feel that children can be punished for the crimes of their great-great-grandfather (up to four generations back).

            I wouldn't call Donald Trump a christian, though. That would require an understanding of how you can use a religion to oppress people, and that's far beyond what his 15-year old brain can comprehend.

            1. Adair Silver badge

              Re: Gleichschaltung

              Hmm, I wonder which echo-chamber that piece of fake-news/misinformation/lies was generated in?

              Let's cut to the chase and have a look at a representation of the core tenets 'Christian faith':

              “Blessed are the poor in spirit,

              for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

              Blessed are those who mourn,

              for they will be comforted.

              Blessed are the meek,

              for they will inherit the earth.

              Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

              for they will be filled.

              Blessed are the merciful,

              for they will be shown mercy.

              Blessed are the pure in heart,

              for they will see God.

              Blessed are the peacemakers,

              for they will be called children of God.

              Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

              for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

              Now see how your assertion stand up against that understanding and approach. It doesn't stand at all, does it?

              So, where did you get your assertion from, and why do you choose to make it?

              1. collinsl Silver badge

                Re: Gleichschaltung

                Have you even read the old testament? All the stuff about God smiting people, forcing people to sacrifice their children to him, turning whole cities into pillars of salt? Flooding the planet?

                The bible can be interpreted to give any message you want, it has every facet of human emotion within it which God displays at various points.

                1. Adair Silver badge

                  Re: Gleichschaltung

                  Have you ever read the New Testament, and do you understand the point of Jesus' relationship with the Old? The quote above is directly to do with that.

                  1. 8bitHero

                    Re: Gleichschaltung

                    And have YOU read the new testament? How are you doing on the whole "give up everything you own and come follow me?" (sounds a little socialist to me...). How about "this generation will not pass away before he comes again? It will go poorly for the old and infirm...". Of course the new testament does extort you to treat your slaves well, so there is that. The original poster is far closer to the truth then you are, not that arguing over what a mythical sky fairy would say is productive.

                    1. Adair Silver badge

                      Re: Gleichschaltung

                      We are all absolutely free to choose what we think life is all about, but the interesting question is why we choose what we do, and then what we actually do with that choice, and the consequences that flow from it.

                      So, if I decide that Jesus' teaching is a load of tosh, and that what we experience now is all there is, and that 'love' is merely a subjective concept—that's on me. Of course everyone around me has to live with what I do with those choices. Maybe they are just ideas that never get beyond my head, maybe they profoundly effect the kind of person I am and the way that I live.

                      And then it's all over, I'm dead and gone. So what was it really all about—my life, and life generally? My choice and yours won't change the reality, but it will effect our part in it.

              2. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

                Re: Gleichschaltung

                From those who claim to be the Nazz's followers while disregarding every damned core tenet you list above.

                1. Adair Silver badge

                  Re: Gleichschaltung

                  Yeah, lots of folk claim/believe lots of things, but as 'the Nazz' said: "By their deeds you shall know them".

                  1. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

                    Re: Gleichschaltung

                    Yup. And by their deeds we know them all too well.

                    1. Adair Silver badge

                      Re: Gleichschaltung

                      So what are you actually suggesting?

                      Are you suggesting that all/most/some/a few people who call themselves 'Christians' are all-in supporters of the likes of Mr. Trump, and wilfully make a mockery of what Jesus is on about?

                      Please choose the proportion of 'believers' you feel behave this way.

          2. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

            Re: Gleichschaltung


      2. jake Silver badge

        Re: Gleichschaltung

        "Dems and Deep State are not working for the benefit of the people"

        Dude, have you SEEN the people trump is bringing in? Most have been involved in politics for decades, the rest are fucking BILLIONARES ... Which side is so-called "deep state"? It sure as fuck ain't the democrats,

        1. MachDiamond Silver badge

          Re: Gleichschaltung

          "Dude, have you SEEN the people trump is bringing in?"

          Hurray for the new guard, same as the old guard.

          Every lead politician brings in a pack of people they know, people they owe and people such as Elon that have a mythos propped up by fawning PR releases that credit them with the work of others. I see no difference in the people President Trump is surrounding himself with and those that Mr. Obama brought in. The people around for Sleepy Joe's tenancy are suspect since Joe wasn't competent enough to make decisions that difficult.

      3. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

        Re: Gleichschaltung

        Another AC spouting nonsense. Any actual evidence of this "Matrix through media control"? This should be rich.

        1. that one in the corner Silver badge

          Re: Gleichschaltung

          > Any actual evidence of this "Matrix through media control"?

          He saw an episode twice on TV: "Whooah deja vu!". They've changed something in the Matrix!

  6. HuBo Silver badge

    Say hello to my little friend!

    Interesting to see how since his re-entry into the Oval Orifice, the returning Convict in Chief has done nothing of value, just wagging the dog to make headlines with little miss pissy acts of grandstanding EO signing, sitting on his ever widening butt ... oh wow, splendid, how so impressive!

    Where's the promised 24-hour solution to the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Where's the promised 24-hour solution to ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

    Where's Mexico's payment for the Southern Border Wall?

    Heck, Where's the Southern Border Wall really?

    Promises, promises ... Granted though he did dildo this very major thing that he'd promised, pardoning 1,500 seditionists, making him the #1 record-holder for most clemencies provided to convicted felons in US history, and the crime boss President with the largest number of criminal buddies!

    It's no wonder his federal funding freeze EO was found to be illegal by the courts ... Welcome to the Outlaw and Disorder presidency of hoodlum thuggery! (imho)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Say hello to my little friend!

      - Reduced daily encounters with undocumented migrants at the southern border by 95% in 24 hr (remind us how Border Czar Harris did with that).

      - Forced several Latin American countries to take back their illegals, some even chartering their own jets for the purpose.

      - Forced Panama to give up involvement in the CCP's Belt and Road initiative.

      - Forced Canada and Mexico to police their own borders with 10,000 soldiers each to stop the flow of fentanyl.

      - Purged toxic DEI practices from all government departments.

      - Killed USAID, an entity responsible for immeasurable fraud and numerous color revolutions over the years.

      All in all, a pretty solid start, I'd say.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Say hello to my little friend!

        I have a bridge to sell you ...

      2. The Central Scrutinizer Silver badge

        Re: Say hello to my little friend!

        Welcome to El reg Donald!

      3. Casca Silver badge

        Re: Say hello to my little friend!

        Wow, you are really downing the cool aid by the gallon. Would have written liter but not sure you would understand an SI unit

      4. Jedit Silver badge

        "Forced Canada and Mexico to police their own borders with 10,000 soldiers"

        Taking this in isolation: Mexico had already agreed with Biden to police the border with 15,000 soldiers. So Trump actually settled for less than he was already going to get.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: "Forced Canada and Mexico to police their own borders with 10,000 soldiers"

          Likewise, Canada had already agreed to the extra spend and resources that Trump is now claiming as a "victory".

      5. collinsl Silver badge

        Re: Say hello to my little friend!

        Are you aware that less than 1% of the US Fentanyl imports come from Canada? Also it really doesn't have a massive number of undocumented migrants crossing the border - after all, if they've made it to Canada why would they want to head south?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Say hello to my little friend!

          > if they've made it to Canada why would they want to head south?

          Warmer weather, friendly locals, good cuisine.

          Ok, so they've got to trudge through the US to get there, but every step on gets them closer to a life worth living.

        2. MachDiamond Silver badge

          Re: Say hello to my little friend!

          "Are you aware that less than 1% of the US Fentanyl imports come from Canada?"

          Historically, that's the estimate. If the southern border is sealed up better, the trade will go elsewhere while there are still junkies wanting a fix in the US. Irregular crossings at the northern boarder are usually people from outside of North America trying to bypass normal immigration more than contraband.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Say hello to my little friend!

      Didn’t you see the Orange One’s press conference with Netanyahu? All those Palestinians in Gaza who aren’t dead will have to go somewhere else because Gaza is now the site of the future Trump Gaza Hotel and Golf Resort. Reserve your room now!

    3. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: Say hello to my little friend!

      "Heck, Where's the Southern Border Wall really?"

      There's lots of vid on Youtube of wall building going on at warp speed and military members stringing razor wire across gaps that have been made in un-upgraded sections.

  7. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Scrapped Direct File, which allows taxpayers to file their returns electronically to the IRS

    Odd thing for the department of government efficiency to do.... such a system sounds kind of, now what's the word again, ah yes, efficient.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Scrapped Direct File, which allows taxpayers to file their returns electronically to the IRS

      And don't forget, it's not a real Government department. Congress hasn't approved it. Nor have they approved a budget for it

      Elon is NOT an elected official, nor an actual approved head of a government office. What he is doing is not Government business, by definition. As such, it's unconstitutional.

      1. ITS Retired

        Re: Scrapped Direct File, which allows taxpayers to file their returns electronically to the IRS

        Also very convicted felony criminal.

      2. graeme leggett Silver badge

        Re: Scrapped Direct File, which allows taxpayers to file their returns electronically to the IRS

        Rather than create a new department which would have required following the law of the land, Trump renamed an existing department and handed that over to Musk and his Twitler Youth (a bunch of Musk/Thiel interns from sound of it)

    2. Irongut Silver badge

      Re: Scrapped Direct File, which allows taxpayers to file their returns electronically to the IRS

      Ah but it was also free. Can't be giving something away that Musk or Zuck could be charging for.

      I hope you're looking forward to filing your taxes on Xitter in future.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Scrapped Direct File, which allows taxpayers to file their returns electronically to the IRS

      Maybe one the commercial tax preparation software makers like Intuit or H&R Block, who hated Direct File and did everything they could to stop it, floated a little donation into the right pocket?

  8. Bebu sa Ware

    When do they start burying the scholars [alive]

    We already have the barrels of rotting fish.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Climate change is real.

    Man driven climate change through CO2 is insignificant.

    Racism is bad

    DEI is racism

    Real Gender dysphoria is real but tiny

    Gender dysphoria is promoted for nefarious reasons by adults

    1. The Central Scrutinizer Silver badge

      "Man driven climate change through CO2 is insignificant"

      Seriously, try telling that to the world's climate, now what's the word.... ah yes.... scientists.

      1. Libertarian Voice

        Climatolgists are not scientists

        Science can be tested and challenged. Try challenging climatologists and you will be cancelled.

        Notwithstanding the dishonesty and manipulation bu the Church of Climatology you can still find information buried in the technical summary where they admit that the Science is not settled AR5 TS p 6.2 (around page 144 if I remember correctly).

        There is talk of more extreme weather, which in turn means more cloud cover. Clouds have negative forcing therefore it is evident that the planet can easily cope with variations in the the weakest greenhouse trace gas.

    2. jake Silver badge

      You forgot "We have always been at war with Eastasia".

    3. cmdrklarg

      **** Climate change is real.


      **** Man driven climate change through CO2 is insignificant.

      Incorrect. When one looks at the data, the effect of man's activities ARE small compared to the effects of nature.

      HOWEVER... man's activities *are* significant enough to be tipping a balance. That balance has been slowly but surely tipping since the 1800s when the Industrial Revolution started the wholesale burning of oil and coal. Claiming that they aren't comes from those who stand to lose trillions of dollars if the use of oil, coal, and natgas are curbed.

      **** Racism is bad


      **** DEI is racism

      Incorrect. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is the literal exact opposite of racism. Calling DEI racism is coming from RWNJ media misrepresenting what it is to make it yet another scary acronym for riling up the vast unwashed masses.

      I rather like the acronym MFA (Monoculture, Favoritism, and Alienation) to refer to actual racism.

      **** Real Gender dysphoria is real but tiny


      **** Gender dysphoria is promoted for nefarious reasons by adults

      Also correct, but not the way you imply. It is the RWNJs who insist upon vilifying and persecuting trans people that are profiting from the hate generated.

      It is good that you are partway to understanding those issues, but you need to stop listening to the RWNJ hucksters who are feeding you FUD.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Like all politicians and governments Trump will hide unpopular things within populist policies.

    So yeah removing DEI and to be seen to deport large number of people are popular things in the USofA. But those are distractions and easy to see.

    What are the sneaky undemocratic things he's slipping through? Can we highlight them more?

    1. jake Silver badge

      "So yeah removing DEI and to be seen to deport large number of people are popular things in the USofA."

      No, they are not ... except perhaps by the MAGA cult, of course. But they are about to have other things to worry about. Like when their Social Security goes away. And their food stamps go away. And their medical care goes away. All of which are coming.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Well they appear to be popular since he was voted in with a clear majority on a platform of doing those things. And thanks for adding in the sneaky things I was making a point about.

        It will be interesting to see what the longer term reaction is to those policies. If it continues to be a vote winner (or vote retainer) I wonder if we'll see UK Labour burn their ethics and swing to the right to get that vote here.

        1. SundogUK Silver badge

          The UK Labour party are socialists. They don't have ethics.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            The UK Labour party are NOT socialists.

          2. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

            Yes, we get it. Anything to the left of the NSDAP is evil. Another Cretin.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Harris was a bag of shit candidate that was parachuted in when it was screamingly obvious Biden couldn't stand for election again. Despite her massive handicaps, she still managed to pull within 3 million votes because Trump was that disliked people were willing to vote for a black woman over him.

          It's also very strange that the Trump camp has fallen silent about electoral fraud when there's plenty of suing going around for pollsters who bucked his chances.

        3. cmdrklarg

          **** Well they appear to be popular since he was voted in with a clear majority on a platform of doing those things.

          The Florida Orange Man did NOT win with a majority, as he did NOT have 50%+ of the votes (he was close at 49.8% IIRC). He won with a plurality (AKA the most votes).

          With a total voter turnout of ~64%, that means the FOM had 32% of the eligible votes. In other words, that means that 68% of voters DID NOT vote for him.

          1. MachDiamond Silver badge

            "The Florida Orange Man did NOT win with a majority, as he did NOT have 50%+ of the votes (he was close at 49.8% IIRC). "

            Mr Trump had well over 50% of the electoral votes, a majority. The US Presidency is not decided by a popular vote.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Sneaky undemocratic things?

      Just about everything Elon Musk and his minions have done? Unconditionally cutting off funds appropriated by law by the US Congress? Appointing drunks, rapists, wackos and Putin stooges like RFK Jr, Gabbard, Hegseth and Patel to head important government agencies? Pardoning violent criminal insurrectionists who attacked and killed people at the Capitol on January 6th? Threatening to dox 6000 FBI agents who investigated his crimes?

      Read the fucking news

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Sneaky undemocratic things?

        "Read the fucking news"

        Read? I think you give him/her/they/it[*] too much credit :-)

        * Sorry, I couldn't resist dog-whistling the AC trumpers. And apart from the usual suspects, it's interesting how the majority of trumper posters are AC, like maybe they are hiding the fact they subscribed recently just to post their crap, ie trolls.

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: Sneaky undemocratic things?

          "the AC trumpers"

          Plural? Assumes facts not in evidence.

          They all look alike to me.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Barbarians at the gate

    Trump wants total chaos.

    He thrives from it.

    1. LBJsPNS Bronze badge

      Re: Barbarians at the gate

      In chaos you can steal.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Barbarians at the gate

        In Trump’s case it would be rape and pillage.

        Sadly, quite literally.

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Barbarians at the gate

        "In chaos you can steal."

        It's usually referred to as "looting" :-/

  12. Marty McFly Silver badge

    Weak arguments

    It is always fun to watch the comments on these threads. In any argument, on any topic, the first sign of a losing position is when the name calling starts. Attacking the messenger rather than the message is the key to watch for.

    1. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: Weak arguments

      "the first sign of a losing position is when the name calling starts"

      and that's the point where clicking the "report abuse" button needs to be implemented. Ad Hominem attacks aren't part of a useful discussion.

  13. MacGuffin


    The Federal government can do that with their web sites. The federal government also distributes grants to the States and many other organizations. I imagine before to long those grants will be modified unilaterally that as a condition of accepting the grants, all mentions of DEI be removed from all websites and materials.

    The argument may be made that money is fungible, so the grant funds would not be used to support DEI in those organizations. No amount of separation of those funds from their intended purpose will stop accusations that federal money is used to fund DEI in some way, shape or form.

    Replace DEI with any other out of favor term you like.

  14. Mitoo Bobsworth

    There is hope...

    Studies have shown that the element Pb (period 6, Group 14 on the Periodic Table), in sufficient accelerated doses has been observed as an effective & permanent cure for stupidity.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: There is hope...

      In Trumps "anti-green" fervour, I'm surprised he's not signed an Executive Order to allow "real gas", ie leaded fuel back on the market. I suppose there's still time. :-/

  15. cmb11

    J DEI Vance getting scrubbed too?

    I just waiting for the Orange One to realise that his VP was the recipient of a DEI position Yale, he got the position because he is a returned serviceman and from a low income area. I don't doubt he was smart enough for the position, but given two people of equal ability, the J DEI Vance got the nod

  16. Libertarian Voice


    He is just ridding us of misinformation. There are only 2 genders and co2 lacks the potency to drive climate at latent levels.

    If you take the argument of the Church of Climatology at its highest then you get more storms. More storms mean more clouds and clouds have a negative forcing.

    Interesting that radiation that is reflected back into space skews the satellite data set to make it appear as though there is more warming than there is.

    The co2 warming hypothesis is blown apart, and while I don't agree with everything Trump has said and done, he is doing more good than harm.

    Hope for the future which has not looked brighter since the left wing post reality nonsense took hold. I just hope whoever takes over from him stays on the same path.

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