Never heard of it.
And given the restrictions, it hardly counts as a VPN service.
VPNs may be some use as long as they aren't run by the NSA, but there are other options. Widespread deployment of code that allowed users to bounce web data through other sites would allow citizens of oppressive regimes to avoid blocks, whilst creating one or more alt DNS systems would allow data to move across the internet from anywhere to anywhere. This is easier with distributed systems. You can also capture websites and convert them into apps, pipe them as apps across the net or rebuild their functionality on your own system. Websites can even be deployed independent as mobile code.
Data flows like water, we just have to do the plumbing. Development of this was largely frozen by GAFA's dominance, patent abuse and lawyer-led operations, but there is a world of alternate ways to move and process data that we have not yet exploited. A lot of it can operate happily on the current infrastructure, data within data, networks within networks. Plenty to explore.