Re: "Intel has officially missed the boat for AI in the datacenter"
You mean like they did with powerful and energy efficient processors laptops? Or powerful and efficient processors for smartphones?
How did those Intel powered Android phones fair?
One of the main reasons for WoA was Intel ignoring Microsoft's and the industry's call for more efficient processors for laptops. It took a long time for Intel to get the message, but, luckily on the client Windows side, a lot of people still treat Intel as the modern day IBM (nobody got fired for buying Intel)... It took Qualcomm many years to get a laptop class processor that was any good, but when they did, it suddenly made Intel sit up and take notice. They are about there with performance, but not efficiency, and AMD are attacking them from the other side.
AI in the datacenter is just another in a string of missed opportunities.
Even if datacenter AI is marketing hype, it is a several hundred billion dollar hype at the moment and companies like nVidia are raking it in, they can't manufacturer the chips fast enough; Intel on the other hand can't even get their designs out the door...