"I would like to feel safe in my home."
Block the sender?
Do not play the video?
Watch them outside of your house and spare us from the 'feel safe at home' BS?
Wales has given the world many things – Tom Jones, laverbread, and the equals sign. But one woman from Caernarfon has added weaponized flatulence to the list. Her unorthodox approach to WhatsApp landed her with a community order and fines. The court heard that the 25-year-old stinkerbell, Rhiannon Evans, sent a series of …
If this is what makes her feel unsafe then she is not ready to become a member of society.
She is still in the infancy stage if her life and a serious psychological assessment is required.
As for chief farter in question, she is a complete numpty who's internet access should be removed for a couple of months .
The first two phrases you need are "am I free to go?" and "I want a lawyer". If the person asking the questions says you do not have the right to legal representation then he can explain his reasoning to your lawyer. If for some strange reason you waive your right to legal representation you can change your mind. You can still remain silent (or "no comment") but the court (be it a jury or a bench of Magistrates) are entitled to draw an "adverse inference" from a suspect's failure or refusal to answer questions in interview. Even with this change to the law your lawyer is very likely to advice you to remain silent or no comment.
Most important of all: Do not take legal advice from fools like me on the internet.
Maybe the mention of physical fights should be a clue to the safety comments
To the victim, the fart videos were a contnuation of aggression.
Clearly the farter is an unstable person to continue sending the videos after a police warning, would you want someone like that knowing where you live?
…holding her smartphone camera to her rear end, farting into it while smirking throughout.How does that even work? How is she holding it to her bottom, but also visibly smirking in the video? I'm trying to imagine adequate but reasonable contortions to make that happen, and failing. Unless she was wearing this smirk somewhere else??
verb: smirk; 3rd person present: smirks; past tense: smirked; past participle: smirked; gerund or present participle: smirking
smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way.
"he smirked in triumph"
smile smugly
noun: smirk; plural noun: smirks
a smug, conceited, or silly smile.
"Gloria pursed her mouth in a self-satisfied smirk"
« ...holding her smartphone camera to her rear end, farting into it while smirking throughout.
How does that even work?»
My thought exactly.
All I could imagine was that she had her head thrust well between her legs at the time which, while speaking to some gymnastic athleticism, is rather a case of being hoisted by one's own petard, I would have thought.
Although as a story I would have kept the dead donkey. The flatulence was quite incidental to the harrassment using a carrier service. I imagine if she were to recite The Tay Bridge Disaster to her victim she would have received a stiff but well deserved custodial sentence. The same delivered in Welsh would deserve the black cap.
Reminds me of a certain head of state whose lips typically form a rounded sphincter shape prior to his dumping another load of falsehood laced bullshit on his adoring acolytes usually bookended by an insufferably smug smirk.
You are all a bunch of very clever people but how have you all missed the obvious answer?
I'm guessing she did this on her own. The only way she could possibly do this on her own would be with the use of.... Drum roll.... A Mirror or two mirrors. Hence why she could aim the camera and catch the smirk. If she didn't do it on her own someone else would be charged. I can't be the only one who was curious about what my own arsehole looked like and positioned a mirror on a skirting board.
It does, it is. But surely you'll accept that since life first crawled out of a swamp, farting has been hilarious, and the phone adds the vaguest most cyberfartery angle to the story?
I wonder if they were good, long, noisy, wet farts? Was the quality of them a contributor to the severity of the crime?
And more importantly, how does this leave the law around intentionally letting off an SBD in a crowded lift? I hope rampant regulation hasn't just made that a criminal offence.
They couldn't resist the opportunity for a few 'explosive' flatulence-based puns, but I agree they parped on about it a bit too long
Then again, the Reg often has articles about Wind and Biogas, this could come under their unclean energy topic
And in any case, it is in the erm, buttnotes section.
.. I'll get me coat
They just follow up what's low effort.
A family member reported (to a solicitor, who's notes were available) being harassed and frightened by groups of people that were after her money. The home had records of the visitors trying to get each other 'banned' from visiting.
Police had no intention of spending a minute on it as it was 'too hard to prove' after the victim (the primary witness) had passed away. I get that they have to prioritise things that might get results, but I would've thought that abusing the elderly and terminally ill into giving you their money might warrant a little engagement.
I know this is supposed to be a jovial article, but the world does appear to exist just to piss me off.
"but the world does appear to exist just to piss me off."
Oh, man, I hammered the upvote so damn hard I'm surprised my phone's screen didn't shatter.
But, alas, clearly harassing the elderly is okay but fart-messages aren't. Gotcha. I think. What? <shrug>
"She was also said to be unaware that her actions were illegal and refuted the prosecution's accusation that the messages were sent with malicious intent."
I really, really wish people would not use 'refute' (prove to be false) when they mean 'deny' (claim to be false). I suspect Dr Robert Burchfield, Chief Editor of the Oxford Dictionaries, was right when he 'gloomily saw it possible' that the distinction between 'refute' and 'deny' may become even more blurred 'in the next decade or two' (he was speaking in 1980).
So this woman, when the urge came upon her, had the wherewithal to drop her trousers, assume the position, set the phone into 'record' mode and line everything up before sending the recording to her nemesis?
She either has far too much time on her hands - or an exceptionally broad-minded and forgiving employer. I suspect the former: the latter raises many, many more questions than it answers!
... then she's a contortionist, who doesn't mind getting her face next to her @rsehole whilst letting rip. I bet she could do that as a profitable side-hustle on certain websites.
Seriously though, if your conduct precipitates a home visit and a warning from the police, you should probably stop doing it, otherwise you are an idiot.
... and a fartually accurate transcripted translation. I hear CSI-oriented AI is great at figuring out the extent to which such "intentional" sonorous exhausts represent playfulness as opposed to aggression these days, which, beyond means, motive, and opportunity, goes to the all important determination of whether criminal intent was involved ... I'm entirely confident that a deep ML analysis of where exactly the sounds were produced, and how, the extent of vibration involved, their rhythm, tempo, rubato, and especially ornamentation, will provide key new insights into this crucial question!
That abuse of a phone! Such a nightmarish view, such a nightmarish sound, such nightmarish bacteria puffed on it.
Talk about PTSD... It is currently in a sanatorium, locked so it does not kill itself, drugged so it does not kill itself. No matter how much it got disinfected and tested, it still feels dirty!
OK. The serious side is clear and there are clearly issues which a functioning social services could help prevent from becoming a police issue
But ... Flatulence, Whatsapp (which is part of the massive wind farm that is Meta) and the contortionist angle make this the perfect Friday read.
I almost wet myself reading it after all while SHWMBO let rip with a very loud one but didn't record it on her phone.
The court heard that the 25-year-old stinkerbell, Rhiannon Evans, sent a series of videos to her boyfriend's former partner of her holding her smartphone camera to her rear end, farting into it while smirking throughout. ..... The court also heard that the relationship between Evans, her partner, and Prytherch came to blows amid disputes over access to child visitation. Evans and her ex had previously been in a relationship for two years.
Who is Even's ex? Who is Evan's boyfriend? To whom does the child belong?
This whole thing was ridiculous, but the worst part is that instead of the police having a quick word, they arrested the gaseous lady and prosecuted her. To add to that, the judge then went mental with the sentencing. All that for sending fart videos.
I would be a little more understanding if she'd had some warnings and kept doing it.