DRM is the biggest threat to conservation
Almost every piece of media posted online these days is protected by some form of DRM. While the use of DRM is a massive discussion best saved for another day, one apparent downside here is that by preventing copies from being made, you prevent copies from being made!
As an artist, what is your priority? Making money now, or creating a legacy? The hard reality of life is, that more often than not you are forced to choose the former option. If you even get to make that choice yourself, because many artists, especially musicians, are bound to a publisher who will obviously make that decision for you.
I'd love to see a world where everyone can follow their passion, make every decision the way they want to, and live happily ever after, but the realist (or pessimist) in me has accepted that we simply can't have that.
And a little question to think about for yourself and maybe have an existential crisis about: Do you even want to be remembered? Why do you want that? Why should people remember you? There's a vast amount of people who turned into dust without a single trace of their existence surviving, what makes you special?
If thinking about those questions pissed you off, use it as a catalyst to make that change. Or, just like many of us, live your life to your happiest, and take every day as it comes. You don't need to be special, you just need to be yourself.