Google Maps to roll out Trump-approved Denali and Gulf of Mexico rebrands
Among the flurry of executive orders expelled from Donald J Trump following his inauguration as US President last week, one of the more impotent was "Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness." The thrust was that Mount Denali, the highest peak in North America, would revert to Mount McKinley, named after 25th President …
Wednesday 29th January 2025 04:15 GMT HuBo
Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update
To me, that particular name change smells of deep insecurity of the self in relation to its position in the World. Renaming New Mexico to New America, or Indiana to Americana, would reflect similar insecurities I think. This seems to have arisen also on the side of gender insecurities with bans on transgenders in the military and elsewhere, where insecure men (mostly?) are scared shitless of being attracted to a woman who was previously a man, or to a former woman who is now a man (iiuc). Those name changes and bans are indicative of severe weaknesses of character and deep-seated insecurities that are likely profoundly rooted in the small-headed members of the Convict in Chief's incoming administration imho.
For the life of me, I can't see how anyone would think that this insecure Orange can possibly be the new Black!
Wednesday 29th January 2025 07:44 GMT 45RPM
Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update
Being so thin skinned that they want everything either named after the country or after some white dude isn’t pride. It’s the reaction that might be expected of a toddler level IQ. That toy is mine. And that one. And that one you’re playing with, even though I don’t really want it.
This isn’t something to be proud of. This is something to be deeply, deeply, embarrassed and ashamed of.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 14:35 GMT Andrew Scott
Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update
All the toddler's i've met have a pretty good understanding of fairness. They don't usually claim everything in sight and understand sharing. I think this is about one individual who defies the norms of behavior even by the standards of many of his supporters. Still, damn shame he was elected.
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Wednesday 29th January 2025 22:37 GMT KRCaddis
Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update
SOME Americans, by a small percentage Trump won. Don't brand all of our Americans. Unfortunately the Democrats are often too complacent to vote whereas the MAGA Right Wing constituency had the flames of lie-based "information" fanned since Obama first announced his candidacy. Concerted attacks against Biden's about age, combined with the replacement with Harris, a Black (1/2) Woman. surely gave rise to further animation of the "Rightest" wing of the GOP fanbase.
Now begins the surprises.
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Tuesday 28th January 2025 17:34 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: What's in a name...
Is that true? As far as I know it's known as 'the Channel' (in their local language) almost everywhere, except in the UK where it is known as 'the English Channel'.
The Spanish call it 'El canal de la Mancha', the French call it 'La Manche', the Belgians call it 'Het Kanaal/La Manche', the Dutch call it 'Het Kanaal', the Portuguese call it 'Canal da Mancha', the Italians call it 'il Canale della Manica', the Danes call it 'kanalen', the Germans it 'Der Ärmelkanal'.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 08:21 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: What's in a name...
Replace “the English” with the Anglosphere.
For example, it’s pretty much everyone on this island (which you seem to think is all England), as well as most North Americans. Also, the IHO officially designates it as “the English Channel” usually with a “La Manche” subheading/translation.
“La Manche” broadly (but as with most translations, not directly) translates as “the Channel”.
We don’t just call it “the Channel” because there are a few bodies of water referred to as Channels around these islands, the main being those that separate the Irish Sea from the Atlantic Ocean (or Celtic Sea at the southern end).
Wednesday 29th January 2025 08:12 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: What's in a name...
Depending on the direction you are coming from, the city of Liège in Belgium will be named Liège (South), Luik (North and West), or Luttich (East) on signs.
Most destinations in Belgium appear with different names on signs depending from where you are driving. Some destinations in Northern France too.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 10:54 GMT collinsl
Re: What's in a name...
Considering it was invented out of thin air in the 1800s out of a bit of the Netherlands and speaks three different languages (French, Dutch, and Flemish), it's not surprising that there's an existence crisis, along with an existential one and probably half a dozen other crises as well.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 14:42 GMT Andrew Scott
Re: What's in a name...
Probably because they were handing out the maps they'd made to most of the world. Once saw a map/globe made of glass with a glass bridge in the middle. It included Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania which at the time I visited weren't listed on any map i'd ever seen. Today it's a bit more accurate. Like a broken military clock. right at least once a day.
Tuesday 28th January 2025 19:24 GMT Yet Another Anonymous coward
Re: Not for the developed world, shirley
We can of course rename American cities, such as their capital CrappyMcCrappyPlace DC.
For a start I think a block on any that are obviously stolen foreign IP. Although New Y**k will be renamed to New Doncaster
Everything else gets refereed to by its Spanish or First Nation name
Wednesday 29th January 2025 04:16 GMT jake
Re: Freedom Fries 2.0
Just to set the record straight ...
... so-called "Freedom Fries" was the brain-child of disgraced Republican congressman and convicted felon[0] Bob Ney (served 17 months of a 30 month sentence at Club Fed (Federal Correctional Institution, Morgantown)).
Nobody in the US paid all that much attention to the supposed name change, other than the Press and the usual rabid Republican sycophants, who are a very small, if vocal, subset of the population as a whole. I can quite honestly say that I never saw the item on a restaurant menu, even when it was supposedly an in thing.
[0] Is there an echo in DC?
Tuesday 28th January 2025 17:45 GMT Simon Harris
A petty irrelevance.
MAGA wanting to change the Gulf of Mexico to The Gulf of America is a petty irrelevance to the rest of the world, who will no doubt carry on calling it The Gulf of Mexico.
A bit like the Take Back Control mob changing the colour of our passports from burgundy to blue.
Just a bit of a 'yahh-boo' to appease their supporters that everyone else will just ignore.
Tuesday 28th January 2025 18:45 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: A petty irrelevance.
(I've posted this before, but it's worth reposting as a reminder that even the excuse used was a lie.) (*)
You mean the same blue passports that the UK *could* have retained *if* it hadn't made the choice of its own volition to use the standardised but non-mandated EU format and default colour scheme?
You mean blue passports like the ones that Croatia- an EU member- has? You mean the blue-coloured passports that were imposed on "us" by the League of Nations in the first place?
The ones that it was obvious the lying scum who chose to play political football with the future of the UK over such trivialities were going to use as their flag-bearer for "taking back control", even though it was "our" own f*****g choice in the first place?
Yeah, I thought so.
I'd like to be able to make a joke about where they should have their newly-manufactured blue passports inserted once they're shipped over from France, but frankly there's nothing funny about any of this any more.
(*) Though I should still be clear that I don't want to imply that the "blue passports" complaint it would have been any more legitimate- or any less a right-wing-pandering excuse to fuck about with the UK's political future over a triviality even if it *had* been true. It's just that it- and its supporters- didn't even have the decency to care about that.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 10:10 GMT werdsmith
Re: A petty irrelevance.
they should have their newly-manufactured blue passports inserted once they're shipped over from France
Thales DIS is the French company contracted to make the passports but they are made by one of their in Poland.
Before Brexit they were made in the UK by DeLaRue. But like most things Brexit.....
Tuesday 28th January 2025 19:11 GMT DS999
AFAIK MAGA never asked for this
I think Trump was just looking for some way to piss off Mexico's president because she's called him out - and because she's a she and if there's anything Trump hates it is a woman in a position of power. Basically just acting like the little whiny baby he is tossing toys out of his crib when someone won't come running with a bottle and fresh diaper every time he cries.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 05:10 GMT jake
Re: A petty irrelevance.
Look on the bright side, he hasn't decided to legally set the value of pi to 3. Yet.
On the other hand, while attempting to classify the genders down to just two, the scientifically illiterate morons instead declared, with the stroke of Trump's pen (oooh, matron!), that all men, woman, children and fetuses in the United States are inherently female.
Yes, boys, all y'all are now girls, by presidential decree. Read it for yourself:
The bit you want is Section 2, parts d and e ... Note where it says "at conception"? Well guess what ... at conception, we are all female. Sexual dimorphism in humans doesn't start to occur until about 6 weeks AFTER conception, when the gene that turns us from girls to boys is switched on. This is basic biology.
Feel free to look it up for yourself ... the gene in question is labeled SRY. You can read up on it here:
Note that this is science, not the wild collective psychosis of a small handful of bombastic, bumbling buffoons.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 07:49 GMT 42656e4d203239
Re: A petty irrelevance.
Thanks for that - A beer for your trouble ---->
I had wondered exactly how the orange ape had managed to define everyone in the US of A female, but couldn't really be bothered to find out.
It seems his grasp on reality, in any of its varied forms, is as loose as it ever was.
Tuesday 28th January 2025 17:56 GMT Anonymous Coward
Not only the Americans who are at it
Folks from the Republic of Ireland and one half of the community in Northern Ireland tend to get a bit annoyed at the use of the term British Isles.
The government of Ireland does not officially recognise the term.
As for Derry/LondonDerry...
Wednesday 29th January 2025 00:50 GMT Fruit and Nutcase
Re: So when will Google be asked ...
a slight tweak...
"Ivanka" being the diminutive form of "Ivania", derived from the male name Ivan...
There's a certain symmetry to it. And Ivan (the terrible) would love that!
Tuesday 28th January 2025 17:57 GMT Simon Harris
Another bit of grift by the Trump Administration?
Just as with the 'Trump Bible', no doubt these Trumpian name changes will result in a Trump World Atlas and Trump Map of America with the new names appearing, printed for peanuts in China, and forced upon US schools at an exorbitant price.
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Tuesday 28th January 2025 19:08 GMT DS999
Its Trump's version of the nine dashed lines
I hope Apple doesn't go along with this idiocy. I guess there's no choice with the Denali thing since that's part of the US and presidents have the authority to do. Hopefully whoever succeeds Trump will reverse it and it can be just another footnote to his endless stupidity.
But I'll be mighty disappointed if I see "Gulf of America" on Apple Maps. The US president has no right to change the internationally accepted name of a body of water that is not part of the United States. If they go along with this, what's next the Atlantic Ocean is the American Ocean? And the Pacific Ocean is the Trump Ocean, because its the biglyest?
Tuesday 28th January 2025 21:11 GMT Philo T Farnsworth
Nailed alined Daniel denial.
I wonder whether all those owners of those monster GMC Denali trucks and SUVs will be receiving new nameplates and vehicle registrations.
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Tuesday 28th January 2025 20:51 GMT Baird34
Re: The German Ocean
Just realised that my choice of words was open to unfortunate misinterpretation. I was in no way comparing Germans to germs, absolutely not, just noticed it can easily be read that way! I meant the North sea/German ocean is/was notoriously polluted, that was my brilliant gag.
Oh bum.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 06:07 GMT Neil Barnes
Re: The German Ocean
And my response to your post was quoting not the shipping forecast (though it does that) but a character in Barry Hines' 'A Kestrel for a Knave' himself responding to a teacher taking a register; Fisher, the pupil in question, was off sick...
My word, jokes are so much funnier when they have to be explained! :)
Tuesday 28th January 2025 19:42 GMT heyrick
For those of us overseas...
...we don't care what you call that mountain because it's in your own country, but that wet bit has been the Gulf of Mexico (in various languages, like Golfo de México...) since about 1550 and isn't going to get renamed by some obnoxious bloke with a pen.
So can we non-Americans please have it appear as it should, using the name it has had since before your country was even a thing.
Thank you.
Tuesday 28th January 2025 20:58 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: For those of us overseas...
I'm gobsmacked that anyone openly supports this, even devotees of the MAGA Church of American Crazies.
FYI, the "Mexico" bit derives from the name of the original indigenous population. It was named so by French Jesuits back at the end of 16th century.
So you see, there's a sensible rationale there.
It beggars belief that the most powerful country on Earth, allows itself to be so petty, childish and insecure.
We really have entered the "Age of the Idiot".
Wednesday 29th January 2025 07:11 GMT the Jim bloke
Re: For those of us overseas...
He's not a megalomaniac, he is a sociopath with no comprehension of how normal human beings think.
Everything is all about him, and anything that disputes that is evil and must be destroyed.
For someone getting rid of the DEI hires, he better make sure to exclude neurodivergent from the list or he will be out on his arse with the rest...
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Tuesday 28th January 2025 20:39 GMT Fruit and Nutcase
Mount Rushmore
Remember this from Trump 1.0...
Hopefully he's forgotten it
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Wednesday 29th January 2025 00:10 GMT Gary Stewart
Watch out Europe, UK, Ireland, Iceland, Greanland (did I miss any?)
Trump is coming to stateify you next, by hook or by crook (modus operandi of choice) or by force (because he is such a greatly great general). Google WTF is wrong with you? As an American I have almost completely stopped watching/reading the news because I just can't take the continuing stupidity (is there a stronger word I can use?), lies, hate, and decline into utter madness Trump and his followers are bringing to the US and the world. P.S. I watched the video and that WAS a Nazi salute, twice! Another one of Trump's "good people". Well at least we can get a modern perspective on how they came to power. My brain hurts.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 06:18 GMT david willis
Lots of comments about Trump (no surprise)
Not a lot of comments about google, the company you could trust (stop laughing at the back), a company that has committed to “Transform teaching and learning with products built for education”, then bent over hard to ignore reality in order to appease a delinquent.
PS if you own an Apple device, any Apple device capable of running safari, your default web search engine is google. Remember how google makes its money, and if you don’t like what google has done change the default search engine. It’s really easy to do.
For those supporting all this delinquent rubbish, feel free to gather round google, raise the American flag, with its potential for 52 stars (Canada and Greenland) and sing that song about America, “land of the free’, unless of course you are transgender, lgbt, have a skin colour that isn’t white or are a woman.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 06:56 GMT baseh
Have you look at the map lately?
and compared the length of the shores of US and Mexico?
The answer is roughly 2000 km Mexican v/s 2500 km US.
According to that the gulf should be named Golf of USA so naming it America is actually generous.
Sure, the previous name may remind of some 200-old not so pleasant occurrences but this is the reality today.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 07:10 GMT david willis
Re: Have you look at the map lately?
The gulf of mexico has had a lot of names.
Its currently international designation “gulf of mexico” first appeared in 1550.
Its current US designation occurred within 24 hours of one deluded man, becoming president. Nobody was crying out for it, nobody was at war about it, he just thought it was a good idea that would make him look good in front of his supporters (which to be fair it does)
The worry isn’t even the rush of companies (traditionally against the man) to support him. The reason for this as far as I can see is fear.
An elected president, above any law, ruling by dictat. It’s almost like Naxi Germany or The CCCP/Russia.
People should be scared. Very scared. this trivial start may not end well.
Wednesday 29th January 2025 11:00 GMT baseh
Re: Keep it the Gulf of Mexico
You probably mean that you are a citizen of USA.
Yes you are also an American as are the Mexicans, Argentinians , Cubans and Canadians (and many others).
Almost anybody refers to USA citizens as Americans which is not strictly correct.
So to reiterate: GULF OF AMERICA is strictly referring to a gulf in the continents of America.
If you choose to understand that as Gulf of USA, that is your (and Trump's) loose interpretation