back to article Google Maps to roll out Trump-approved Denali and Gulf of Mexico rebrands

Among the flurry of executive orders expelled from Donald J Trump following his inauguration as US President last week, one of the more impotent was "Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness." The thrust was that Mount Denali, the highest peak in North America, would revert to Mount McKinley, named after 25th President …

  1. Apocalypso - a cheery end to the world

    xkcd 1688 needs an update

    1. beast666 Silver badge

      Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

      We bigly prefer the new name Gulf of America.


      1. HuBo Silver badge

        Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

        To me, that particular name change smells of deep insecurity of the self in relation to its position in the World. Renaming New Mexico to New America, or Indiana to Americana, would reflect similar insecurities I think. This seems to have arisen also on the side of gender insecurities with bans on transgenders in the military and elsewhere, where insecure men (mostly?) are scared shitless of being attracted to a woman who was previously a man, or to a former woman who is now a man (iiuc). Those name changes and bans are indicative of severe weaknesses of character and deep-seated insecurities that are likely profoundly rooted in the small-headed members of the Convict in Chief's incoming administration imho.

        For the life of me, I can't see how anyone would think that this insecure Orange can possibly be the new Black!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

          Americans have lost their pride and he wants to restore some. I can understand that.

          1. 45RPM Silver badge

            Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

            Being so thin skinned that they want everything either named after the country or after some white dude isn’t pride. It’s the reaction that might be expected of a toddler level IQ. That toy is mine. And that one. And that one you’re playing with, even though I don’t really want it.

            This isn’t something to be proud of. This is something to be deeply, deeply, embarrassed and ashamed of.

            1. Andrew Scott Bronze badge

              Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

              All the toddler's i've met have a pretty good understanding of fairness. They don't usually claim everything in sight and understand sharing. I think this is about one individual who defies the norms of behavior even by the standards of many of his supporters. Still, damn shame he was elected.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Americans have lost their pride and he wants to restore some

            If I ever need to feel proud I rename the street I live on as "AC Street", and then I don't feel so bad!

            1. Casca Silver badge

              Re: Americans have lost their pride and he wants to restore some

              And the crossing name to DC avenue?

              1. Evilgoat76

                Re: Americans have lost their pride and he wants to restore some

                At 0 AC street?

                Or Diode Junction?

          3. Casca Silver badge

            Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

            Its not pride. Its stupidity

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

            2. KRCaddis

              Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

              Is there an even more descriptive term?

          4. collinsl Silver badge

            Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

            Yes but the way not to lose that pride in the first place is to not elect Trump.

          5. KRCaddis

            Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

            SOME Americans, by a small percentage Trump won. Don't brand all of our Americans. Unfortunately the Democrats are often too complacent to vote whereas the MAGA Right Wing constituency had the flames of lie-based "information" fanned since Obama first announced his candidacy. Concerted attacks against Biden's about age, combined with the replacement with Harris, a Black (1/2) Woman. surely gave rise to further animation of the "Rightest" wing of the GOP fanbase.

            Now begins the surprises.

          6. KRCaddis

            Re: xkcd 1688 needs an update

            Trump now pays back those who paid the millions of dollars from his cronies with business opportunities, government jobs (however unqualified they are), and the most raw forms of power th novices could ever hope to get.

  2. Wellyboot Silver badge

    What's in a name...

    The sea between England & France is the English channel to most of the world.

    The French call it La Manche & almost nobody cares.

    1. DoContra

      Re: What's in a name...

      The French call it La Manche & almost nobody cares.

      Except for Spain, Portugal, and the (former) colonies of both (and France's -- former -- colonies too I'd guess)

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What's in a name...

      Is that true? As far as I know it's known as 'the Channel' (in their local language) almost everywhere, except in the UK where it is known as 'the English Channel'.

      The Spanish call it 'El canal de la Mancha', the French call it 'La Manche', the Belgians call it 'Het Kanaal/La Manche', the Dutch call it 'Het Kanaal', the Portuguese call it 'Canal da Mancha', the Italians call it 'il Canale della Manica', the Danes call it 'kanalen', the Germans it 'Der Ärmelkanal'.

      1. RobDog

        Re: What's in a name...

        ‘Tunnel sous la Manche’ on e.g. the A16 approaching

        1. werdsmith Silver badge

          Re: What's in a name...

 maps it is English Channel. On maps it is Manche. Really not a big deal that London is called Londres in France. Or Lisbon Lisboa, Fiorentina, Napoli, Roma etc it's a long list.

      2. John Robson Silver badge

        Re: What's in a name...

        Even in England we often just call it "the channel".

        It's not called the English Channel Tunnel after all..

      3. Andrew Scott Bronze badge

        Re: What's in a name...

        saw the sea hawks, called the english channel in that.

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What's in a name...

        Kanał La Manche in Polish. While the Czechs, being Czechs, use both variants (English... / La Manche)

    3. FrogsAndChips Silver badge

      Re: What's in a name...

      That's why Musk wants to rename it to the 'George Washington Channel'.

      1. Paul Herber Silver badge

        Re: What's in a name...

        He would adore to have a country named after himself. How about Muscovy or Moscovia, or even Moskoviya, some variant on Muskovia?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What's in a name...

          A nation called that has existed before, in the 13th century. Moscovia or Muscovy is now considered a historical region in Central Russia.

          1. Paul Herber Silver badge

            Re: What's in a name...

            Er, yes, I know, I didn't make up those names!

            1. Natalie Gritpants Jr

              Re: What's in a name...

              Well somebody did, and we're not going home till they admit it. I can stay here all night.

        2. frankvw

          Re: What's in a name...

          When Trump negotiates the end of the war between Russia and the Ukraine he can throw in a rider to have Moskow renamed to Muskow.

        3. This post has been deleted by its author

        4. Someone Else Silver badge

          Re: What's in a name...

          Isn't that already the name of the capital of Russia?

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What's in a name...

      The English Channel is called that by the English, no one else.

      They also still believe that the world spins around them ....

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What's in a name...

        Replace “the English” with the Anglosphere.

        For example, it’s pretty much everyone on this island (which you seem to think is all England), as well as most North Americans. Also, the IHO officially designates it as “the English Channel” usually with a “La Manche” subheading/translation.

        “La Manche” broadly (but as with most translations, not directly) translates as “the Channel”.

        We don’t just call it “the Channel” because there are a few bodies of water referred to as Channels around these islands, the main being those that separate the Irish Sea from the Atlantic Ocean (or Celtic Sea at the southern end).

        1. werdsmith Silver badge

          Re: What's in a name...

          La manche is most definitely a sleeve.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: We don’t just call it “the Channel”

          but there can be only ONE real, propa Channel, the One that protects us from the evils of Europe and beyond!

        3. Will Godfrey Silver badge

          Re: What's in a name...

          I don't know who this "We" are you're talking about. For as long as I can remember I, and all my family have just called it "The Channel".


          ... and I can remember things back as far as the early 1950s.

          1. Evilgoat76

            Re: What's in a name...

            I've been out on those waters enough times, it's just The Channel, as in "the Channel Tunnel" And to confuse it, the Channel contains the Shipping Channels, like one really big, wet CAT5

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What's in a name...

      Depending on the direction you are coming from, the city of Liège in Belgium will be named Liège (South), Luik (North and West), or Luttich (East) on signs.

      Most destinations in Belgium appear with different names on signs depending from where you are driving. Some destinations in Northern France too.

      1. Casca Silver badge

        Re: What's in a name...

        Belgium has a existence crisis?

        1. collinsl Silver badge

          Re: What's in a name...

          Considering it was invented out of thin air in the 1800s out of a bit of the Netherlands and speaks three different languages (French, Dutch, and Flemish), it's not surprising that there's an existence crisis, along with an existential one and probably half a dozen other crises as well.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What's in a name...

          well, Belgium is on the brink of falling apart.

          That said, it's been in that state for the last 200 years...

      2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

        Re: What's in a name...

        Indeed, and some of the changes can be very confusing: Antwerpen/Anvers, Leuven/Louvain, but Lille/Rijssel!

        Corrections can also get OTT: all the gaelic signage in Edinburgh, for example.

    6. chololennon

      Re: What's in a name...

      > The sea between England & France is the English channel to most of the world.

      Well, for those like myself who speak Spanish as a main language (more than 500 millions), it is known as "Canal de la Mancha".

    7. Andrew Scott Bronze badge

      Re: What's in a name...

      Probably because they were handing out the maps they'd made to most of the world. Once saw a map/globe made of glass with a glass bridge in the middle. It included Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania which at the time I visited weren't listed on any map i'd ever seen. Today it's a bit more accurate. Like a broken military clock. right at least once a day.

  3. Pete 2 Silver badge


    Surely the Gulf of America is between Trump and his brown-nosers and the rest of the world?

    1. Simon Harris

      Re: Widening

      Surely the Gulf of America is the space between Trump's ears.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not for the developed world, shirley

    Shirley this is only for American users, not for the rest of the world?

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

      The rest of the world might start reporting it as an error.

      1. navarac Silver badge

        Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

        >>The rest of the world might start reporting it as an error.<<

        Except when Chinese-AI gets involved. Probably think of it as the Gulf of Competition.

    2. Phil Ni'Sophical

      Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

      Correct. The restored of us will have to endure seeing Gulf of Mexico/Gulf of America, as it will shoe both names for everywhere other than US and Mexico-based souls

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

        We can of course rename American cities, such as their capital CrappyMcCrappyPlace DC.

        For a start I think a block on any that are obviously stolen foreign IP. Although New Y**k will be renamed to New Doncaster

        Everything else gets refereed to by its Spanish or First Nation name

        1. Alien Doctor 1.1

          Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

          If reversion to an earlier name is to happen, then New York can become New Amsterdam or maybe Raritan again. Damn trump and his brainless headspace.

          1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

            > then New York can become New Amsterdam

            That's a bit offensive, what have the Dutch done to offend you ?

            New Brussels on the other hand .....

            1. Alien Doctor 1.1

              Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

              New Amsterdam was foundeded in the 1620s I believe, the other name, I think, came from the Algonquin language prior to the trumps arriving.

              1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

                Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

                It was (briefly) New Angouleme before it was New Amsterdam (Verrazzano claimed the area for France in 1524).

                1. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

                  Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

                  So Manu can ask Donnie to get back NY?

              2. Casca Silver badge

                Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

                The area was called New Orange for a bit so thats only fitting.

            2. elDog

              Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

              I'm guessing that would be a Sprout of Brussel.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

          >Although New Y**k will be renamed to New Doncaster

          New Sconthorpe, Shirley ?

          1. Alien Doctor 1.1

            Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

            Definitely New sCUNThorpe, if it involves a floridian orange twat

            1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

              Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

              Seems offensive to the good people of Scunthorpe

              1. seven of five Silver badge

                Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

                Both of them?

          2. collinsl Silver badge

            Re: Not for the developed world, shirley

            I prefer Chittingfold-On-Sea, with thanks to Harry Enfield.

  5. Omnipresent Silver badge

    drill baby drill!

    It's for the oil. He's about to go full evil with the oil and gas.

    Nobody in the states will call it that except the cult. He's laying claim on it like a monkey, or an ape.

    Wonder what it will be called when ruzzia takes Alaska?

    1. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: drill baby drill!

      Hey, we, in Chicago, still refer to these as the Sears Tower, the John Hancock Building, and Comiskey Park.

      Although, for the latter, we mostly call it empty...

      So waddya think the chances are that "Gulf of Amerika" is going to enter the lexicon?

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: drill baby drill!

        Candlestick park was Candlestick park regardless of which corporation was stupid enough to pay to put their name on it in any given season. Likewise Sears Point and Laguna Seca, etc.

  6. ComputerSays_noAbsolutelyNo Silver badge

    Freedom Fries 2.0

    sounds familiar?

    1. tekHedd

      Re: Freedom Fries 2.0

      I, for one never stopped calling them Freedom Fries!

      Wait, sorry, I mean I never *started* calling them that, I keep getting those mixed up. So sorry. :D

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Freedom Fries 2.0

        Just to set the record straight ...

        ... so-called "Freedom Fries" was the brain-child of disgraced Republican congressman and convicted felon[0] Bob Ney (served 17 months of a 30 month sentence at Club Fed (Federal Correctional Institution, Morgantown)).

        Nobody in the US paid all that much attention to the supposed name change, other than the Press and the usual rabid Republican sycophants, who are a very small, if vocal, subset of the population as a whole. I can quite honestly say that I never saw the item on a restaurant menu, even when it was supposedly an in thing.

        [0] Is there an echo in DC?

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Freedom Fries 2.0

          But it is still freedom cabbage, not that Hun stuff, that you put on hotdogs?

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Freedom Fries 2.0

            No, that would be called kimchi.

            1. VicMortimer Silver badge

              Re: Freedom Fries 2.0

              Now I kinda want a hot dog with kimchi.

          2. VicMortimer Silver badge

            Re: Freedom Fries 2.0

            You mean coleslaw?

        2. Jamie Jones Silver badge

          Re: Freedom Fries 2.0

          I always thought it made it sound like he was equating France with Freedom.

          Republicans are so dumb

  7. Simon Harris

    A petty irrelevance.

    MAGA wanting to change the Gulf of Mexico to The Gulf of America is a petty irrelevance to the rest of the world, who will no doubt carry on calling it The Gulf of Mexico.

    A bit like the Take Back Control mob changing the colour of our passports from burgundy to blue.

    Just a bit of a 'yahh-boo' to appease their supporters that everyone else will just ignore.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A petty irrelevance.

      (I've posted this before, but it's worth reposting as a reminder that even the excuse used was a lie.) (*)

      You mean the same blue passports that the UK *could* have retained *if* it hadn't made the choice of its own volition to use the standardised but non-mandated EU format and default colour scheme?

      You mean blue passports like the ones that Croatia- an EU member- has? You mean the blue-coloured passports that were imposed on "us" by the League of Nations in the first place?

      The ones that it was obvious the lying scum who chose to play political football with the future of the UK over such trivialities were going to use as their flag-bearer for "taking back control", even though it was "our" own f*****g choice in the first place?

      Yeah, I thought so.

      I'd like to be able to make a joke about where they should have their newly-manufactured blue passports inserted once they're shipped over from France, but frankly there's nothing funny about any of this any more.

      (*) Though I should still be clear that I don't want to imply that the "blue passports" complaint it would have been any more legitimate- or any less a right-wing-pandering excuse to fuck about with the UK's political future over a triviality even if it *had* been true. It's just that it- and its supporters- didn't even have the decency to care about that.

      1. Cynical Pie

        Re: A petty irrelevance.

        Honest, Blue, hard-working truly Great British passports.... made in the EU

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: truly Great British passports.... made in the EU

          well, at least they are printed in the UK!

          ... with Chinese ink?

      2. werdsmith Silver badge

        Re: A petty irrelevance.

        they should have their newly-manufactured blue passports inserted once they're shipped over from France

        Thales DIS is the French company contracted to make the passports but they are made by one of their in Poland.

        Before Brexit they were made in the UK by DeLaRue. But like most things Brexit.....

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      AFAIK MAGA never asked for this

      I think Trump was just looking for some way to piss off Mexico's president because she's called him out - and because she's a she and if there's anything Trump hates it is a woman in a position of power. Basically just acting like the little whiny baby he is tossing toys out of his crib when someone won't come running with a bottle and fresh diaper every time he cries.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: AFAIK MAGA never asked for this

        Yet he invited Giorgia Meloni to his inauguration. Checkmate.

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: AFAIK MAGA never asked for this

          She's the PM of Italy not the president of Mexico you moron.

          1. Someone Else Silver badge

            Re: AFAIK MAGA never asked for this

            And a right-wing MAGAt wannabee, who would have no compunction about kissing tRump's...well, Rump.

        2. david 12 Silver badge

          Re: AFAIK MAGA never asked for this

          Quote: " a woman in a position of power."

    3. mevets

      Re: A petty irrelevance.

      "A Petty Irrelevance" could be the opening phrase of the orange mans biography....

      I bet he'll be pissed if someone tells him "Gulf" has nothing to do with "Golf"....

      1. VicMortimer Silver badge

        Re: A petty irrelevance.

        Nah, he knows it's an oil company.

    4. jake Silver badge

      Re: A petty irrelevance.

      Look on the bright side, he hasn't decided to legally set the value of pi to 3. Yet.

      On the other hand, while attempting to classify the genders down to just two, the scientifically illiterate morons instead declared, with the stroke of Trump's pen (oooh, matron!), that all men, woman, children and fetuses in the United States are inherently female.

      Yes, boys, all y'all are now girls, by presidential decree. Read it for yourself:

      The bit you want is Section 2, parts d and e ... Note where it says "at conception"? Well guess what ... at conception, we are all female. Sexual dimorphism in humans doesn't start to occur until about 6 weeks AFTER conception, when the gene that turns us from girls to boys is switched on. This is basic biology.

      Feel free to look it up for yourself ... the gene in question is labeled SRY. You can read up on it here:

      Note that this is science, not the wild collective psychosis of a small handful of bombastic, bumbling buffoons.

      1. 42656e4d203239 Silver badge

        Re: A petty irrelevance.

        Thanks for that - A beer for your trouble ---->

        I had wondered exactly how the orange ape had managed to define everyone in the US of A female, but couldn't really be bothered to find out.

        It seems his grasp on reality, in any of its varied forms, is as loose as it ever was.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not only the Americans who are at it

    Folks from the Republic of Ireland and one half of the community in Northern Ireland tend to get a bit annoyed at the use of the term British Isles.

    The government of Ireland does not officially recognise the term.

    As for Derry/LondonDerry...

    1. Patched Out

      Re: Not only the Americans who are at it

      We have both Derry and Londonderry in New Hampshire!

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Not only the Americans who are at it

        In a state of civil war?

        1. VicMortimer Silver badge

          Re: Not only the Americans who are at it

          It's New Hampshire, so probably.

  9. alain williams Silver badge

    So when will Google be asked ...

    to relabel Greenland as Trumpland ?

    1. Mentat74

      Re: So when will Google be asked ...

      You mean Trumpistan ?

      1. Wang Cores

        Re: So when will Google be asked ...

        Trumpistan is the metropole, Greenland would be Overseas Trumpistan

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: So when will Google be asked ...

          >Greenland would be Overseas Trumpistan

          Or to be classical, Trans-Trumpistan, while Canada would be cis-Trumpistan

      2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: So when will Google be asked ...

        Borat! Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan[Trumpistan]

      3. Gary Stewart Silver badge

        Re: So when will Google be asked ...

        Trumpsylvania, Vlad the Invader would love that.

        1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Re: So when will Google be asked ...

          a slight tweak...


          "Ivanka" being the diminutive form of "Ivania", derived from the male name Ivan...

          There's a certain symmetry to it. And Ivan (the terrible) would love that!

    2. sanmigueelbeer

      Re: So when will Google be asked ...


    3. Atomic Duetto

      Mineland.. defrost, dig and drill baby

      After all, he’s already decided it will be mine, mine, mine.

  10. Simon Harris

    Another bit of grift by the Trump Administration?

    Just as with the 'Trump Bible', no doubt these Trumpian name changes will result in a Trump World Atlas and Trump Map of America with the new names appearing, printed for peanuts in China, and forced upon US schools at an exorbitant price.

    1. Paul Herber Silver badge

      Re: Another bit of grift by the Trump Administration?

      Make America Great Atlas

      Copyright me @2025

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: Another bit of grift by the Trump Administration?

      and forced upon US schools at an exorbitant price.

      Especially those in Oklahoma....

  11. steviebuk Silver badge

    The Gulf Of 'merica

    Is the orange idiots massive gut.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Trump, the utter Guff of America.

    What pathetic nonsense though I suspect once it's renamed he will try and claim ownership

  13. zimzam

    He certainly is making America grate again.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      I was just browsing through an old mid 90's issue of Mad, and found an amusing toon in V346 p15 -

      Fifty years from now? Apparently not :-/

      1. KarMann Silver badge

        Re: America

        While they may have gotten some things right, boy, were they ever wrong about others!

        MAD is now coming out four more times a year.
        R.I.P., MAD

  14. DS999 Silver badge

    Its Trump's version of the nine dashed lines

    I hope Apple doesn't go along with this idiocy. I guess there's no choice with the Denali thing since that's part of the US and presidents have the authority to do. Hopefully whoever succeeds Trump will reverse it and it can be just another footnote to his endless stupidity.

    But I'll be mighty disappointed if I see "Gulf of America" on Apple Maps. The US president has no right to change the internationally accepted name of a body of water that is not part of the United States. If they go along with this, what's next the Atlantic Ocean is the American Ocean? And the Pacific Ocean is the Trump Ocean, because its the biglyest?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Its Trump's version of the nine dashed lines

      But will the newly minted Mt McKinley still be in the "Denali National Park and Preserve", or will that be renamed as well?

      Oh, and please join me in toasting "the King, Duke of Lancaster" Hic

      1. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

        Nailed alined Daniel denial.

        I wonder whether all those owners of those monster GMC Denali trucks and SUVs will be receiving new nameplates and vehicle registrations.

      2. druck Silver badge

        Re: Its Trump's version of the nine dashed lines

        At least both McKinley or Denali are pronounceable by the majority of the entire nation, unlike whatever Wales has called Mount Snowden and the Brecon Beacons.

    2. Roger Kynaston

      Bodies of water

      Lake Huron becomes Lake Trump. Lake Erie become Lake Ivanka and so on. Not sure what Ottawa would have to say about it but they will be the 51st/52nd state of course.

  15. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: The German Ocean

      Fisher... German Bight...

      1. Paul Herber Silver badge

        Re: The German Ocean


    2. Baird34

      Re: The German Ocean

      Just realised that my choice of words was open to unfortunate misinterpretation. I was in no way comparing Germans to germs, absolutely not, just noticed it can easily be read that way! I meant the North sea/German ocean is/was notoriously polluted, that was my brilliant gag.

      Oh bum.

      1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

        Re: The German Ocean

        And my response to your post was quoting not the shipping forecast (though it does that) but a character in Barry Hines' 'A Kestrel for a Knave' himself responding to a teacher taking a register; Fisher, the pupil in question, was off sick...

        My word, jokes are so much funnier when they have to be explained! :)

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...It's been like a week, but we've had enough crazy for the year.

    1. tekHedd


      I think that's the point.

      Outrage overload is an established tactic. We'll eventually burn out and get tired, and then the real nastiness will start. :(

    2. Gary Stewart Silver badge

      Re: Seriously...

      I already had enough for a lifetime by Jan. 20, 2017.

  17. heyrick Silver badge

    For those of us overseas...

    ...we don't care what you call that mountain because it's in your own country, but that wet bit has been the Gulf of Mexico (in various languages, like Golfo de México...) since about 1550 and isn't going to get renamed by some obnoxious bloke with a pen.

    So can we non-Americans please have it appear as it should, using the name it has had since before your country was even a thing.

    Thank you.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: For those of us overseas...

      Pretend it's named after the American continent, instead of the USA. Then you don't have to cry.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: For those of us overseas...

        I'm gobsmacked that anyone openly supports this, even devotees of the MAGA Church of American Crazies.

        FYI, the "Mexico" bit derives from the name of the original indigenous population. It was named so by French Jesuits back at the end of 16th century.

        So you see, there's a sensible rationale there.

        It beggars belief that the most powerful country on Earth, allows itself to be so petty, childish and insecure.

        We really have entered the "Age of the Idiot".

        1. Gary Stewart Silver badge

          Re: For those of us overseas...

          "even devotees of the MAGA Church of American Crazies"

          This is a very minor glimpse into the crazies. Just wait, there's more. And all for the low, low price of just $99.99. Order your Trump brain vacuum pump now while supplies last.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: For those of us overseas...

          I was joking. It's called sarcasm—something most Europeans wouldn't get. You think Trump is serious? He's a giant, orange troll.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: For those of us overseas...

            No, he's not a troll. He's a megalomaniac with delusions of omnipotence.

            1. the Jim bloke

              Re: For those of us overseas...

              He's not a megalomaniac, he is a sociopath with no comprehension of how normal human beings think.

              Everything is all about him, and anything that disputes that is evil and must be destroyed.

              For someone getting rid of the DEI hires, he better make sure to exclude neurodivergent from the list or he will be out on his arse with the rest...

          2. Casca Silver badge

            Re: For those of us overseas...

            Try to not post as AC so you different yourself from the AC maga morons...

          3. collinsl Silver badge

            Re: For those of us overseas...

            It's called sarcasm—something most Europeans wouldn't get.

            I hope you're being sarcastic again, considering that sarcasm is something more Brits get, and understand, compared to Americans.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: For those of us overseas...

              you're not being sarcastic, surely? I got confused...

        3. Alumoi Silver badge

          Re: For those of us overseas...

          So that's what AI really stands for? Good to know.

    2. BartyFartsLast Silver badge

      Re: For those of us overseas...

      Even if it's a great big Sharpie?

    3. jake Silver badge

      Re: For those of us overseas...

      Realistically, most of us Yanks will continue to call it the Gulf of Mexico, too.

      King Cnut might try to stop the waves next ... but this time around it won't be in an attempt at educating the masses, rather he'll believe he can actually do it.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: For those of us overseas...

        >most of us Yanks will continue to call it the Gulf of Mexico, too.

        You mean the "Sea of Cuba"?

  18. ChrisElvidge Silver badge


  19. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

    Easy fix

    Google maps is already localised. Call it one thing for “en_US” and stick with the other for “en”.

  20. frankvw

    Well, it's official...

    A crock by any other name still smells as shitty.

  21. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    Mount Rushmore

    Remember this from Trump 1.0...

    Hopefully he's forgotten it

  22. Pointer2null

    The US decent into stupidity

    Fun to watch for the rest of the world.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Not really, no.

      It's like a sinkhole.

      We're all wondering when it will drag us in.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        re. It's like a sinkhole.

        unfortunately it will drag us in faster with him than without.

    2. KarMann Silver badge

      Re: The US decent [sic] into stupidity

      And there's really nothing decent about this descent.

  23. Kev99 Silver badge

    The muffled, squishy sound is another billionaire shoving his head up El Tonto's arse. It's been the Gulf of Mexico for over 400 years and it remains so to the rest of the world.

  24. Jamesit

    ""If, for instance, [Trump] wanted to change the Atlantic Ocean to the American Ocean, we would probably just ignore it."

    Don't give him any ideas.

  25. This post has been deleted by its author

  26. Gary Stewart Silver badge

    Watch out Europe, UK, Ireland, Iceland, Greanland (did I miss any?)

    Trump is coming to stateify you next, by hook or by crook (modus operandi of choice) or by force (because he is such a greatly great general). Google WTF is wrong with you? As an American I have almost completely stopped watching/reading the news because I just can't take the continuing stupidity (is there a stronger word I can use?), lies, hate, and decline into utter madness Trump and his followers are bringing to the US and the world. P.S. I watched the video and that WAS a Nazi salute, twice! Another one of Trump's "good people". Well at least we can get a modern perspective on how they came to power. My brain hurts.

  27. david willis


    Lots of comments about Trump (no surprise)

    Not a lot of comments about google, the company you could trust (stop laughing at the back), a company that has committed to “Transform teaching and learning with products built for education”, then bent over hard to ignore reality in order to appease a delinquent.

    PS if you own an Apple device, any Apple device capable of running safari, your default web search engine is google. Remember how google makes its money, and if you don’t like what google has done change the default search engine. It’s really easy to do.

    For those supporting all this delinquent rubbish, feel free to gather round google, raise the American flag, with its potential for 52 stars (Canada and Greenland) and sing that song about America, “land of the free’, unless of course you are transgender, lgbt, have a skin colour that isn’t white or are a woman.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Hmmm

      Google? What's that?

      Ad blockers, bozo lists and deny filters are your friends.

  28. baseh
    Black Helicopters

    Have you look at the map lately?

    and compared the length of the shores of US and Mexico?

    The answer is roughly 2000 km Mexican v/s 2500 km US.

    According to that the gulf should be named Golf of USA so naming it America is actually generous.

    Sure, the previous name may remind of some 200-old not so pleasant occurrences but this is the reality today.

    1. david willis

      Re: Have you look at the map lately?

      The gulf of mexico has had a lot of names.

      Its currently international designation “gulf of mexico” first appeared in 1550.

      Its current US designation occurred within 24 hours of one deluded man, becoming president. Nobody was crying out for it, nobody was at war about it, he just thought it was a good idea that would make him look good in front of his supporters (which to be fair it does)

      The worry isn’t even the rush of companies (traditionally against the man) to support him. The reason for this as far as I can see is fear.

      An elected president, above any law, ruling by dictat. It’s almost like Naxi Germany or The CCCP/Russia.

      People should be scared. Very scared. this trivial start may not end well.

  29. baseh

    Left/Democrat is democracy

    Right/Republican is dictature

    Elections? Who cares?

  30. Downeaster

    Keep it the Gulf of Mexico

    I as an American will still call it the Gulf of Mexico. It has been called that for centuries. Many maps have Denali marked with Mount McKinley in parenthesis. This renaming thing is a lot of bunk. Sorry to have this man as our President here in the USA!

    1. baseh

      Re: Keep it the Gulf of Mexico

      You probably mean that you are a citizen of USA.

      Yes you are also an American as are the Mexicans, Argentinians , Cubans and Canadians (and many others).

      Almost anybody refers to USA citizens as Americans which is not strictly correct.

      So to reiterate: GULF OF AMERICA is strictly referring to a gulf in the continents of America.

      If you choose to understand that as Gulf of USA, that is your (and Trump's) loose interpretation

  31. MJI Silver badge

    America Mexicana

    That is the country just south of Canada

    A very old name

  32. Captain Boing

    My god! The salt! The salt!

    I only came for the comments... you lefties are a predicatble lot - very entertaining

  33. anthonyhegedus Silver badge


    It starts with the renaming.

    Then installing statehood. For example, the UK will be the 52nd (53rd?) state on USA maps, and renamed to Trumpton but we'll still be the UK on other maps.

  34. Winkypop Silver badge

    He's fu@king insane


  35. Volisios

    Untied States of America

    MAGA = Mexican American Gulf Anachronism ?

    Will the next step be sponsorship licencing?... eg: Mount McKinley, brought to you by (insert corporate tagline here)

  36. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    the voters are extatic, I'm sure. Is it not the whole point? Bread and circuses?

    Round 2: US vs OPEC...

  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    New Mexico to be renamed

    New Orange Free State?

  38. Unicornpiss
    Thumb Down

    I didn't vote for him.

    Have pity on your friends that have to suffer 3 years and 50 or so weeks more of this, across the American Ocean.

    1. The Organ Grinder's Monkey

      Re: I didn't vote for him.

      You're assuming that he doesn't find a way to declare himself President for life?

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: I didn't vote for him.

        "President for life"

        At his age, living on McDonalds and diet coke, and no exercise to speak of these last many decades, how long do you suppose that might be?

  39. Jaybus

    Nobody cares

    In the southern US, we don't call it the Gulf of Mexico, ordinarily. We just call it "the gulf". When it is renamed to the Gulf of America, we will still call it "the gulf".

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