Great Enshittening
You won't get a response from Meta because the entity in charge has been shown to be an LLM himself.
Seriously though, Facebook has become a mire of slop over the last few months. I scour my feed for posts from my friends, and have to wade through dozens of posts from AI-generated groups with names like "Modern restoration" or "Best van stories" full of content that's just clickbait - with the destination being a website that literally so full of ads that you can't find the content. There are also posts featuring animal cruelty and pornographic content that regularly feature in people's feeds.
And yet facebook has the temerity to randomly block people for posting seemingly innocuous things, but when I try and report stuff that's clearly "dodgy", they say it doesn't trangress "community standards".
The truth is that Facebook don't care (they can't, they're all LLMs). All they're interested in is advertising revenue (and the adverts themselves are often bordering on illegal if not actually illegal).
It'll keep getting worse until the whole thing implodes on itself because people have stopped using it. The sad thing is that they could probably make it a nicer place if they didn't push the adverts so much, if they had real people doing much of the oversight, and if they blocked clearly dodgy content. It's not outside the realms of possibility to make AI filters for this stuff. But their revenue would go way down. They'd still be able to make a profit. However, the problem with billionaires is that they're greedy. A reasonable profit isn't enough, it's peanuts to them. They go for more and more and more at everybody's expense and make everything worse.
This really is the Great Enshittening. We are entering the Shittocene Epoch.