back to article US freezes foreign aid, halting cybersecurity defense and policy funds for allies

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has frozen nearly all foreign aid cash for a full-on government review, including funds to defend America's allies from cyberattacks as well as steer international computer security policies. The pause applies to "all US foreign assistance funded by or through the State Department and US …

  1. elDog

    It's mind-boggling that people like Noem (or Rubio) can talk about these issues with any authority.

    Unless their authority comes from the Christo-Fascist coven of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Federalist Society which are all riddled with Catholic wing-nuts and supported by filthy-rich plutocrats from the US and everywhere.

    Oh, I guess it makes sense when I think about it.

    Welcome Dark Ages, dear old friend.

    Here we go again.

    1. Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

      Spend your own tax dollars defending your own country and companies. It's time you were all weened off the us tit!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        What's that got to do with the OP? There's only one tit around here.

  2. Omnipresent Silver badge

    Welcome to new russia!

    Any questions as to what side they are on? They are career felons and criminals, running an international crime syndicate. They have zero understanding of anything at all except the smell of money and power.

    In the long run, Europe might be better off, if it forces European leaders into self sufficiency, which this is likely to do.

    Do not trust these people for any reason at all. They are treasonous snakes. Criminals at large, under the guidance of Putin and friends.

    America is up to their necks in horse chit.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re: if it forces European leaders into self sufficiency

      I don't like Trump and I don't trust his coterie of criminals in high positions in any way, but indeed, if this finally forces the Euromafia to do its job properly, then I'm for it.

      Funds for cyberdefense ? Since when is the US responsible for cyberdefense in other countries ?

      Oh, Cisco. Hmmm. Well, maybe a bit, then . . .

      1. Andy The Hat Silver badge

        Re: if it forces European leaders into self sufficiency

        It's ok, we'll dump all the snake-oil Cisco crap for better Huawei stuff as the US balance of payments obviously doesn't need our tax dollars ...

  3. IGotOut Silver badge


    ...on handing China an easy win.

    I guess he's not to clued up on soft power.

    In other news, Trump threatens Greenland, so Denmark is to spend over a billion dollars on beefing up Artic defence. And I doubt it will be using US hardware.

    1. Omnipresent Silver badge

      Re: Congratulations....

      China was able to pull that off with the help of meta... so there's that.

      The US has a couple of old nuke sites on Greenland. That, and it makes him look good to his monkey constituents. I would not doubt that he goes after Greenland at all. He CAN for one. It will keep everyone busy while he's committing international felonies for two, and it will puff up the chests of the (God help them) voter base three. It is also more than likely a directive from frumpy's daddy in the kremlin.

      If it makes you feel better, I also would not doubt that Alaska winds up in russia's hands before this is over.

      Funny how Kremlin and criminal are so alike.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @Omnipresent - Re: Congratulations....

        Please allow your brain to take a break and allow it to cool off. Bringing Russia out of nowhere into this discussion is a worrying symptom unless you're an AI bot.

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Congratulations....

      What are the terms under which the US maintains its base in Thule? Maybe Denmark should tell them the deal's off if Trump doesn't publicly commit that Greenland is not and never will be a property of the US. Maybe he wouldn't listen to them, but a lot of generals would be pretty concerned if the US had to vacate Greenland as a result of Trump's dementia induced rants about wanting to own Greenland.

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: Congratulations....

        What are the terms under which the US maintains its base in Thule? Maybe Denmark should tell them the deal's off if Trump doesn't publicly commit that Greenland is not and never will be a property of the US.

        It's now the Pituffik Space Base. I think the origins were part of a NATO deal to expand missile early warning and a treaty negotiated by this chap-

        After Demark was occupied by Germany during WW2. There were eyebrows raised around whether an ambassador could sign a treaty, and grant the rights to US bases, but that treaty was ratified and still stands. The future then gets interesting because there's a Greenland independence movement, and they could gain independence under the UN's principles and rights to self determination. Some Danes also object to Greenland's subsidies. If Greenland gains independence, then it could decide to become the 51st State, or just expand agreements with the US.

        1. Like a badger

          Re: Congratulations....

          "If Greenland gains independence, then it could decide to become the 51st State, or just expand agreements with the US."

          Well, yes it could. But what would the facts indicate?

  4. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

    Everything is lies now

    "President Trump stated clearly that the United States is no longer going to blindly dole out money with no return for the American people,"

    This statement is, of course, lies built entirely on lies. Foreign aid is not just an aimless firehose of cash and is not offered without some expected benefit.

    It's going to be a long four years.

    1. Robert Moore

      Re: Everything is lies now

      In many, if most most, cases those aid payments were negotiated in exchange for something. Whatever that something was, will now go away. But Art of the Deal, or something like that.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Everything is lies now

        So USAid will no longer buy John Deere tractors and Monsanto seeds to send to poor countries in Africa.

        "U.S. law's requirement that most goods and services financed by USAID must be sourced from U.S. vendors." = US foreign aid is aid to midwestern states.

        Instead Chinese aid will ship Chinese tractors and Chinese seeds and Chinese advisors and Chinese shippers.

        All the US had to do was out-bribe the former USSR in order to own the 3rd world - and it failed at that and is being out-corrupted by China.

        1. Bebu sa Ware

          Re: Everything is lies now

          So USAid will no longer buy John Deere tractors and Monsanto seeds to send to poor countries in Africa.

          So the recipients won't be buying tractors they cannot repair and GM grain/cotton seeds that won't grow?

          If the poor blighters being deprived of US aid actually purchase Chinese tractors that can be repaired by the village mechanic/blacksmith with little more than a 0.5"/13mm spanner and a ball-pein hammer that would be a real win I would have thought. Likewise if the PRC can supply seeds suited to the local conditions that don't require an inordinate quantity of water or tonnes of expensive agrochemicals to grow - another win!

          Do these retards in Washington realize you don't need five rounds to play russian roulette? ... No! They obviously reckon six are the charm not that there is any real chance of their inflicting serious injury.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Everything is lies now

            "So the recipients won't be buying tractors they cannot repair and GM grain/cotton seeds that won't grow?"

            Sounds like a win for everyone except the management of John Deer and Monsanto and the politicians they donate to.

            1. doublelayer Silver badge

              Re: Everything is lies now

              If you assume that Chinese products will be superior (unproven) and given at the same or higher rate (unproven) and come with conditions of equal or lower concern (probably not). Not to mention that, in an environment where both countries are willing to give aid, it allows people to choose between them if not accepting assistance from both. Of course there are downsides, but it isn't as simple as you describe.

              1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

                Re: Everything is lies now

                You mean the poor Africans might be screwed over by superpowers fighting for strategic influence and control of their resources ?

                "Ave! Cuci novo, similis duci seneci"

        2. fishman

          Re: Everything is lies now

          And aid to Ukraine is mainly in weapons - produced in US factories. It's allowed some weapon manufacturers to modernize factories - a win for the Department of Defence.

          1. EvilDrSmith

            Re: Everything is lies now

            True, but that aid appears not to be affected by this decision, which seems to apply to the US State department-sourced funding, not funding from the DoD.

            Also, I have seen it suggested that a lot of the US military aid is on a sort of 'equivalent value' basis, where stocks of older kit are released to Ukraine, and the US Army then gets replacement vehicles of newer types, fresh from the factory - that's clearly happened with older (near-life expired) ammunition stocks being supplied and then replaced with new manufacture, but might also be enabling the US army to modernise its vehicle fleet quicker than would otherwise have happened.

            1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

              Re: Everything is lies now

              True, but that aid appears not to be affected by this decision, which seems to apply to the US State department-sourced funding, not funding from the DoD.

              The funding is split, so DoD budgets pay for the military aid, State pays for stuff like salaries and pensions for Ukraine's civil servants and welfare programs.

              Also, I have seen it suggested that a lot of the US military aid is on a sort of 'equivalent value' basis, where stocks of older kit are released to Ukraine, and the US Army then gets replacement vehicles of newer types, fresh from the factory - that's clearly happened with older (near-life expired) ammunition stocks being supplied

              Yep. And it's much the same with the EU defence aid. Kind of a 'cash for clunkers' deal. Antiques like Spain's 1950s era Hawk missiles were donated to Ukraine and Spain got the cash to replace them. Or stuff like mothballed Leopard-1s, along with more useful stuff like T-series tanks and artillery that had been stored by former Soviet states. Along with some maybe more questionable donations, like a lot of the UK's artillery. So our artillery regiments can conduct training exercises by shouting 'bang' at the right moment.

              So Ukraine ended up with a mish-mash of kit, a lot of which they'd never operated before leading to a lot of training, maintenance and logistics headaches. Plus being sent in dribs and drabs, meaning they rarely had anything sufficient to mass forces to use against Russia. But then they also wasted a lot of kit (and men) on misguided stuff like their Kursk invasion. They assigned a lot of their best remaining equipment to that venture, and most of it is now scrap.

              But with European defence stocks drained, the next challenge is replacing them, and replacing them with.. what? The UK doesn't produce MBTs any more, but perhaps there could be a EuroTank. Or defence experts could decide that this conflict has shown significant challenges to pretty much any vehicle, so how to deal with the drone threat and be able to move soldiers around a modern battlefield. If Russia is the greatest threat, then our kit needs to be able to deal with those threats. Plus China, Iran, DPRK etc have been watching this conflict closely.

              Which also has lessons, eg Russia or DPRK using the Koksan self-propelled gun, which at 170mm outranges Ukraine's (and our) 155mm artillery. So maybe Europe needs bigger guns as well.

          2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Re: Everything is lies now

            And a lot of it was expired or redundant weapons that were going to cost money to dispose of.

            Whether blowing up Russians is more environmentally friendly than burning dioxins in an incinerator - I don't know

      2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

        Re: Everything is lies now

        It's like the entire executive is now run by people with little more than a child's understanding of the world

        1. Phil Koenig Bronze badge

          A child's understanding of the world

          It's like the entire executive is now run by people with little more than a child's understanding of the world

          Indeed, this mentality is rampant amongst the MAGA base and rhetoric from the people and organizations who cater to them.

          Every once in a blue moon I am forced to expose myself to the discourse on Murdoch's Fox News right-wing US media juggernaut and it's like going back to high-school or even middle school in terms of the level of emotional maturity. Very hard to watch. ("NYAH NYAH UR STUPID!!" "AND DEMOCRATS ARE UGLY!!" Etc etc etc.)

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: A child's understanding of the world

            " ("NYAH NYAH UR STUPID!!" "AND REPUBLICANS ARE UGLY!!" Etc etc etc.)"

            FIFY. Certainly on this site the ones spouting the ad-homs and generally being very childish are 99% on the political left.

            1. seven of five Silver badge

              Re: A child's understanding of the world

              Oh, those dastardly 99% again. It is always "them" isn't it? Ban them, I say! Ban them! I'm not sayin anythin... BUT the govenment really should do something about them.

              (may contain traces of sarcasm)

            2. Casca Silver badge

              Re: A child's understanding of the world

              Oh look. An AC right wing poster. How unusual...

            3. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              @AC - Re: A child's understanding of the world

              Don't you dare insulting the left.

            4. Potemkine! Silver badge

              Re: A child's understanding of the world

              "The left" = whoever is not a fascist.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: A child's understanding of the world

                Well akshually.... you do know that is a left wing ideology?

                1. codejunky Silver badge

                  Re: A child's understanding of the world


                  "Well akshually.... you do know that is a left wing ideology?"

                  Of course it isnt! The National Socialists just wernt the right kind of socialist. Socialism never really been tried before!

                  1. ChodeMonkey Bronze badge

                    Re: A child's understanding of the world

                    You're going to bespoil yourself when you find out about the color of the airplane "black box".

                2. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: A child's understanding of the world

                  It's truly strange that right wingers should adopt a pathetic bullying left wing ideology's stances and values then.

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: A child's understanding of the world

                    We don't. You've just been told we do. But then you're probably the type who would go out in the rain and tell others 'its not raining' as that is what the media told you is the truth and then get upset when you realise you're soaking wet and blame everyone who had an umbrella for not sharing.

              2. ReggieRegReg

                Re: A child's understanding of the world

                ' "The left" = whoever is not a fascist. '

                In the last two centuries over 150 million people have been murdered by Socialists, Marxists and Communists. It's not the right that does all the murdering of political opponents and "wrong-thinking" civilians.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @Robert Moore - Re: Everything is lies now

        Maybe he can get all he wants without the need to pay for it.

    2. Rafael #872397

      Re: Everything is lies now

      Well, the money to buy TikTok for ONE TRILLION DOLLARS for national security reasons* has to come from somewhere, right?

      *He'll think about some, and the reasons are going to be the best reasons ever, people are saying it, trust me.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Everything is lies now

      Indeed. Free money buys influence as well as the possible arm-twisting of taking it away.

    4. Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

      Re: Everything is lies now

      Except the benefit we have been getting has been woefully minimal!

      The fact is, we are $38 Trillion in debt! Sending money to countries who don't need it! A;; so they can prop up their socialist policies that just keep their sheep of a people under control!

      Defend your own damn countries, feed your own damn people! We're done with it!

      1. DS999 Silver badge

        Re: Everything is lies now

        I hope that commitment extends to Israel, who should never receive a single penny in US money ever again. But somehow I'll bet there was an exception in Trump's order for his buddy in Israel, now that he's publicly committed to going along with Netanyahu's plan to steal the entire West Bank by killing enough people and destroying everything so the people want to leave.

        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

          Re: Everything is lies now

          But somehow I'll bet there was an exception in Trump's order for his buddy in Israel, now that he's publicly committed to going along with Netanyahu's plan to steal the entire West Bank by killing enough people and destroying everything so the people want to leave.

          You win that bet. There were exceptions for Israel and Egypt that were probably connected to Netanyahu's plans for a 'Greater Israel'. Trump also floated the idea that Egypt should build new towns so that the Palestinians can be forcibly resettled there, leaving Israeli property developers to make billions building new, luxury ocean front properties. Plus by eliminating Gaza, Israel can also help itself to the oil & gas rights offshore.

      2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Everything is lies now

        >The fact is, we are $38 Trillion in debt! Sending money to countries who don't need it! A;; so they can prop up their socialist policies that just keep their sheep of a people under control!

        Most US debt is owned by rich/retired Americans

        China owns about 2% (850Bn), slightly more than the UK's 2% (700Bn). But if you're happy paying for Starmer's government to keep the UK population in a socialist paradise land of milk and honey - feel free !

  5. Tron Silver badge

    So far...

    King Donald and his jester, Elon, have pissed off Denmark, Canada, Mexico, Germany, the UK, Panama and Colombia.

    Within a few months pretty much everyone will hate America. I guess then they will find out the real value of soft power.

    Nobody should ever take flak for the behaviour of their government, as we have no control over the halfwits who run our countries. But if you are American and have booked a holiday abroad this year, you might want to disguise yourself as a Canadian.

    1. UCAP Silver badge

      Re: So far...

      Not bad for just a week's work. Now imagine what President Elron and Official Sidekick Trump will be able to achieve in 4 years.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So far...

        I thought Trump was the king, Elon was the self-proclaimed court wizard and whats-his-face was the jest. You know, that bearded guy. Vince something.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: So far...

          >You know, that bearded guy. Vince something.

          The decoy ?

  6. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    >you might want to disguise yourself as a Canadian.

    You should make them spell neighbour to be sure.

    Vancouver strip club marquee cited as hate speech on X

  7. Mike VandeVelde

    "Soft" Power

    Do what we want or we will put tariffs on you!!!

    But you already put tariffs on us.

    Do what we want or we will cut off aid!!!

    But you already cut off aid.

    Do what we want or we will expel your people!!!

    But you already deported everyone.

    Sorry but we are disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Have a nice day.

    1. Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

      Re: "Soft" Power

      Didn't work out that way with Columbia did it!

      It's a new world! The Euro-trash will just have to suck it up, won't you!

      1. fishman

        Re: "Soft" Power

        Nah, they'll just be more willing to talk with the Chinese.

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: "Soft" Power

        One of the many problems with politicians is that when they legislate (I use the term in its loosest sense to include US presidential executive orders) that they can't actually control how everyone will respond to them. Bearing in mind that the rest of the world is bigger than the US (it really is, you know) that should be of some concern. The next 4 years will undoubtedly leave the US poorer but probably not wiser.

  8. Winkypop Silver badge

    Inmates and asylums come to mind

    Sadly, I think the inmates would be less malicious and might do a better job.

    1. Bebu sa Ware

      Re: Inmates and asylums come to mind

      "Sadly, I think the inmates would be less malicious and might do a better job."

      You are not wrong there except for the inmates plastering their shit all over the walls.

      Hang on! You're not wrong and leave it at that.

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Inmates and asylums come to mind

      It is the inmates.

  9. Potemkine! Silver badge

    I wonder if the US system is resilient enough to resist the autocratic will of the Orange Clown, or if it will become a dictatorship leading to a civil war.

    It's more than time than all European countries understand the threat and stop to rely on the US for their defence because the Orange Clown will betray them, he's an agent of Putin Khuylo after all.

    1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

      It's more than time than all European countries understand the threat and stop to rely on the US for their defence because the Orange Clown will betray them, he's an agent of Putin Khuylo after all.

      And Biden was an agent of Zelensky. Meet the new boss, much the same as the old boss.. Which is also one of the aid issues given Ukraine is included, and Trump's ordered an audit into where the $200bn+ has gone. But that's one of the issues around the US foreign aid budget, and the pause whilst spending is reviewed to see if it's VFM, or how much is being lost due to fraud and corruption.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Given that these funds were authorized by Congress, does Trump actually have the legal power to do this?

        1. abend0c4 Silver badge

          What is legality, now, in this context? The Supreme Court has decided presidents are beyond their reach.

          The only checks on presidential action would be impeachment or a refusal to provide future funding. I don't see either of those things happening for quite some time and in the light of the recent pardoning spree I'm not sure anyone can predict what would happen if they were attempted.

          This is now your law.

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

      3. I should coco

        "... or how much is being lost due to fraud and corruption." Rewrite that as to say " make sure the fraud and corruption is going to him and his loved ones..."

        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

          Rewrite that as to say " make sure the fraud and corruption is going to him and his loved ones..."

          Not a problem. But someone else has pretty much written that-

          Which covers the curious case of a crackhead landing a job at Burisma, despite having no knowledge of that sector, and Joe's help for Hynansky's business. Then the favors being returned with stuff like this-

          In 2015, Joe Biden’s younger brother, James, and his sister-in-law, Sara Biden, became overextended financially after purchasing a six-bedroom, four-bathroom beach house plus guest house on Keewaydin Island, Fla., which was dubbed “The Biden Bungalow" after the vice president spent time there as well. Owing almost $700,000 in tax liens and contractor debts, the Bidens turned to Hynansky for help in lieu of a traditional lender. The car dealer came to the rescue with loans totaling $900,000.

          1. Casca Silver badge

            Oh look. JE defending the orange government by usual

          2. Alan_P

            “ In 2015, Joe Biden’s younger brother, James…”. This unattributed quote is from The Epoch Times. Do you have any *credible* sources for this allegation? Here’s another unattributed quote: “The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.”

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward


              Wow. I'm going to register and people will just believe me because it's on the internets.

              URL too long? Let me know if any other domain is available that allows me to spew the truth in a social way.

            2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

              “ In 2015, Joe Biden’s younger brother, James…”. This unattributed quote is from The Epoch Times.

              Which of course you've cherry picked and not cited. And provided no evidence that your version may have been bass-ackwards, ie that ET didn't quote it without attribution, which they have a habit of doing. But the investigation provided evidence of the debts, loan, charges over the property and the charge being discharged. But the far-left doesn't really like evidence. See more here-


              The Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory is a series of false allegations that Joe Biden, while he was vice president of the United States, improperly withheld a loan guarantee and took a bribe to pressure Ukraine into firing prosecutor general Viktor Shokin to prevent a corruption investigation of Ukrainian gas company Burisma and to protect his son..

              Except one of those allegations was not false because Biden was on video boasting about it and the prosecutor being fired. I'm sure that was just a coincidence though. Smirnov's evidence was a lot more questionable and unreliable, but other aspects are undisputable and deserve a proper investigation. It's strange the way the far-left seem to believe anything they're told when it comes to stuff when it's about Trump, like the very dubious Steele reports, yet go into full denial mode when it's about the Biden's dodgy dealings.

      4. Potemkine! Silver badge

        Do not feed the russian troll

    2. MJI Silver badge

      Eurofighters not F35

      Better to keep your local military suppliers going, than rely on US kit.

      Buy Typhoon for air forces.

      1. Potemkine! Silver badge

        Re: Eurofighters not F35

        Or Rafale ^^

      2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: Eurofighters not F35

        Buy Typhoon for air forces.

        Or develop a replacement for the Typhoon. That would meet 'NATO' spending requirements, help maintain capability in Europe and with BAe participation, still be American.. ish. Our colonial cousins might object, but they want us to increase our defence budgets and spending.

        1. seven of five Silver badge

          Re: Eurofighters not F35

          Spending your cash on non-US produce is certainly NOT what was intended.

        2. MJI Silver badge

          Re: Eurofighters not F35

          That is Tempest

  10. codejunky Silver badge


    "US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has frozen nearly all foreign aid cash for a full-on government review"

    Sounds like Trumps government is trying to do what they said, to cut spending. Looking at the comments people will cry if he does and cry if he doesnt

    1. Casca Silver badge

      Re: Progress

      Yes, by the stupiest way possible

      1. codejunky Silver badge

        Re: Progress


        "Yes, by the stupiest way possible"

        Then how do you cut spending in a government/bureaucracy that exists to increasingly spend more? This way it will be easier to see what is actually important and encourages the bureaucracy to get on with it to restart vital spending.

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Progress

        "by the stupiest way possible"

        Don't be hasty. He's only just started.

    2. Rafael #872397

      Re: Sounds like Trumps government is trying to do what they said, to cut spending.

      As long as he brings prices down on Day One... he promised that, right? And he never lies...

      (/s as if you needed)

  11. s. pam

    No funding cut for Israel though

    Let the genocide continue fully funded by Washington

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: No funding cut for Israel though

      DC is run by AIPAC.

  12. gnasher729 Silver badge

    What Trump doesnt realize

    People listen to what the USA is saying. Not because what they saying carries any particular wisdom, but because they pay.

    If Trump refuses to pay, there’s no reason to listen to anything the USA is saying. WHO for example will never again do what the USA wants. If the EU or Africa or anyone wants to use medication without paying US patent holders they are free to do so.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What Trump doesnt realize

      "WHO for example will never again do what the USA wants"

      This is not a new thing. The WHO has been in the pocket if China for a while now.

    2. Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

      Re: What Trump doesnt realize

      We pay countries WHO DON'T do what we want, don't support us, and DON'T give us a return on our investment!

      Medications? 80% of the world has price controls on medication, WE are the ones paying for those patents!

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: What Trump doesnt realize

        "WE are the ones paying for those patents!"

        Well, then, you're the mugs being mugged.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What Trump doesnt realize

        The US is not the one paying for the patents, you're paying for the luxury yachts, private jets, hookers, blow and whatever else the mega execs get up to with their insane profits.

        Most of the research is already paid for and then the pharma companies milk it with the help of the FDA.

        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

          Re: What Trump doesnt realize

          The US is not the one paying for the patents, you're paying for the luxury yachts, private jets, hookers, blow and whatever else the mega execs get up to with their insane profits.

          That's also part of the trade imbalance. When the tech bros like Bezos, Zuckerberg etc drop $2-500m+ on superyachts, those aren't made in the US, they're made in European shipyards, as are most of the tenders and toys. It's also much the same with luxury vehicles like Lambos, Ferraris, Range Rovers and Rolls Royce. Their homes may also be slathered in Italian marble, although the US does quarry some of its own.

          But that's just part of life. The US just doesn't seem that good at creating 'luxury' products and brands. Then again, it does produce some fine wines, but they don't have the same cachet as French or Italian. Plus there's some excellent 'champagne', except EU rules prevent that being called champagne, even though their 'sparkling wine' is produced by the champagne method. Then again, the US also produces cheese-like products like Cheez Whiz, and other stuff with strange lables because they've often never seen a cow. Or US pseudo-chocolate, with ever shrinking amounts of actual cocoa. Luckily the EU has standards so that chocolate has to contain, well, chocolate.

          So sure, there is EU protectionism that disfavors a lot of US products, for good or bad reasons, but for a lot of stuff, the US just doesn't produce stuff Europeans want because producers favor quantity and profits over quality. This is changing, ie there's a lot of 'artisnal' producers springing up making decent stuff like cheese, beer and booze.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Looking at all the girlfriends crying when Uncle Sam stops giving away money blindly. Some are talking about running crying to China. Let us know how that works out for you.

  14. Kev99 Silver badge

    Khrushchev was right and prescient.

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