back to article North Korean dev who renamed himself 'Bane' accused of IT worker fraud caper

The US is indicting yet another five suspects it believes were involved in North Korea's long-running, fraudulent remote IT worker scheme – including one who changed their last name to "Bane" and scored a gig at a tech biz in San Francisco. Two North Korean nationals residing in China, Jin Sung-Il and Pak Jin-Song, are among …

  1. Omnipresent Silver badge

    Is this the Tennessee one?

    Is this the one where they found tennessee data warehousers hiring nkoreans?

    In any case, these are maga frumpers that voted for the nkoreans in America. When you put a career criminal and tech felon in the Whitehouse it no longer matters. It's all crime now. My advice is separate yourselves from America until they can get rid of these treasonous tyrants. They will take everyone down with them, without a conscience.

    1. MrMerrymaker

      Re: Is this the Tennessee one?


      I have resumed my personal boycott of the United States.

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