Bear in mind that Cumulative Updates have to be installed manually, as far as I'm aware, at least I've always done that.
Exchange Server administrators lagging on their cumulative and security updates be warned: Microsoft has stated that the Exchange Emergency Mitigation Service (EEMS) might stop working on "significantly out of date" versions of the software. EEMS was released in September 2021 and connects to the Office Configuration Service ( …
"Imagine what the company must call users still clinging to Windows 10.”
Probably not fit for polite company.
Let’s be honest here Exchange, on premise Exchange is dead, MS don't want you to use it (be honest why would they, the money is in Azure?).
It’ll die the death by a thousand cuts, it’ll get, gradually, so more difficult to support that most companies will simply go ‘screw it and move to M365' - and then they’ve got you; paying them; for ever......
The minute anyone buys a license for the first Exchange, 75% of them are on the line for life. Pay M$ to manage servers, no more hardware refresh cycles. They get the Licen$e\$ub$cription money either way. Saving on hardware costs(servers and UPS), power costs makes sense. I know my life changed when Exchange was shown the door, and I didn't have to worry about the pager(yes it was that long ago) going off at 3am cause Exchange decided to shit the bed when the Minister of Finance was up actually doing work...
Well, there are those "companies" which cannot ever Ever EVER 3Λ3ᴚ have an online exchange service outside their country border. No matter how much the provider says "It will be hosted only on Servers in your country!" - they must be "offline" Exchange servers, currently still Exchange 2019.
I mean, M$ has been "invited" to be questioned about their cloud security. In USA. By you-know-who.
If you want to see where your mailboxes are hosted then the get-mailbox powershell command gives you the server name. All of ours are UK based now, but a few years back they were spread all over Europe.
If I recall correctly we were offered the chance to move when the UK datacentres opened.
You don't understand: There is nothing that keeps M$ from preventing to clone your exchange, or mailstorage or mailbox to somewhere else in the world without telling you and without the possibility for you to notice. For many companies this possibility does not matter, they just need the right ISO/DIN/VDE stamp and done. I know that there is a lot more done to actually prevent such things from happening on the technical side, but that is not enough for some companies - and they have reason to stick to that.
Want your business to still be in business in 2026?
Well, cough up now suckers.
How many more reasons do companies need to give MS the finger?
I'm sure they will make those holdouts suffer by remotely disabling their Exchange Server one day after the support ends.
MS seems to have been emboldened by Trump 2.0 into screwing everyone for every cent/dollar/euro/yen/whatever possible.
But I was wise in my setup 11 years ago, knowing how that one is at listening to advice (unless you pull the full-alpha-male-domination-communication style, as I did for the "when will you really check the backup mails every time?"):
It is not connected directly. It uses fetchmail. Will be moved to an Exchange online provider soon after nagging him for 5+ years about it...
How many times has the latest CU for Exchange 2019 been delayed now? Last time I checked (last week, I think), Microsoft's message had moved from 'early January' to 'soon', whatever that means!
Another major annoyance is needing a full Exchange server to manage hybrid accounts with Exchange Online mailboxes. This is a ridiculous situation and they could easily produce a set of lightweight management tools (possibly even part of the RSAT set) to do this, but they clearly have no intention of doing so. Presumably part of their general approach to making things as awkward as possible for people who have to use hybrid accounts.
The only alternative to the full Exchange server is to use Powershell only, which is an equally shit option. Yeah, Powershell is fine for bulk actions, but if you want to do something simply, like add an alias to an account or hide a mailbox from the GAL, the GUI is far quicker.
The company I knew 30 years ago that provided a decent product that you could purchase and use... is dead. Microsoft no longer exists.
The steaming pile of crap we have now is all that remains of a once good corporation.
They were never perfect by a long shot, but at least you could buy something and use it effectively.
That no longer exists.
There is nothing wrong with Exchange or Windows 10.
There is something wrong with Microsoft corporation.