back to article Boeing warns of more financial hits from strikes, costlier parts – and Starliner, of course

Boeing is warning of another hit to its bottom line, at least partly at the hands of the company's Calamity Capsule, the CST-100 Starliner. In preliminary fourth-quarter results, Boeing said it expects a pre-tax earnings charge of $1.7 billion in its Defense, Space and Security division. $800 million of that is going on the KC …

  1. Like a badger


    Looking like we're into a fifth (even sixth) year of net losses at Boeing?

  2. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

    "Boeing warns of more financial charges due to strikes, costlier parts, and Starliner"

    What about crashes, groundings and retracted orders?

  3. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

    Bolts cost money.

    Need to cut back on them.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Bolts cost money.

      But everytime you take something apart and put it back together you find some bolts have magically appeared - if you sold these Boeing could be profitable !

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The new Boeing Air Force One

    The company dedicated to cutting every corner made possible by unregulated capitalism building the plane designed to carry the president dedicated to deregulating further have the opportunity to materially improve the world in a very funny way.

    1. anothercynic Silver badge

      Re: The new Boeing Air Force One

      The airframes for the new presidential transport were completed ages ago... They were some of the last 747-8i frames built.

      So that's not going to be the problem... I suspect there'll be other things, like... ohhhh... the orange one's obsession with McDonalds?

      1. breakfast

        Re: The new Boeing Air Force One

        There's still time to fit it with that assistive piloting device they made that flies it straight into the ground, and I daresay they've used prittstick to glue at least a few of the doors on.

  5. Sub 20 Pilot

    How long before the orange faced twat decrees it illegal for any airline to fly to the US unless it is using a Boeing ? My apologies if this is an idea he has not had yet.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      It becomes rather difficult if the country at the other end of the trip does the same.

      Unless everyone has to meet in Iceland to change planes.

      They could have an aviation version of the Jones Act, which requires all ships travelling between US ports to be US built, owned and crewed.

      That was intended to protect the US commercial shipbuilding industry.

      As only a professional economist or small child could have told you - it resulted in a tiny inefficient US industry, massively expensive shipping costs to Hawaii and Puerto Rico and a shortage of specialist vessels like dredgers, heavy lift, rig support etc.

      1. Grey_Kiwi

        Or a ship working to dredge up SpaceX Super Heavy booster remains going into Brownsville to drop off its recovered bits & pieces, but only after a quick stop in a Mexican port to get round the "starting & ending in the USA" bit of the Jones Act

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          That seems rather unpatriotic of the new crypto President

    2. Bebu sa Ware

      illegal for any airline to fly to the US unless it is using a Boeing

      illegal for any airline to fly to the US unless it is using a Boeing

      I could a see an international airport in Baja California and a fast rail link into California being a little earner, and Canada into the East Coast.

      A considerable number of prospective passengers probably wish to avoid taking a ticket in the Boeing lottery.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  6. Gene Cash Silver badge

    "Outsourcing saves so much money!!!!!!!!"

    How's that workin' out for ya, Boeing?

  7. PhilipN Silver badge

    "new Boeing 747-based Air Force One"

    ^ Everything you need to know about Boeing today.

  8. herman Silver badge


    The Calamity Capsule reminds me of the verb: To Hubble. Meaning: An incredibly expensive blunder that could have been avoided with a trivial test.

    1. John Robson Silver badge

      Re: Hubble

      They did run the test... what they didn't realise was that the test rig was set up very slightly wrong (a lens was 1.3mm away from where it should have been). It was very precisely ground to ever so slightly the wrong shape.

      Fortunately the test hardware hadn't been touched in the years since the grind, so the mistake could be very accurately characterised, and therefore correctable...

  9. nautica Silver badge

    Boeing's Starliner, aka the Calamity Capsule

    Given the facts that it's designed and built by Boeing, isn't the name "Calamity Capsule" somewhat redundant (no matter if totally apropos)?

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