What sort of country prevents able-bodied and willing people from working ...
One full of ignorant, racist, greedy pensioners that understand nothing of the modern world and still think we are a superpower, top-table country able to do whatever we want.
A country full of people, whose parents fought for a better world, only to grab with both hands what they had achieved and refuse to let their children or future generations enjoy the same benefits they had. Many were brought up in the new modern council houses that were built after the war, by a generation that remembered what the Tories did to them after the *previous* war when, promised homes fit for heroes they didn't get them. But hey, one generation of greedy people, and yes, of course I'll vote for you coz you're giving me a cheap home to buy ...
A country full of people who think benefits for people who are struggling should not be paid and should get off their arses, yet are too stupid to see that the socialist pension payments they get are also benefits. They like to delude themselves that they've actually paid for these, and so must receive these payments and demand as a right their payment of £200 per week, despite the fact that they paid 2/6 per week to 'earn' these.
A country that thinks we can have European[1] levels of public service, but only pay US[2] type levels of tax.
A country that thinks our outdated political system that is turning so many people off (unless you are one of the millions of boomers) should be kept because we've had it for hundreds of years.
A country that seems not to understand the demographic crisis that we (and others also, to be fair) have, that means there will be no one available to wipe their arses, because they want them all deported. And if they do stay, the same ignorant or greedy old buggers are definitely unwilling to pay better wages to attract the good old British worker to perform these tasks. (Fuck off, my house is for my kids, don't you dare tax it.)
A country that is too up its own arse to see that we must get back towards Europe, but because of the ignorance, greed, hubris and stupidity can't. There are the remainers who have known this for ever but were sidelined. The Reform lot who just don't like the EU (but not one of them could tell you why, just we're British). And the Tory lot who can only say we did brexit wrong.
NOTHING WILL GET BETTER until a much larger number of these old people die off. And in the meantime, the country will continue to go down the pan.
That's why this country is shit. (IMHO :-)
[1] Spit.
[2] Hurray!