back to article Microsoft issues out-of-band fix for Windows Server 2022 NUMA glitch

Microsoft is releasing an out-of-band patch to deal with a problem that prevented some Windows Server 2022 machines from booting. KB5052819 is related to servers with two or more Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) nodes. Affected servers failed to start up. NUMA is a memory architecture commonly used in multiprocessing systems …

  1. Simon Harris

    The out-of-band NUMA patch

    Is the band O-Zone?

  2. Stu J


    ...they're just not testing this kind of shit any more, because it's expensive to have different types of hardware, and not trivial for your average automated tester to automate testing a full OS on physical tin.

    "Boots on a VM in Azure, regression test pack that covers <single digits percent of code paths> passes, it's fine, ship it"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Presumably...

      They haven't thoroughly tested any updates since 2016, and some would argue that they haven't done so since the late 1990's.

  3. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

    "test their backup and disaster recovery strategy"

    "it gave affected administrators the opportunity to test their backup and disaster recovery strategy"

    Oh, such a nice schönfärberische way of expression....

    1. David 132 Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: "test their backup and disaster recovery strategy"

      I'd describe it as "panglossian" myself, or even "pollyannaish".

      Bit like saying "yes I broke my arm falling into a vat of slurry but it gave me the most wonderful opportunity to witness the wonders of the modern US/UK [delete as applicable] healthcare system and also to try out lots of amazing scented soaps!"

      1. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

        Re: "test their backup and disaster recovery strategy"

        Non chemical metal composition -> Car crash

        Spontansous art -> Graffiti

        Satisfaction donor ->

        Tropical products supplier -> D. dealer

        Police action -> War

        Surprise particle delivery -> Exploding nuclear reactor

        New start aspirant -> Homeless

        Course adjustment support -> 787 Max


        Or take a huge amount music and literature, current and throughout ALL ages and ALL countries (including in the "we are the only freedom" country) and ALL languages, which seem to use normal language, but circumvent the actually existing censorship system. Something you notice if you are non-English, but as intensive English user for decades pop up more than expected in songs and literature I though I know...

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