back to article TSMC pauses production after strong earthquake hits Taiwan

Taiwan has experienced an earthquake significant enough that chipmaking champ TSMC has halted work at its plants. According to Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration Seismological Center, a 6.4-magnitude tremblor shook things up at seventeen minutes past midnight on January 21st (1617 UTC). A quake of that strength can cause …

  1. Petalium

    The alarm woke me up, still wondering what I'm supposed to do with a 10 second warning, well at least I get the full experience instead of just sleeping through it.

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Just to hazard a guess, but waking you up before the earthquake hits means your partially awake when the earthquake hits,which would then almost certainly wake you up fully when the earthquake actually hits. So if you then need to do something, you'll be able to react instantly.

      If the earthquake is what wakes you up, it could take you critical seconds to work out what is happening and then you can't react as quickly as needed.

      Then again it could just be useless. Or it could be aimed more at the people who are already awake like shift workers?

      Either way, I hope you and all yours are safe!

      1. munnoch Silver badge

        In my experience (12 years in Japan) you get quite well conditioned as to when to roll over and go back to sleep and when you need to be wide awake ready for action. If its a strong one you feel the up and down p-wave first before the side to side s-wave arrives some seconds later. Its the p-wave that triggers the emergency notification and stops the bullet trains.

        Was there for 3/11 which was very strong indeed even at distance and just kept getting stronger and stronger for what seemed like an age. I knew things were bad when my Japanese colleague ducked under his desk like he had been trained his whole life to do. Others of course had a far worse experience that day...

        Took some time before I stopped subconsciously reacting to buses or lorries shaking the building after I moved back to the UK.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    There are things I want to have jiggling at midnight and a fab line isn't one of them.

  3. Valeyard

    Geological incidents are a near-daily occurrence in Taiwan, as are geopolitical rumblings

    This doesn't strike me as ideal. The UK has boring seismic activity and boring-if-miserable-to-humans weather, surely our complete lack of any character apart from being a bit grey would make us a better choice

  4. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

    Groundbreaking events that will shake up the industry.

    Does this mean we're going into a phase of chip shortages again? One sometimes wonders if these shortages aren't sometimes engineered to strengthen the income statement. I recall the RAM shortage just when Windows 3.1 was becoming a thing.

  5. FuzzyTheBear

    Don't worry.

    Trump will stab Taiwan in the back and let China roll over it.

    He does the same to Canaada imposing 25% tariffs starting the 1st february.

    The USA is not a friendly country , it's become the enemy of the free world.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Don't worry, but be prepared to be terrified by that which pretends to protect and defend you

      The USA is not a friendly country , it's become the enemy of the free world. ..... FuzzyTheBear

      In these strange and surreal times of entangling spaces and remote, relatively anonymous, virtually autonomous ACTivity with all manner of Tricky Trojans and Renegade Rogue Heroes, both either able or enabled to employ and enjoy the exploitation of practically defenceless administrative SCADA systems with vulnerabilities being exercised by masterful webs of 0days to deliver and distribute otherworldy and excessive reward and plunder, who on Earth, and for what great and good purpose, would want to be an enemy rather than a friendly?

      Such is surely indicative of at least a degenerative mental illness with all of the horrors that be present in the certifiably insane and helplessly and hopelessly psychotic and psychopathic. ..... and gravely to be regarded and avoided at any cost.

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Don't worry.

      Unfortunately that's correct.

      Trump views alliances between countries like Google views an alliance with another tech company. It is only valid so long as you are getting something out of it, but if that alliance can be traded away to get something he wants they'll be stabbed in the back without a moment's thought. No countries should trust that the US would help them in a crisis, despite what current treaties may say. Trump wanted to ditch NATO last time, and may very well do so this time around, so there is nothing that can be trusted so long as he is in power.

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