back to article Neural interface lets paralyzed person steer virtual quadcopter, opening new doors for gaming

Scientists in the US have developed a neural interface that enables an individual with paralysis to control a virtual quadcopter by decoding brain activity into distinct finger movements. Research from a University of Michigan team demonstrates how brain-computer interfaces can restore control over multiple finger groups and …

  1. Blackjack Silver badge


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      You laugh, but it's not a bad idea. Not to mention, if the neural interface can pick up attempted finger movements, then it can enable a quadriplegic to type and control a mouse cursor. (Right now, that may be at much lower speed than an unparalyzed individual, but that may change!) Connect the interface to a computer, and they could do anything on it anyone else could. Connect it to a motorized wheelchair, and they can move around on their own. This may have a HUGE impact.

      1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        Not Just for Paralyzed People

        For decades I've been wanting something like this to use to intercept or interpret the output of a single nerve which I would learn to control, run the outout through an opto-isolator, then through a serial (RS-232C) and a USB interface, with the intent of entering data into various sorts of computers much-faster than I can type.

        I just don't want to have brain surgery to make it happen, and I certainly don't want a computer feeding data (or whatever) directly into my mind.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: I certainly don't want a computer feeding data (or whatever) directly into my mind.

          I also prefer to close my eyes when looking at computer monitors.


      2. Spherical Cow Silver badge

        Stephen Hawking demonstrated how much is already possible with very minimal manual input. It probably won't be long until that level of input can be read directly from the brain.

  2. Steve Foster


    Was that The Simpsons, or Futurama? (or something else entirely, I can't remember)

    1. milliemoo83

      Re: Mind-Quad!

      American Dad

  3. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

    The Ship Who Sang


  4. trevorde Silver badge

    Asking for a friend

    Does it work with Pr0nhub?

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