back to article SpaceX and Blue Origin both face FAA mishap probes

SpaceX is not the only company involved in a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mishap inquiry. Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin has also come under scrutiny after losing its New Glenn rocket's first stage. Blue Origin is leading the investigation, with the involvement of the FAA, which must also approve the final report, including …

  1. TheMaskedMan Silver badge

    "SpaceX boss Elon Musk called the incident "entertainment,""

    Unfortunately, he's right - I was certainly entertained. Of course, that's little consolation for the folks whose trip was disarranged, but it was still entertaining for the rest of us. Bad news always sells, that's human nature

    1. TVU

      It appears that one of the three main engines on the upper stage failed leading to the rocket going off course and tumbling around so initiating the Autonomous Flight Termination System. In any event, I wish both Blue Origin and SpaceX well with their future rocket launches.

      While I remember, the Times has reported that SaxaVord SpacePort's first UK launch will take place later on this year on the Shetland island of Unst.

      1. Oneman2Many Bronze badge

        I can understand if they had to use the FTS then FAA will want to investigate.

        To be fair they grounded F9 several times last year including when booster caught fire after landing and another when second stage deorbit burn was 1/2 sec too long and stage landed outside intended area. They weren't long hold ups but I suspect that was mainly due to the crazy successful cadence rate that F9 had.

        1. NoneSuch Silver badge

          Pun Intended.

          "Only one called exploding a rocket over the Caribbean 'entertainment'"

          Once they send up manned missions, it'll be converted to "Entertainment with Guest Stars."

        2. Oneman2Many Bronze badge

          Just re-read it and I realise that you meant starship had 2 engines out of 3 out.

          I had a quick look at IFT-6 and basically all 6 ship engines were lit until just before the 9 min mark. IFT-7, it started losing engines just before 8min with 1 vac and 2 sea level lost and by 8min 20 it was down to one vac engine just before they lost telemetry. I don't know how accurate the fuel guages are but it CH4 was dropping rapidly by then.

      2. John Robson Silver badge

        Alot more than one engine failed, and we don't yet (AFAIK) have confirmation of FTS

        1. Gene Cash Silver badge

          Yes, pretty much all the engines started failing, it starting consuming more fuel, and Musk has stated there was a fire in the engine compartment leading to an explosion.

          We have nothing saying the FTS triggered.

          OP... don't spew uninformed bullshit... we might confuse you with Trump.

      3. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

        In any event, I wish both Blue Origin and SpaceX well with their future rocket launches.

        And I, for one, welcome our new insect rocket overlords.

      4. MachDiamond Silver badge

        "It appears that one of the three main engines on the upper stage failed"

        Just before boom, it was 5/6 engines offline according to SpaceX's graphic.

    2. ScottishYorkshireMan


      "Bad news always sells, that's human nature", says everything about how shitty humans are then doesn't it?

      Thing is now though, Leon Skum (anagram for the hard of thinking!!), can just sack the people who are investigating him, or at least tell them his case isn't important.

      humans have proven that they are not capable of owning large amounts of money, seems to make them, shittier, if not just downright assholey.

      Upvote, downvote, don't give a shit, earth never had any problems until humans came along.

  2. Oneman2Many Bronze badge

    Watch Ellie in Space, interview with a real pilot indicating why there shouldn't have have been that much disruption. Appears to be an over reaction but of course safety first. I can't see FAA being the cause of delay for the next launch. Even though next ship is ready, SpaceX have some rework to do which I suspect will be longer than getting FAA approval.

    As for BO, likewise, more work left on next vehicle then FAA delay. Just wish BO would be a bit more transparent, I guess we are spoiled by SpaceX and even ULA with their updates. Don't know how far off target it was or even if it made it back down in one piece. I'm sure there is footage, even if its not from BO, NASA had one of their planes observing the landing area with IR camera.

    1. Anonymous Coward Silver badge
      Big Brother

      I expect the FAA probe will be very quick now that MuskTrump is in power.

    2. MachDiamond Silver badge

      "interview with a real pilot indicating why there shouldn't have have been that much disruption."

      With passenger aircraft, there's always an abundance of caution. Starship exploded sending debris all over the place. If it had gone off-course prior to that due to engines failing, that could mean that the safety zone was not sufficient and there just wasn't time and good enough communication to map the extent of the debris path(s) in real time. Run Away, Run Away! A cow might land on you.

      1. Oneman2Many Bronze badge

        We will see in the FAA report. If I was on one of the planes then I would prefer caution.

        There was plenty of reports talking about property damage but its been a few days now and you would have though there would be photos on social media by now.

  3. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Disaster Area

    Representatives of SpaceX met with the FAA and had them all shot.

    1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Re: Disaster Area

      So Boeing has lost another 10 employees ?

  4. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    To whom it may concern

    21st January 2025

    Washington DC

    To whom it may concern.

    Please extend whatever concessions the bearer of this letter (my very good friend Elon) requests.

    Otherwise, Donald will be very bigly annoyed.

    1. zuckzuckgo

      A Golden shower to commemorate a new President?

      From the videos of falling debris it looks like Elon gave us a golden shower which I have been led to understand are appreciated by the Donald.

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: A Golden shower to commemorate a new President?

        He certainly likes Golden things for sure

  5. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

    FAA probe?

    I thought it was JPL and NASA, with the probes.

  6. Sparkus

    Pieces of Starwhip

    in particular heat tiles, are appearing for sale on FB and ebay. legit or not?

    1. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: Pieces of Starwhip

      There's so many of them out there that you could be in with a chance. Plenty of youtubers that fawn over SpaceX have them.

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