back to article Datacus extractus: Harry Potter publisher breached without resorting to magic

Hogwarts doesn’t teach an incantation that could have saved Harry Potter publisher Scholastic from feeling the power of an online magician who made off with millions of customer records - except perhaps the wizardry of multifactor authentication. Scholastic, publisher of the US editions of the Harry Potter series and The …

  1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

    Fake Job Malware and Techie Failure

    Any techie worth their salt asked to clone some repo as part of a job interview or test will use a VM for this.

    So, why is this attack working?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Fake Job Malware and Techie Failure

      Because they're using a 7 year old version of virtuabox that allows for host-escape.

  2. TheMajectic

    Wild what's going on out there. I kinda feel bad for the admins that preach safe infosec, ask for budget increases to actually setup safe systems and never get heard until this happens.... Then it's too late

    1. Gene Cash Silver badge

      I hope they kept copies of of the email where they were told "no money - NFO"

      1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        Executive Rules

        #1. Don't let people document your decisions/commands, as those communications might be held against you in the future. Do everything face-to-face, privately (no witnesses!). Email is right out.

  3. Matthew "The Worst Writer on the Internet" Saroff

    Furry Hackers?

    That is the stuff of nightmares.

    1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

      Furry Hackers Diverted!

      No worries. Now that generative antagonistic networks ("fake A I.) are here, the furry hackers will quit hacking and turn to using GAN to generate the specific sort of pr0n which appeals to that subgroup.

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