'The 2024 election cycle was the "most challenging threat environment" '
And clearly we have failed.
America's lead cybersecurity agency on Friday made one final scream into the impending truth void about election security and the role CISA plays in maintaining it. The 2024 election cycle was the "most challenging threat environment" the United States has ever faced, said Cait Conley, who, as senior advisor to CISA Director …
No, the people voted in a democratic manner and results speak for themselves. The democratic party lost because it no longer represents the majority. It's that simple.
The majority of Americans don't want people like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, H. Clinton, M.Obama or AOC running their country.
Nonsense. The "majority" of Americans do not vote at all. A "majority" of those that voted MAY have voted for the Former Guy.
Oddly, all the claims of a "fraudulent election" have disappeared along with any questions about TFG's assertions of "the fix being in" at several campaign events.
No, the people voted in a democratic manner and results speak for themselves. The democratic party lost because it no longer represents the majority. It's that simple.
Actually, look at the voting numbers. The problem is record number of people NOT voting is what happened.
Sigh- lets do some simple maths
2020 had the highest turnout as a percentage, 2024 had the second highest it looks like.
n absolute numbers though - the engagement from the public is waning - because the public keeps getting bigger
2020 252,274,000 people eligible, 158,427,986 voted, which meant that 93, 846,014 people didn't vote.
2024* (estimated) 264,798,961 people eligible (so 12,542, 961 more) of which 156,302,318 voted, which meant 108, 496, 643 people didn't vote.
Subtracting the didn't vote numbers we get an increase of 14,650,629 people - which is more than the 12,542,961 the potential voters increased by. Hence less people engaged in this election.
Biden was always too past his prime and anyone pushing him should have done the math on his age before his first term.
Was he really all the democrats have to offer in the face of the brazen BS put out by the 'other side'.
And that too is a problem. Two parties who only sort of represent the people is only sort of a democracy.
There is an old rule: do not destroy anything until you already have something better to put in its place.
So if CISA are forbidden from patrolling foreign interference in a sovereign nation's internal affairs, who then is going to do so?
I'm amazed you remembered that long.
I remember how the CEO shooter was a dirty woke leftist until it became obvious shooting the guy was more popular. Then he was totally a hero to all your favorite shepherds.
I also remember how everyone was convinced ANTIFA was spraypainting some guy's RV with abuse until he got booked for filing a false police report because somehow the paintcans were in his house..
BTW, would you like to buy some $TRUMP? (Not to be confused with "Trump OFFICIAL Inauguration Coin", "Trump SAVE AMERICA Coin," or "Trump Saves Gaza Coin")
Ah yes, the guy who assassinated, for that is what it was, a CEO in the street for simply existing. Isn't the suspect from a very wealthy family? Has had a very expensive education and generally grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth. And the left, who HATE success, HATE rich people and especially HATE generational wealth, are deifying him. But then a large number of the vocal anti-capitalists are from wealthy families.
Anyone remember mouldy-locks? The ANTIFA larper who went to a protest all tooled up with bottles to bash the fash with but ended up getting punched in the face? I recall she was from a wealthy family too. I suppose if you don't need to work you've got plenty of time on your hands to make yourself a victim.
What about all the race hoaxes where it turns out the 'victim' was the one doing it? If you can't find the oppression as it never existed just make it up.
Well, I guess Noem's just dandy with the TikTok countdown as the PRC ByteDances its way through the USA's water, energy, election, and financial infrastructures, until all of it are belong to us! Fine by me. It's "cyber freedom" after all, much like her COVID "health freedom" policy ... Who needs cyber defenses when you have nothing worth it to hide or protect, and it doesn't even exist anyways, plus government is eeeevil?! </emesis>
Then again, might'nt this "far off mission" be just the ticket for such far out missionary?! Huuuh, maybe on another planet then ... and at some other time ... (ship'em off to Mars!)
I have a relative that, heaven help him, is a devout, rabid, democrat. I got onto him repeatedly during the campaign about not fact checking the memes and articles that he was posting as being "not truthful, not correct, and downright lies". Yep, that's the quote I would use. Told him many times that a 30 second Google search would have saved him a lot of embarrassment and loss of credibility. After posting links to show that the article or meme was "not truthful, not correct, or just a downright lie" he removed hid FB post, for a little while, then re-posted it, where I re-posted my response. He got thrown into FB jail several times. He has since de-friended me for some reason
There seems to be a lot of TDS on here!
I don't know if Trump is genuine, time will tell, but perhaps people should judge and criticise his policies and soon (I hope) is actions rather than just parrot captured media. Perhaps go and listen to proper interviews with the "demons" rather than out of context sound bites. He is not Hitler (neither is Putin) and that sort of ridiculous conflation opens the door to true extremism.
Remember how they were all sperging out when he first announced he was running for president. He wasn't even the nominee and the media were attacking him. Once he won the nomination they went absolutely batshit crazy! It was not that long ago that Trump was a darling of the media and Democrat party. He has dared to stray away from them and has entered politics without the correct connections.
All sooooo proud of their support for the FOCF.
Just not quite proud enough of their support to put their names on their support, in this the hour of their glorious Orange Jesus's triumph.
Because even when they've won, they act like losers?
Let's see what he does about those mass deportations his fans (even the Latino ones) sooo loved him talking about.
And of course the price of apples, and milk and bacon. Let's call them "Groceries" and the whole thing "The cost of groceries." Let's see how they work out over the next 4 years.
Because he will never invade Canada. That would put a state with 52 Representatives and 2 Senators in the Houses. How many do you think will be Republican?
Here's the thing. He has absolute majorities in both Houses now. IOW he has no excuses not to give you AC's exactly what (most of) you have been asking for over the last 4 years.
I do hope you enjoy getting exactly what you asked for.
> a state with 52 Representatives and 2 Senators
Canadian here. For the - minority of - American people who actually support such a move, the solution favored by about half is not to give us statehood but instead make us into a territory.
Needless to say, we have no interest in joining the Trump shitshow, and that includes our Conservatives.
What's FOCF?
Fat Old Convicted Felon.
Appropriate for a man who wants to steal a whole country from it's people and call it a "Territory."
I did call him just a Fat Old Crook, but (hat tip to Jake) I was reminded he is convicted as well.
"S**t talking man-child" would be an equally accurate description but you might think I was talking about Elon Musk.
"There is only one difference between dictatorship and democracy. In democracy, you vote and then take orders, in dictatorship you don't waste time voting." - Joseph Stalin
Has democracy become democrazy these days? It looks like Stalin made an accidentally accurate statement.
Top tip. Never trust a psychopath.
They will always claim whatever they are good at makes them strong. Like getting people to inform on each other, running a massive prison system etc.
Whereas anything they are poor at makes you weak. Like running free and fair elections. Like requiring due process before you lock someone up. Like allowing dissenting voices.
I'll always take an imperfect democracy over a dictatorship.
Democracies can (and do) evolve.
Dictatorships either die or are deposed, often by another dictatorship.
I hate to be pedantic but under NYC law ¬ a rapist.
In NYC rape is only P in V. Everything else is "Sexual assault."
That said he still sounds eligible for the SOR, but as it wasn't a criminal prosecution he doesn't end up on it.
That would've barred him from any employment around children* or the elderly
Obviously not a ban on running for POTUS, probably because the Founding Fathers thought such a person would have either hanged himself or been lynched (with or without a trial).
*McDonalds for example?
You know what's funny? How the Trumpies were howling the 2024 election was rigged, rigged, I tell you. By the Democrats' fearsome vote stealing machine!
All the way until... the results came in, and all that election rigging rhetoric vanished as quickly as dollars are liberated from your wallet at Whole Foods.
What foreign interference? There is no foreign interference as long as Trump wins!
No, I don't remember Dems saying the election was stolen. It's normal, esp in these times, to be vigilant about election shenanigans. But worrying about election integrity is not the same thing as stating it was stolen by your opponents.
Tell you what, why don't you refresh all of our memories by actual citations?
And, no, not just a convenient out-of-context sentence, cut out of from the middle of an otherwise reasonable bit of speech.
Not after 4 years of "Stop the Steal!"
About the only thing similar I remember was the 2000 election nailbiter Bush vs Gore. And, no I wasn't all that impressed with the Dems at the time - being that close, it was always going to be contentious with whoever lost. No matter who lost.
But the complaints from Dems in 2000 were to Trumpy complaints as a mild, discrete bit of ladylike flatulence is to a maelstrom of never ending hysterical diarrhea occasioned by the juxtaposition of way too much Budweiser with a munchies-driven 3AM spree at Taco Bell.
Both questionable behavior, but nowhere comparable.
(yeah, I know, arguably any Budweiser is too much)
Exactly like 2017
The I-asked-Mr-Putin-and-he-said-Russia-didn't-interfere-in-my-getting-elected-at-all line
And then Bill Barr's "Summation"* of the Muller report that also "showed" no involvement.
*Spoiler alert. Not an accurate summation.