back to article Germany unleashes AMD-powered Hunter supercomputer

Hundreds of AMD APUs fired up on Thursday as Germany's High-Performance Computing Center (HLRS) at the University of Stuttgart announced the completion of its latest supercomputer dubbed Hunter. The €15 million system, paid for by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Science, Research, and Art and Germany's Federal Ministry of …

  1. markrand


    Shouldn't that be Jäger

    1. HuBo Silver badge

      Re: Hunter?

      Yeah, might have been an optional extra due to the umlaut diacritic dilation (or traumatic French tréma diaeresis -- indulging excessively in sauerkraut and Jägermeister) ... the German version of the Stuttgart Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum website names the supermachine „Hunter“, with those bizarrely staircased double quotes, hinting to this machine's role as a "step" on the way to the higher performing Herder I think; which they might then refer to as „Herder„ if it is top of the line, or „Herder“ if another more powerful machine is to follow, or maybe even Hirtin as that doesn't involve funny letters and phonetic i-mutations whereby the linguistic landlady is howlin' about back vowels being fronted and all, much like John Lee Hooker's rent in his allegory to Bourbon, Scotch, and Beer -- imho (not a language expert!). But I digest ...

      Irrespective, a nice pair of machines for Stuttgart! (Höch=high, leistung=performance, rechen=computing, zentrum=center)

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