back to article China to probe US chip subsidies as export curbs rattle allies

The "chip wars" between the US and China show no sign of cooling off as Beijing prepares to examine whether America is unfairly subsidizing its own semiconductor companies. Meanwhile, Washington's latest export restrictions have angered even some of its allies. China's government is to probe whether US subsidies to chipmakers …

  1. VoiceOfTruth

    Welly welly well

    echo "some of its allies" | sed s'/allies/gullible idiot slaves/'

    "The latter point might be futile, of course, as the single market means that goods can flow freely from one EU country to another". That is until the USA rewrites the rules for the EU. EU rules mean nothing to the USA. Europe is occupied territory and will do what it is told to do. The occasional bone will be thrown to keep the slaves happy. But the truth is this: USA number 1, means everyone else doesn't even count.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Welly welly well

      Good little bot

  2. M.V. Lipvig Silver badge

    No problem!

    China, ban all imports from the US. The US will do the same. Let's see who blinks first.

    1. joed

      Re: No problem!

      well, most of US consumers will start blinking the moment we have to pay the price of artisan patriotic chips.

      otoh, I'm surprised that counties like China keep underwriting our debt. it's time for the White House to block sale of government bonds to our enemies.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: No problem!

        Without undue sarcasm - does the White House have anyone it doesn't consider enemies?

        While not doubting the patriotism of MAGA, I do question the financial ability of 80M voters to buy $40Tn of 'freedom' bonds

  3. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    And yet

    Compare the price of e.g. legacy logic (74 series and friends) parts from Chinese makers vs US makers. Guess which are cheaper, in spite of most of the US chips being made in Far East factories?

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: And yet

      We don't need legacy ICs - we have advanced cutting edge AI.

      You can ask ChatGT to pretend to be a 555

      1. markrand

        Re: And yet

        I remember when the NE555 was cutting edge!

  4. David Pearce


    I watched a Youtube video last nigh about the fall of the Japanese semiconductor industry, largely blamed on the US objecting to their government driven R&D as subsidised.

    1. Bugsy11

      Re: Japan

      Fall of Japan semis had less to do with the US and more to do with slave labour available in China

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