Cyber Security
Get a job in cyber you say?
Cool if you like being expected to run the firewalls (every variety), run pentesting manually, design networks, audit software, audit the developers, keep up with policy requiremements, any certifiation audit activities, keep up with legal and regulatory changes, incident managment (always Friday afternoon), HR investigations, reporting to board, report to team leads, ensure no down time, negotiatate patching, explain why the CEO really does need to do phishing training, explain why the CEO shouldn't use his personal Yahoo for critical data, explain why the CEO's kids shouldn't download games on his laptop, clean the pr0n off the CEO's laptop, write the phishing training, assess your suppliers, and do it all on a budget of $0, with no team, and you have to keep the certs HR demanded by doing CPE but you're not allowed to attend events that count (no travel budget, no time). And I guess you'd better be an expert in all forms of AI and ML now.
Still the money is usually not bad until you have your breakdown.