Re: Nah
I think missing here is the real point underlying this: the question of why the far right gets the specific treatment that it does.
And the answer is intent.
Marx did not envision the holodomor.
Hitler did, quite literally, envision and action, the holocaust.
Communism and socialism can be debated until the cows come home. However, there's a term that comes up when discussing fascism: "The cruelty is the point". Naziism is predicated on violently enforcing white "aryan" racial supremacy over Europe and the world in general, and all the horrors that that entails.
Communism is not. Communism does not have a Mein Kampf where the Diggers sat down and wrote about eliminating the Ukrainian peasantry.
To conflate the two is ignorant at best and dishonest at worst. It's meme-brained level understanding of history - the notion that they're at opposite points on the graph, so they must have similar "extremist" characteristics based upon that alone.
It also completely ignores the atrocities committed in the name of "centrist" western democracies and capitalism over the last few centuries, another horrifying set of tails that can be told. King Leopold still stands proud on his arches just down the road from the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection centre, not to mention the slave traders we keep on literal pedestals here in the UK. But let's not go there. :)