Price rise in Asia Pacific
> Micro$oft announces price increase, takes effect in a month
> Lotus's (FKA Tesco's) selling prepaid cards at a discount due to Shopee sale just weeks before the price hike takes effect
> /me smart, /me buy prepaid card from Lotus's before price hike takes effect even if subscription renewal is still some time away.
> /me applies prepaid card after price hike and subscription is due for renewal, getting one more year at the old price thanks to hoarding a card.
> /me laughs in Micro$oft's face
Be smart like /me.
But yeah, most likely /me be leaving Micro$oft's 365 ecosystem after next year unless I can continue getting these prepaid cards on the cheap. As much I like Onenote (Evernote just freaking increased it's price by a mad 600% this year. I was subscribed at RM50 a year, they suddenly wanted to jack the price up to RM310. I cancelled my Evernote sub and migrated to my seldom used Onenote account due to the fact) and OneDrive (Google Drive has been cutting down my storage significantly for several years now, and dropbox started putting unreasonable restrictions on how many devices can use an account). But eh, Microsoft is now demanding RM400 which is unreasonable, I refuse to pay more than RM200.