back to article Apple shrugs off BBC complaint with promise to 'further clarify' AI content

Apple plans to update an AI feature that produced an alarmingly incorrect summary of a BBC news story. The feature generated a headline summary which falsely claimed that Luigi Mangione, a man arrested over the murder of healthcare insurance CEO Brian Thomson, had shot himself. The summary was attributed to BBC News and …

  1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "You're reading it wrong."

    1. Mentat74

      Nice try... but I already did that one a few weeks ago...

    2. train_wreck

      “Courage” (-ously libelous)

  2. original_rwg


    This is not just bollocks - this is Apple Intelligence bollocks....

  3. ComputerSays_noAbsolutelyNo Silver badge


    1 $Company introduces AI feature

    2 AI feature turns Nazi, spews BS, fails otherwise

    3 goto 1

  4. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    a variety of emojis

    Just one --> U+1F4A9

  5. mark l 2 Silver badge

    I am sure they will do something about it, when it produces a libelous headline and they end up getting sued over it. Or when Apple 'intelligence' creates a headline that is negative about Apple themselves.

    Until then they need a AI tool cos its the flavour of the month and Apple users can't be seen as missing out on the hype.

    1. Stevie


      Ah, but then they will duck behind the "aggregator" defense.

      1. IGotOut Silver badge

        Re: Bah!

        Problem with that is they are not an aggregater, but a content creator.

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Bah!

        They'd need to be able to point out how the headline faithfully summarises what was being aggregated. I don't think a selecting words from the source material and disregarding the result of parsing as English the selection as presented is going to be good enough.

    2. doublelayer Silver badge

      My money's only on the latter. Apple won't face any serious libel suits over this because they can inundate anyone in counteractions until they go away. It will take something they hate seeing, trumpeted by actual media, for them to try to stop.

      1. Gordon 10 Silver badge

        Not so sure of that. If the BBC took them on in a UK court I think Apple would lose. The Beeb should issue a cease and desist quoting reputational damages.

        1. doublelayer Silver badge

          They might win, but I doubt they would win damages large enough to make Apple stop and think. If they did get the first court to impose such things, that's when Apple's lawyers would get into action, making sure that, at the end of this, Apple would pay a much smaller amount some time in 2034. If their lawyers ever get lucky, then Apple pays nothing and it all goes away. It's not that they have enough lawyers that they never lose, but rather that they have enough lawyers that they never lose big and they have enough money that they can lose small over and over and not notice.

    3. low_resolution_foxxes

      If I was being cynical, is it not just BBC journalists acting all outraged at a technology that can replace them with an AI?

      You know, "the AI took ooor joooobs!"

      Frankly I find AI at least manages to write neutral articles that are mostly correct. Frankly I do not trust any journalist to write unbiased articles in these times.

      1. Andrew Richards

        Cynicism doesn't apply here!

        No, it's - obviously - not. Yes, AI is a threat to many things to some extent but when the AI is very obviously making stuff up with summaries that are associated with the BBC and not Apple then the damage from inaccuracy for some people is going to stick to the BBC. It's nothing to do with bias, it's an automated system being wrong.

        What about a summary of your post being "Reg reader demands puppies be drowned at birth"?

    4. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      "Or when Apple 'intelligence' creates a headline that is negative about Apple themselves."

      "Apple lays off 1000's, shuts down all AI research development claiming it's all bullshit, moves into toilet paper manufacturing industry."

      Apple News, Jan 9, 2024

      Possibly produce by an AI. Maybe. And it's definitely, probably, possibly, maybe true unless Apple fact checks it because this AI poster, like Apple, doesn't do fact checking so is safe from any possible legal action other than responding to a take down request if it comes with a provable rebuttal.

      (Disclaimer produced by my legal assistance AI)

  6. train_wreck

    "A software update in the coming weeks will further clarify when the text being displayed is summarization provided by Apple Intelligence. We encourage users to report a concern if they view an unexpected notification summary."

    Strange language there, “unexpected”? Almost like they didn’t want write “inaccurate”.

  7. SimonL

    What's AI for???

    Surely, if this is the case about fact checking, then AI (used in this way) is utterly pointless?

    1. Gordon 10 Silver badge

      Re: What's AI for???

      Um... its possible to make the AI work in these scenario's. The fact that Apple hasnt made it work is hugely embarrising. This is 101 stuff -the only complexity is scale - which is non-trivial but should be solvable with Apples resources. Unfortunately though the engineering under the skin is looking really well thought out - the Product management and testing is looking appalling.

  8. breakfast

    Legal liability for the output of corporate AI would help here

    If you want to vomit LLM output into the faces of the unwilling public you should absolutely be legally liable for any statements it makes and anyone who is subject to AI slander should be able to sue the ass off the company responsible. They will keep pulling this nonsense until it becomes financially untenable.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Legal liability for the output of corporate AI would help here

      It would be libel rather than slander, unless the AI has started speaking to you.

      1. Gordon 10 Silver badge

        Re: Legal liability for the output of corporate AI would help here

        It can do that too via Siri - so its Libel AND Slander! Win-win!

  9. VoiceOfTruth

    The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

    Like the rest of the establishment, it promotes itself as being holier than thou. It peers down its nose at the great unwashed, smug in its attitude that it is better than everyone else.

    The BBC makes plenty of errors. Here is its own list, which is by no means complete:

    1. train_wreck

      Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

      Something something two wrongs…..

    2. Paul 195

      Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

      So you are complaining about the BBC's inaccuracy by linking to the page where they list the errors they are aware of and correct them? Wouldn't it actually be quite nice if all news publishers provided this kind of aggregated detail about incorrect information, rather than reluctantly printing apologies in small print on page 9 in the hope no-one will notice?

      1. VoiceOfTruth

        Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

        Evidently you have missed the point, so let me state it in small words so you more easily understand. The BBC has long made, and continues to make, mistakes. Yet when somebody, or rather some thing, makes a mistake, the BBC acts as though its farts smell like freshly-cut daffodils when it points its finger elsewhere.

        As for 'reluctantly printing apologies', try reading the BBC's words. Their so-called apologies and corrections are so mealy-mouthed they would feed a herd of horses.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. IGotOut Silver badge

            Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

            Why AC?

            Because you are one in the same person?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

              I agree with IGotOut.

              That person is a genius and should rule the world.

        2. Gordon 10 Silver badge

          Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

          @VoT - Let us cut to the chase and say it in words you may or may not understand. You are a cock womble.

    3. LionelB Silver badge

      Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

      Just out of interest: what do you consider (if any) to be more reliable/principled non-"establishment" alternatives to the BBC?

    4. Andrew Richards

      Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

      Have you never seen coverage of the BBC about its own mistakes? I'd argue it's sometimes tediously self-flagellating. It's much more honest about its mistakes than other news sources by some distance.

  10. Mage Silver badge

    While AI summaries can be useful


    A qualified human needs to 100% read source and 100% read summary and then correct.

    Can anyone prove they are any use for anything other than advertising copy were the seller doesn't care if it's a lie?

  11. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Quality control

    It's difficult to tell the difference between Apple and MS these days. Both pushing bugged OSes, both take other people's data and transform it into AI slop nonsense, neither care about the end user.

    1. LionelB Silver badge

      Re: Quality control

      I'm not sure whether that "bugged" is a typo for "buggy" (both work).

  12. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

    AI Bullshit Generator

    A software update in the coming weeks will further clarify when the text being displayed is summarization provided by Apple Intelligence."

    Not sure that's going to help.

    'Elon Musk assassinated in drive-by shooting. Killed by two shots from aggrieved Tesla owner. Melania Trump announces divorce. Nigel Farage names Tommy Robinson as next leader of Reform UK. Kemi Badencih admits she voted for BNP, supports AfD - This news summary is auto-generated by AI Intelligence'

    It's still iBullshit, lies, misinformation.

    1. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: AI Bullshit Generator

      Damm. I was hoping a least one or two of those were true.

  13. Groo The Wanderer - A Canuck

    It's an American company. Under their legal system, all you have to do is slap on a warning and say "Buyer Beware/User Is Responsible" and you're off the hook for all the bullshit, lies, and slander the world can come up with. Just ask any of the "free speech" nutbars over there.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      It's a multinational, exposed to a lot of different jurisdictions.

      1. that one in the corner Silver badge

        But US law Trump's everything else!

        1. UnknownUnknown

          … and Trump with his immunity for Prez official acts doesn’t need to worry much about that much now either.

          Thanks NeoCon stuffed SCOTUS

  14. RM Myers

    Is this Apple Intelligence (AI), or should it be renamed

    Apple Lack of Intelligence (ALOI)? Enquiring minds, etc.

    1. Groo The Wanderer - A Canuck

      Re: Is this Apple Intelligence (AI), or should it be renamed

      Call it what it is "Absolute Idiocy."

  15. Aaa Bee

    Apple = Artificial?

    "... a summary provided by Apple Intelligence"

    It might be surmised that Apple Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence (") are synonymous.

    (*) In the current bandwagon use of the term.

  16. Just A Quick Comment

    It must not be forgotten..

    ...that Apple is a tech industry, only interested in selling you stuff. In this respect it is more like Facebook or X.

    It is NOT a worldwide-respected news organisation like the BBC or CNN who are more interested in truth than making the next dollar...

    1. Handy Plough

      Re: It must not be forgotten..

      HA HA HA HA! BBC and CNN interested in "the Truth"? Bollocks. Utter, complete bollocks.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    AI features

    TBH they are so shit that they are doing a good job of convincing users that AI is effectively worthless.

    Maybe it's just a ploy to remove our fear of AI before we're all replaced by semi-functional AI agents that can do 25% of our job for 50% of the cost.

    Ensuring profits can still be increased despite all customers being near destitute because we've all been replaced by semi-functional AI agents.

  18. teebie

    "While putting control over receiving the summaries into the hands of users is helpful, it would be better for Apple to make this an opt in feature until the issues have been ironed out."

    The summaries are so egregiously wrong it would be better for Apple to completely disable the feature until it can guarantee a reasonable level of accuracy.

    I suspect the time that they can make that guarantee is 'never'.

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