MOST of the drones seem to be LARGE four-propeller or Hexapod drones which indicates standard military or commercial testing activity especially since some of them are sporting the standard FAA-required red and white flashing lights and some drones had BLUE lights indicating federal-level policing-related activities (i.e. FBI or DHS).
There were OTHER drones that were seen in online imagery that were shaped in such a way that it was obvious that they are COANDA EFFECT drones or had internally-mounted multi-directional jetted-port drones which DEFINITELY indicates military testing related systems.
OTHER drones were basically silent and had the typical bulges and extended poled indicating an RF radio control system and a WESCAM-like RGB and FLIR camera pod! The silent nature of SOME of the drones means the major Defense Contractors (LMCO, Northrup, Boeing, BAE) have FINALLY PERFECTED Electrostatics-based propulsion which have UFO-like manuevering abilities. Electrostatics propulsion doesn't need wings and was FIRST researched in the 1950's by North American Aviation Company which is now part of Northrup Grumman!
You just need a high-voltage/high-amperage electrical power supply such as a Megawatt-class fuel cell or Supercapacitor-based EV battery system to drive the cavity resonators and waveguide system needed to create a large EM field from the outer hull which is multi-layered with Aluminum, Titanium, Magnesium, Bismuth, Palladium and a few other exotic metals to form a large continuous Terahertz EM waveguide/emitter system.
The dark black flying triangles in the 1980's that everyone THINKS were UFOs were originally tested in upstate New York, Vermont and Utah, Nevada, Arizona and those were GWASER-based and Electrostatic Field Effects propulsion-based MANNED aerospace craft that the DOD was testing back in the mid-80's and nobody batted an eye back then! Those flight were totally done in secret and not even the FAA or local Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine-based flight control was notified of their test flights so everyone thought they were UFOs way back in the day (i.e. now 40 years ago!)
These New Jersey drones are DIFFERENT in that they have proper FAA-mandated Red and White flashing navigation lighting which means the government KNOWS ABOUT and APPROVED their flight plans! Plus, I should note that the designs are from KNOWN styles of quad-copter and hexapod drone aircraft but merely UPSCALED in size! This whole drone thing in New Jersey is all overblown as you can SEE they are normal drones but merely upsized! I highly doubt Iran, China, North Korea or Russia is going to put FAA red and blue navigation lights on their drones! They would operate them at a lower flight level and in secret over more militarily-sensitive locations and not over New Jersey streets! Anyways, I am guessing based upon the public flight path tracking systems I am monitoring, I would say 50% are coming from near the Westchester Airport area and Hudson Valley area which is 20 to 30 km north of New York City!
I just happen to know that there are USAF and US ARMY (Camp Smith Training Site) drone flight squadrons deployed there plus I am quite sure the Air National Guard 109th Airlift Wing is testing some of the larger cargo drones in that area and are PROBABLY doing autonomous night cargo delivery systems testing for the car-sized and school-bus sized drones! This media brouha is so overblown!