back to article London's Met Police seeks business services, ERP refresh in £370M deal

The UK's largest police force is scoping the market for business outsourcing, an ERP upgrade and support in a tender that could be worth £1 billion ($1.27 billion) if other organizations join. The Metropolitan Police Service is leading a procurement for the outsourcing of elements of HR, finance and commercial services, " …

  1. PCScreenOnly


    1. Speak to Birmingham City Council

    2. Do NOT do ANTHING that Brimingham City Council did

    1. m4r35n357 Silver badge

      Re: Advice

      3. "Audit " Oracle ;)

    2. b0llchit Silver badge

      Re: Advice

      2. Do NOT do ANTHING that Brimingham City Council did

      So, instead of promoting and rewarding the incompetent you want them all to be fired and held responsible for their actions.

      Yeah, that's gonna happen...

  2. s. pam

    route add 0

    When the likes of Fuckjitsu and Crapita get their greedy little paws on them they'll never be rid of them! Excellent opportunity for vendor lock-in and lifetime work if you can grab it.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Also In The News....

    Yup.....£800,000 awarded to journalists.

    The Met complicit in illegal snooping on 300 journalists and 500 lawyers......yes....really!!

    They need MUCH more than an ERP system. Oversight maybe??

  4. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    finance and commercial services

    Can't criminals and Sun journalists (but I repeat myself) just pay in brown envelopes anymore ?

  5. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. uv

      Re: An Oracle Deployment...

      Well, Larry is going to buy another island anyway...

  6. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    " requires 55 separate interfaces, including interfaces with other legacy systems. "

    This, right here guarantees this will be a clusterf**k on steroids.

    Not to state the obvious but isn't the idea of an ERP system to eliminate most other systems?

    Although I think we can all agree that given some of the rapists, misogynists, racists and flat-out convicted criminals the force has already had in its ranks that their HR systems need some attention.

  7. ScottishYorkshireMan

    I wonder...

    which politician is getting the coffers of their offshore increased by this deal.

    At least this time, the owner of the coffers is likely to be a red tory.

    Go on, mark me down, don't give a fuck. Humans are buggered anyhow, just a matter of time before the greed finally closes the door on the species.

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