back to article Take a closer look at Nvidia's buy of, European Commission told

A left-of-center think tank along with other non-profits are urging the European Commission to "fully investigate" Nvidia's purchase of workload management startup Run:ai amid worries its will help to tighten the GPU titan's grip on the AI industry. The price of the takeover, first revealed in April, has yet to be confirmed, …

  1. IanRS

    Opposites repel

    What is it about the phrase "We are a coalition of civil society organisations" that makes me think "I want the opposite" before I even know what they want?

  2. rgjnk Bronze badge

    Nvidia dominance

    It's not just this where you're looking at Nvidia lock-in, almost anything GPU seems to be Nvidia or nothing.

    Just look at the huge range of options you don't have when it comes to GPU support under any sort of virtualisation, and the toe dragging around that.

    And as their major corporate/datacentre sales grow exponentially they give ever smaller amounts of consideration to everything else because it's financially insignificant. And get ever greedier with what they do deign to provide.

    Obviously the current situation is unsustainable and they'll get burned hard when the current AI bubble inevitably deflates, but I'm not sure that either fixes anything or gets any of the so-called competition to actually compete.

    I'd cheerfully buy from someone else but there isn't anyone else. It's an actual monopoly on what people might have thought were maybe generic commodity parts but where there's actually only one game in town.

  3. IGotOut Silver badge

    So Nvidia are under the microscope..

    ...already for potential monopoly practices. So they go "Let's create another""

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