Spectrum pollution
Should I buy my tin foil hat already ?
America's telecoms regulator has opened up the entire 6 GHz frequency band to very low-power devices, alongside other unlicensed applications such as Wi-Fi kit. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said it has adopted extra rules to allow very low-power device operation across the entire 1,200 MHz of the 6 GHz band, …
You’ve clearly never heard of supply chain attacks. You have to make your own tin foil hat. If you can smelt your own tin as well, much the better. Shop bought tin foil contains 5g and 6g signal boosters. That’s classified information that only the CIA and my Facebook group know.
This FCC frequency allocation is all a MOOT POINT since NCA just introduced yesterday (December 12, 2024) the 16-state (4 bits) per cell 8192 by 8192 trapped Xenon gas micro-well array used as part of a Quantum Entanglement-based high-bandwidth wireless communications system with 33,554,432 bytes of bandwidth per full-duplex input/output cycle. At 1,073,741,824 cycles per second (1.07 GHz sample rate) for setting and reading the entire 4 bit state of each element in the array, the total bandwidth is up to 36,028,797,018,963,968 bytes per second (36 Petabytes per second) which is way beyond the bandwidth of classical computing architectures so we sub-divided the array into 8192 Separate Channels of up to 4,398,046,511,104 Bytes (4.3 Terabytes per second) bandwidth per channel.
That sub-divided bandwidth per channel allows for up to 16 live streams of uncompressed 1.89:1 Cinema Production Aspect Ratio video imagery at 240 fps at DCI-16K resolution per frame (16,384 by 8640 pixels at 64-bit RGBA colour) and uncompressed 192 KHz at 32 bits per audio sample 9.2.2 channel surround-sound audio plus 1024 text-based metadata and vector-graphic overlay tracks PER CHANNEL! And all that bandwidth is available and assigned FOR EACH installed Quantum Array panel!
Since we can put up to One Billion Quantum Array panels per square km, it means we can put TENS OF BILLIONS of direct full-duplex read/write Audio/Video/Metadata communications channels available within any worldwide geographic area! No more ISP providers, Telcos and Cell companies! Each device can have their own direct-peer-to-peer connection with another device meaning there is NO in-between middle-man server to intercept your communications! That also means NO MORE CELL PHONE BILLS and we also made Starlink completely obsolete with our technology.
All Yours!